Use of easypoi - import verification

Keywords: Java C# regex poi

easypoi import verification

1, Basic verification of import

Now the product needs to verify the imported Excel. Illegal Excel is not allowed to be warehoused. You need to return specific error information to the front end and prompt the user. The error information needs to include line number and corresponding error.

Because EasyPOI supports Hibernate Validator, you can use it directly. Because you want to return error information and error line number, you need to use the advanced usage of EasyPOI to implement the interface between IExcelDataModel and IExcelModel. IExcelDataModel is responsible for setting line number and IExcelModel is responsible for setting error information

If the @ Pattern annotation is used, the field type must be String, otherwise an exception will be thrown

In this article, the original Integer type gender is changed to String type genderStr, and the record field is also changed to String type recordStr, etc

Similarly, if you verify the Date type field, first change the type to String, and refer to the following for the regular expression. That is, the original Integer type

Note that if the replace attribute is set in the @ Excel annotation, Hibernate Validator verifies the replaced value

Entity class when exporting

public class TalentUserInputEntity{

    @Excel(name = "full name*")
    private String name;

    @Excel(name = "Gender*")
    private Integer gender;

    @Excel(name = "cell-phone number*")
    private String phone;

    @Excel(name = "Start working time*")
    private Date workTime;

    @Excel(name = "nation*")
    private String national;

    @Excel(name = "language proficiency*")
    private String languageProficiency;

    @Excel(name = "date of birth*")
    private Date birth;

    @Excel(name = "position*")
    private String jobsName;

    @Excel(name = "Position type*")
    private String categoryName;

    @Excel(name = "salary*")
    private Integer salary;

    @Excel(name = "Duty station*")
    private String workArea;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "work experience*")
    private List<ExperienceInputEntity> experienceList;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "Educational experience*")
    private List<EducationInputEntity> educationList;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "Awards")
    private List<AwardsInputEntity> awardList;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "Skill certificate")
    private List<PunishmentInputEntity> punishmentList;

    @Excel(name = "Specialty")
    private String specialty;

Entity class at import time

public class TalentUserInputEntity implements IExcelDataModel, IExcelModel {
    // Regular time format verification
    public static final String DATE_REGEXP = "(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)( )(Dec|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov)( )\\d{2}( )(00:00:00)( )(CST)( )\\d{4}";

     * Line number
    private int rowNum;

     * Error message
    private String errorMsg;

    @Excel(name = "full name*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[full name]Cannot be empty")
    private String name;

    @Excel(name = "Gender*", replace = {"male_0", "female_1"})
    @Pattern(regexp = "[01]", message = "Gender error")
    private String genderStr;

    @Excel(name = "cell-phone number*")
    private String phone;

    @Excel(name = "Start working time*")
    @Pattern(regexp = DATE_REGEXP, message = "[Start working time]Time format error")
    private String workTimeStr;

    @Excel(name = "nation*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[nation]Cannot be empty")
    private String national;

    @Excel(name = "language proficiency*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[language proficiency]Cannot be empty")
    private String languageProficiency;

    @Excel(name = "date of birth*")
    @Pattern(regexp = DATE_REGEXP, message = "[date of birth]Time format error")
    private String birthStr;

    @Excel(name = "position*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[position]Cannot be empty")
    private String jobsName;

    @Excel(name = "Position type*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[Position type]Cannot be empty")
    private String categoryName;

    @Excel(name = "salary*", replace = {"3K following_1", "3K-5K_2", "5K-10K_3", "10K-20K_4", "20K-50K_5", "50K above_6"})
    @Pattern(regexp = "[123456]", message = "Salary information error")
    private String salaryStr;

    @Excel(name = "Duty station*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[Duty station]Cannot be empty")
    private String workArea;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "work experience*")
    private List<ExperienceInputEntity> experienceList;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "Educational experience*")
    private List<EducationInputEntity> educationList;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "Awards")
    private List<AwardsInputEntity> awardList;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "Skill certificate")
    private List<PunishmentInputEntity> punishmentList;

