Query of general mapper, such as selectByPrimaryKey, select, selectByExample, etc

Recently, there was a query using the general mapper of mybatis. Since I contacted the general mapper, I simply summarized the records so as to help later people. 1, First, put the interface code Mapper.class of mybatis general mapper: package tk.mybatis.mapper.common; import tk.mybatis.mapper.annotation.RegisterMapper; @RegisterMapper publ ...

Posted by einamiga on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 04:40:56 -0800

java to import and export excel, read object pictures, and upload qiniu cloud

java implementation of excel import and export and solution Because of the company's business requirements, excel uses the MultipartFile class to import and export tables , here are some key codes. I hope they can help //To obtain the input stream of excel file, it must be. Xlsx suffix. If it is xlsx suffix, use HSSFWorkBook X ...

Posted by erokar on Sun, 07 Nov 2021 13:25:03 -0800

Getting started with POI and easyExcel

Use scenarios and versions Use scenarios Export information to excelEnter information from excel table into website database (exercise upload.) excel version Version 03 xls rows Max 65535 rowsVersion 07 xlsx has no limit on the number of rows One serious problem with POI is that it consumes a lot of memory EasyExcel is an open source exce ...

Posted by kwilder on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 14:29:56 -0700

Use of easypoi - import verification

easypoi import verification 1, Basic verification of import Now the product needs to verify the imported Excel. Illegal Excel is not allowed to be warehoused. You need to return specific error information to the front end and prompt the user. The error information needs to include line number and corresponding error. Because EasyPOI supports ...

Posted by Supplement on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:28:35 -0700