    @Excel(name = "Specialty")
    private String specialty;
    public String getErrorMsg() {
        return errorMsg;

    public void setErrorMsg(String errorMsg) {
        this.errorMsg = errorMsg;

    public Integer getRowNum() {
        return rowNum;

    public void setRowNum(Integer rowNum) {
        this.rowNum = rowNum;
    // work experience
public class ExperienceInputEntity {
    @Excel(name = "corporate name*")
    private String companyName;

    @Excel(name = "Industry*")
    private String industry;

    @Excel(name = "start time*")
    @Pattern(regexp = DATE_REGEXP, message = "[work experience][start time]Time format error")
    private String beginTimeStr;

    @Excel(name = "End time*")
    @Pattern(regexp = DATE_REGEXP, message = "[work experience][End time]Time format error")
    private String finishTimeStr;

    @Excel(name = "Job title*")
    private String jobTitle;

    @Excel(name = "Department*")
    private String department;

    @Excel(name = "job content*")
    private String description;

// Educational experience
public class EducationInputEntity {

    @Excel(name = "school*")
    private String schoolName;

    @Excel(name = "education*", replace = {"Junior high school and below_1", "secondary specialized school_2", "high school_3", "junior college_4", "undergraduate_5", "master_6", "doctor_7"})
    @Pattern(regexp = "[1234567]", message = "Education information error")
    private String recordStr;

    @Excel(name = "Start year*")
    @Pattern(regexp = DATE_REGEXP, message = "[Educational experience][Start year]Time format error")
    private String beginTimeStr;

    @Excel(name = "Graduation Year *")
    @Pattern(regexp = DATE_REGEXP, message = "[Educational experience][Graduation Year ]Time format error")
    private String finishTimeStr;

    @Excel(name = "major*")
    private String profession;

2, Duplicate value verification of import value custom verification

The above verifications are only some basic verifications, such as repeated row verification in Excel, repeated data verification with database in Excel, etc. This verification cannot be completed through Hibernate Validator, and only code can be written to implement the verification logic.

Start with simple Excel data and database value double check. In order to facilitate the demonstration, we will not introduce the database. We will directly Mock some data to judge whether it is repeated.

public class MockTalentDataService {
    private static List<TalentUser> talentUsers = new ArrayList<>();
    static {
        TalentUser u1 = new TalentUser(1L, "ride on the wind", "18311342567");
        TalentUser u2 = new TalentUser(2L, "Zhang San", "18512343567");
        TalentUser u3 = new TalentUser(3L, "Li Si", "18902343267");

     * Check whether it is repeated
    public boolean checkForDuplicates(String name, String phone) {
        // If the number of names is equal to the number of mobile phone numbers, but not equal to 0, it is a duplicate
        return -> e.getName().equals(name) && e.getPhone().equals(phone));

The data with ID 1 in Mock data is duplicate with the data in example Excel2.
EasyPOI provides a verification interface, which requires us to write a class for verification. In this class, each row of data during import can be verified. The framework judges whether the verification passes through through the ExcelVerifyHandlerResult object. If the verification fails, ErrorMsg needs to be passed.

public class TalentImportVerifyHandler implements IExcelVerifyHandler<TalentUserInputEntity> {

    private MockTalentDataService mockTalentDataService;

    public ExcelVerifyHandlerResult verifyHandler(TalentUserInputEntity inputEntity) {
        StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(",");
        // Judge whether the data is repeated according to the name and mobile phone number
        String name = inputEntity.getName();
        String phone = inputEntity.getPhone();
        // mock database
        boolean duplicates = mockTalentDataService.checkForDuplicates(name, phone);
        if (duplicates) {
            joiner.add("Duplicate data with database data");
        if (joiner.length() != 0) {
            return new ExcelVerifyHandlerResult(false, joiner.toString());
        return new ExcelVerifyHandlerResult(true);

Modify the verification code and set the verification class object.

private TalentImportVerifyHandler talentImportVerifyHandler;

public Boolean upload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile multipartFile) throws Exception {
  ImportParams params = new ImportParams();
  // The header is set to 2 rows
  // The title line is set to 0. The default is 0. It can not be set
  // Enable Excel verification
  ExcelImportResult<TalentUserInputEntity> result = ExcelImportUtil.importExcelMore(multipartFile.getInputStream(),
                                                                                    TalentUserInputEntity.class, params);
  System.out.println("Check failed: " + result.isVerfiyFail());
  System.out.println("Collection with failed validation:" + JSONObject.toJSONString(result.getFailList()));
  System.out.println("Set passed verification:" + JSONObject.toJSONString(result.getList()));
  for (TalentUserInputEntity entity : result.getFailList()) {
    int line = entity.getRowNum() + 1;
    String msg = "The first" + line + "The error in line is:" + entity.getErrorMsg();
  return true;

Upload the sample Excel2 file and output the test results:

The data in the seventh row is exactly the same as the data in Mock.

3, Collection object verification of custom verification of import value

Another problem to be solved above is that Hibernate Validator annotation verification is added to the objects in the Collection, but it does not take effect. Let's solve it now. In the previous step, the verification class of the imported object is implemented. The verification class will verify every piece of data in Excel. Can I directly verify the objects in the Collection in the verification class? Practice has proved that it doesn't work, because the verifyHandler method of this verification class will only be called once, so there is only one record in the Collection. Since it doesn't work here, you can only verify the import results.

Because the data in the Collection cannot be verified by EasyPOI, the problematic data may also be put into result.getList() instead of result.getFailList(). In order to verify, the two collections need to be combined into one Collection, and the object in the Collection needs to be verified by using the tool class PoiValidationUtil provided by EasyPOI.

private TalentImportVerifyHandler talentImportVerifyHandler;

public Boolean upload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile multipartFile) throws Exception {
  ImportParams params = new ImportParams();
  // The header is set to 2 rows
  // The title line is set to 0. The default is 0. It can not be set
  // Enable Excel verification
  ExcelImportResult<TalentUserInputEntity> result = ExcelImportUtil.importExcelMore(multipartFile.getInputStream(),
                                                                                    TalentUserInputEntity.class, params);
  System.out.println("Check failed: " + result.isVerfiyFail());
  System.out.println("Collection with failed validation:" + JSONObject.toJSONString(result.getFailList()));
  System.out.println("Set passed verification:" + JSONObject.toJSONString(result.getList()));

  // Merge result set
  List<TalentUserInputEntity> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
  for (TalentUserInputEntity inputEntity : resultList) {
    StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(",");
    // Verifying elements of a Collection
    inputEntity.getExperienceList().forEach(e -> verify(joiner, e));
    inputEntity.getEducationList().forEach(e -> verify(joiner, e));
    inputEntity.getAwardList().forEach(e -> verify(joiner, e));
    inputEntity.getPunishmentList().forEach(e -> verify(joiner, e));

  for (TalentUserInputEntity entity : result.getFailList()) {
    int line = entity.getRowNum() + 1;
    String msg = "The first" + line + "The error in line is:" + entity.getErrorMsg();
  return true;

private void verify(StringJoiner joiner, Object object) {
  String validationMsg = PoiValidationUtil.validation(object, null);
  if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(validationMsg)) {

Upload the sample Excel2, and the results are as follows:

4, Excel duplicate line verification for custom verification of imported values

In the above, the data in Excel and database data are double checked. Some requirements require that the database needs to check the duplicate rows of Excel before warehousing. This needs to be done in the verification class, but there are not all rows of data in the verification class. How to implement it? The blogger's approach is to put the imported data into ThreadLocal for temporary storage, so as to verify the duplicate rows of Excel in the verification class. After using ThreadLocal, be sure to clean it in time!

First, define what is a duplicate line. Two identical lines are duplicate lines. In this paper, set the duplicate lines with the same behavior as name and phone. Since we only need to compare these two fields, we need to rewrite the equals and hashCode methods of the imported object.

public class TalentUserInputEntity implements IExcelDataModel, IExcelModel {
    // Regular time format verification
    public static final String DATE_REGEXP = "(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)( )(Dec|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov)( )\\d{2}( )(00:00:00)( )(CST)( )\\d{4}";

     * Line number
    private int rowNum;

     * Error message
    private String errorMsg;

    @Excel(name = "full name*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[full name]Cannot be empty")
    private String name;

    @Excel(name = "Gender*", replace = {"male_0", "female_1"})
    @Pattern(regexp = "[01]", message = "Gender error")
    private String genderStr;

    @Excel(name = "cell-phone number*")
    @Pattern(regexp = "[0-9]{11}", message = "Incorrect mobile phone number")
    private String phone;

    @Excel(name = "Start working time*")
    @Pattern(regexp = DATE_REGEXP, message = "[Start working time]Time format error")
    private String workTimeStr;

    @Excel(name = "nation*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[nation]Cannot be empty")
    private String national;

    @Excel(name = "language proficiency*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[language proficiency]Cannot be empty")
    private String languageProficiency;

    @Excel(name = "date of birth*")
    @Pattern(regexp = DATE_REGEXP, message = "[date of birth]Time format error")
    private String birthStr;

    @Excel(name = "position*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[position]Cannot be empty")
    private String jobsName;

    @Excel(name = "Position type*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[Position type]Cannot be empty")
    private String categoryName;

    @Excel(name = "salary*", replace = {"3K following_1", "3K-5K_2", "5K-10K_3", "10K-20K_4", "20K-50K_5", "50K above_6"})
    @Pattern(regexp = "[123456]", message = "Salary information error")
    private String salaryStr;

    @Excel(name = "Duty station*")
    @NotBlank(message = "[Duty station]Cannot be empty")
    private String workArea;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "work experience*")
    private List<ExperienceInputEntity> experienceList;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "Educational experience*")
    private List<EducationInputEntity> educationList;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "Awards")
    private List<AwardsInputEntity> awardList;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "Skill certificate")
    private List<PunishmentInputEntity> punishmentList;

    @Excel(name = "Specialty")
    private String specialty;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
        TalentUserInputEntity that = (TalentUserInputEntity) o;
        return Objects.equals(name, &&

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(name, phone);
    public String getErrorMsg() {
        return errorMsg;

    public void setErrorMsg(String errorMsg) {
        this.errorMsg = errorMsg;

    public Integer getRowNum() {
        return rowNum;

    public void setRowNum(Integer rowNum) {
        this.rowNum = rowNum;

Modify the verification class code to realize the verification logic of repeated lines

public class TalentImportVerifyHandler implements IExcelVerifyHandler<TalentUserInputEntity> {

    private final ThreadLocal<List<TalentUserInputEntity>> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>();

    private MockTalentDataService mockTalentDataService;

    public ExcelVerifyHandlerResult verifyHandler(TalentUserInputEntity inputEntity) {
        StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(",");
        // Judge whether the data is repeated according to the name and mobile phone number
        String name = inputEntity.getName();
        String phone = inputEntity.getPhone();
        // mock database
        boolean duplicates = mockTalentDataService.checkForDuplicates(name, phone);
        if (duplicates) {
            joiner.add("Duplicate data with database data");

        List<TalentUserInputEntity> threadLocalVal = threadLocal.get();
        if (threadLocalVal == null) {
            threadLocalVal = new ArrayList<>();

        threadLocalVal.forEach(e -> {
            if (e.equals(inputEntity)) {
                int lineNumber = e.getRowNum() + 1;
                joiner.add("Data and section" + lineNumber + "Row repeat");
        // Add row data object to ThreadLocal
        if (joiner.length() != 0) {
            return new ExcelVerifyHandlerResult(false, joiner.toString());
        return new ExcelVerifyHandlerResult(true);

    public ThreadLocal<List<TalentUserInputEntity>> getThreadLocal() {
        return threadLocal;

Because ThreadLocal is used in the verification class, it needs to be released in time to modify the code at the import.

private TalentImportVerifyHandler talentImportVerifyHandler;

public Boolean upload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile multipartFile) throws Exception {
  ExcelImportResult<TalentUserInputEntity> result;
  try {
    ImportParams params = new ImportParams();
    // The header is set to 2 rows
    // The title line is set to 0. The default is 0. It can not be set
    // Enable Excel verification
    result = ExcelImportUtil.importExcelMore(multipartFile.getInputStream(),
                                             TalentUserInputEntity.class, params);
  } finally {
    // Clear threadLocal to prevent memory leaks
    ThreadLocal<List<TalentUserInputEntity>> threadLocal = talentImportVerifyHandler.getThreadLocal();
    if (threadLocal != null) {
  System.out.println("Check failed: " + result.isVerfiyFail());
  System.out.println("Collection with failed validation:" + JSONObject.toJSONString(result.getFailList()));
  System.out.println("Set passed verification:" + JSONObject.toJSONString(result.getList()));

  // Merge result set
  List<TalentUserInputEntity> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
  for (TalentUserInputEntity inputEntity : resultList) {
    StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(",");
    // Verifying elements of a Collection
    inputEntity.getExperienceList().forEach(e -> verify(joiner, e));
    inputEntity.getEducationList().forEach(e -> verify(joiner, e));
    inputEntity.getAwardList().forEach(e -> verify(joiner, e));
    inputEntity.getPunishmentList().forEach(e -> verify(joiner, e));

  for (TalentUserInputEntity entity : result.getFailList()) {
    int line = entity.getRowNum() + 1;
    String msg = "The first" + line + "The error in line is:" + entity.getErrorMsg();
  return true;

private void verify(StringJoiner joiner, Object object) {
  String validationMsg = PoiValidationUtil.validation(object, null);
  if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(validationMsg)) {

Import the sample Excel2, and the results are as follows:

5, Case

Entity class

package com.mye.hl11easypoi.api.pojo;

import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.Excel;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.ExcelCollection;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.ExcelEntity;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.ExcelTarget;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.handler.inter.IExcelDataModel;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.handler.inter.IExcelModel;
import lombok.Data;

import java.util.List;

public class CourseEntity implements, IExcelModel, IExcelDataModel {
     * Primary key
    private String id;
     * Course name
     * needMerge    Whether to merge cells vertically (for multiple rows created by list)
    @Excel(name = "Course name", orderNum = "0", width = 25, needMerge = true)
    private String name;
     * Teacher primary key
//    @ExcelEntity(id = "major")
    private TeacherEntity chineseTeacher;
     * Teacher primary key
    @ExcelEntity(id = "absent")
    private TeacherEntity mathTeacher;

    @ExcelCollection(name = "student", orderNum = "3")
    private List<StudentEntity> students;

    private String errorMsg; //Customize an errorMsg to accept the get and setErrorMsg methods that override the IExcelModel interface below.

    private Integer rowNum;  //Customize a rowNum to accept the get and setRowNum methods that override the IExcelModel interface below.

    public String getErrorMsg() {
        return errorMsg;

    public void setErrorMsg(String errorMsg) {
        this.errorMsg = errorMsg;

    public Integer getRowNum() {
        return rowNum;

    public void setRowNum(Integer rowNum) {
        this.rowNum = rowNum;

package com.mye.hl11easypoi.api.pojo;

import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.Excel;
import lombok.Data;

import java.util.Date;

public class StudentEntity implements {
     * id
    private String id;
     * Student name
    @Excel(name = "Student name", height = 20, width = 30, isImportField = "true")
    private String name;
     * Student gender
    @Excel(name = "Student gender", replace = {"male_1", "female_2"}, suffix = "living", isImportField = "true")
    private int sex;

    @Excel(name = "date of birth", exportFormat = "yyyyMMddHHmmss", format = "yyyy-MM-dd", isImportField = "true", width = 20)
    private Date birthday;

    @Excel(name = "Admission date", exportFormat = "yyyyMMddHHmmss", format = "yyyy-MM-dd")
    private Date registrationDate;

package com.mye.hl11easypoi.api.pojo;

import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.Excel;
import lombok.Data;

public class TeacherEntity {
     * Teacher name
     * isImportField   When importing excel, verify the fields in Excel. If there is no such field, the import fails
    @Excel(name = "Teacher name", width = 30, orderNum = "1" ,isImportField = "true")
    private String name;
     * Teacher gender
     * replace      Replace the value, ` replace = {"male _1", "female _2"} ` replace the value of 1 with male
     * suffix       Text suffix
    @Excel(name = "Teacher gender", replace = {"male_1", "female_2"}, suffix = "living", isImportField = "true",orderNum = "2")
    private int sex;

Custom verification class

package com.mye.hl11easypoi.api.verifyHandler;

import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.entity.result.ExcelVerifyHandlerResult;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.handler.inter.IExcelVerifyHandler;
import com.mye.hl11easypoi.api.pojo.CourseEntity;

public class MyVerifyHandler implements IExcelVerifyHandler<CourseEntity> {

    public ExcelVerifyHandlerResult verifyHandler(CourseEntity courseEntity) {
        ExcelVerifyHandlerResult result = new ExcelVerifyHandlerResult();
        //Suppose we want to add users,
        //Now go to the database to query getName. If it exists, it means that the verification fails.
        //Suppose there is a getName test course in the database
        if ("Test course".equals(courseEntity.getName())) {
            result.setMsg("The course already exists");
            return result;
        return result;

Test class

package com.mye.hl11easypoi;

import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.ExcelExportUtil;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.entity.ExportParams;

import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.entity.ImportParams;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.entity.result.ExcelImportResult;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.imports.ExcelImportService;
import cn.hutool.json.JSONUtil;
import com.mye.hl11easypoi.api.pojo.*;
import com.mye.hl11easypoi.api.verifyHandler.MyVerifyHandler;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner;

import java.util.*;

@SpringBootTest(classes = Hl11EasypoiApplication.class)
public class TestPOI {

    public void testExportExcel() throws Exception {

        List<CourseEntity> courseEntityList = new ArrayList<>();
        CourseEntity courseEntity = new CourseEntity();
        courseEntity.setName("Test course");

        // the second
        CourseEntity courseEntity1 = new CourseEntity();

        TeacherEntity teacherEntity1 = new TeacherEntity();
        teacherEntity1.setName("Miss Li");

        TeacherEntity teacherEntity = new TeacherEntity();
        teacherEntity.setName("Miss Zhang");


        List<StudentEntity> studentEntities = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
            StudentEntity studentEntity = new StudentEntity();
            studentEntity.setName("student" + i);
            studentEntity.setBirthday(new Date());
        Date start = new Date();
        Workbook workbook = ExcelExportUtil.exportExcel( new ExportParams("Export test",
                        null, "test"),
                CourseEntity.class, courseEntityList);
        System.out.println(new Date().getTime() - start.getTime());
        File savefile = new File("E:/desktop/excel/");
        if (!savefile.exists()) {
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("E:/desktop/excel/Teacher course student export test.xls");

    public void testImport2() throws Exception {
        // Parameter 1: import excel file stream parameter 2: import type parameter 3: imported configuration object
        ImportParams importParams = new ImportParams();
        importParams.setTitleRows(1); // How many rows does the title column occupy
        importParams.setHeadRows(2);  // Set the number of lines occupied by the field name, i.e. header
        importParams.setNeedVerify(true);//Turn on verification
        importParams.setVerifyHandler(new MyVerifyHandler());
        importParams.setStartSheetIndex(0);  // Set the number of tables to read from. Here 0 represents the first table. It is read from the first table by default
        BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File("E:/desktop/excel/Teacher course student export test.xls")));
        ExcelImportResult result = new ExcelImportService().importExcelByIs(bis, CourseEntity.class, importParams, true);
        //This is imported correctly
        List<CourseEntity> list = result.getList();

        System.out.println("Successfully imported collection:"+JSONUtil.toJsonStr(list));

        List<CourseEntity> failList = result.getFailList();
        System.out.println("Failed to import collection"+JSONUtil.toJsonStr(failList));
        for (CourseEntity courseEntity : failList) {
            int line = courseEntity.getRowNum();
            String msg = "The first" + line + "Line error is:" + courseEntity.getErrorMsg();

        //Return the error excel information to the client
        ExportParams exportParams = new ExportParams();
        Workbook workbook = ExcelExportUtil.exportExcel(exportParams, CourseEntity.class, failList);
//        HttpServletResponse response = null;
//        response.setHeader("content-Type", "application/");
//        Response.setheader ("content disposition", "attachment; filename =" + urlencoder.encode ("user data table", "UTF-8") + ".xls");
//        response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
//        workbook.write(response.getOutputStream());
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("E:/desktop/excel/User data sheet.xls");

Export results

Import results

Posted by Supplement on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:28:35 -0700