Temperature alarm system based on FPGA (12864 display, audible and visual alarm)
In this experiment, the DS18B20 is driven by FPGA to collect the temperature in real time and display it on the LCD screen 12864. At the same time, the specified temperature can be set by pressing the key. When the actual temperature is lower than the set temperature, the breathing lamp flashes normally, and the running water lamp lights up from left to right. When the actual temperature exceeds the set temperature, the buzzer sounds and the breathing lamp is always on. At the same time, the water lamp changes direction and turns on from right to left.
At the same time, the digital tube is also used to display the temperature in real time. (punctual atomic routine for comparison with the temperature I collected)
Finally, the experimental results are attached. Only part of the code is shown here.
Students who want a complete code can directly add my wechat: wxid_c82ezb72s7cf22 or QQ:1871478767.
1, DS18B20 temperature acquisition module
module ds18b20_ctrl( //module clock input clk , // Clock signal (50MHz) input rst_n , // Reset signal //user interface inout dq , // DQ pin data of DS18B20 output reg [19:0] temp_data , // Temperature value obtained after conversion output reg sign // Sign bit ); //parameter define localparam ROM_SKIP_CMD = 8'hcc; // Skip ROM command localparam CONVERT_CMD = 8'h44; // Temperature conversion command localparam READ_TEMP = 8'hbe; // Read DS1820 temperature register command //state define localparam init = 3'd1 ; // Initialization status localparam rom_skip = 3'd2 ; // Load skip ROM command localparam wr_byte = 3'd3 ; // Write byte status localparam temp_convert = 3'd4 ; // Load temperature conversion command localparam delay = 3'd5 ; // Delay waiting for the end of temperature conversion localparam rd_temp = 3'd6 ; // Load read temperature command localparam rd_byte = 3'd7 ; // Read byte status //reg define reg [ 4:0] cnt ; // Frequency division counter reg clk_1us ; // 1MHz clock reg [19:0] cnt_1us ; // Microsecond count reg [ 2:0] cur_state ; // current state reg [ 2:0] next_state ; // Next status reg [ 3:0] flow_cnt ; // Flow count reg [ 3:0] wr_cnt ; // Write count reg [ 4:0] rd_cnt ; // Read count reg [ 7:0] wr_data ; // Data written to DS18B20 reg [ 4:0] bit_width ; // Bit width of read data reg [15:0] rd_data ; // Collected data reg [15:0] org_data ; // Read raw temperature data reg [10:0] data1 ; // Symbol processing of principle temperature reg [ 3:0] cmd_cnt ; // Send command count reg init_done ; // Initialization completion signal reg st_done ; // Completion signal reg cnt_1us_en ; // Enable timing reg dq_out ; // dq output of DS18B20 //wire define wire [19:0] data2 ; // Convert the processed //***************************************************** //** main code //***************************************************** assign dq = dq_out; //Frequency division generates a 1MHz clock signal always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin cnt <= 5'b0; clk_1us <= 1'b0; end else if(cnt < 5'd24) begin cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; clk_1us <= clk_1us; end else begin cnt <= 5'b0; clk_1us <= ~clk_1us; end end //Microsecond timing always @ (posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) cnt_1us <= 20'b0; else if (cnt_1us_en) cnt_1us <= cnt_1us + 1'b1; else cnt_1us <= 20'b0; end //state transition always @ (posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) cur_state <= init; else cur_state <= next_state; end //Combinational logic state judgment transition condition always @( * ) begin case(cur_state) init: begin // Initialization status if (init_done) next_state = rom_skip; else next_state = init; end rom_skip: begin // Load skip ROM command if(st_done) next_state = wr_byte; else next_state = rom_skip; end wr_byte: begin // dispatch orders if(st_done) case(cmd_cnt) // Judge the next status according to the command sequence number 4'b1: next_state = temp_convert; 4'd2: next_state = delay; 4'd3: next_state = rd_temp; 4'd4: next_state = rd_byte; default: next_state = temp_convert; endcase else next_state = wr_byte; end temp_convert: begin // Load temperature conversion command if(st_done) next_state = wr_byte; else next_state = temp_convert; end delay: begin // Delay waiting for the end of temperature conversion if(st_done) next_state = init; else next_state = delay; end rd_temp: begin // Load read temperature command if(st_done) next_state = wr_byte; else next_state = rd_temp; end rd_byte: begin // Read data on data line if(st_done) next_state = init; else next_state = rd_byte; end default: next_state = init; endcase end //The whole operation steps are initialization, sending skip ROM operation command, sending temperature conversion command //Reinitialize, send skip ROM operation instructions, and send read data instructions. always @ (posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin flow_cnt <= 4'b0; init_done <= 1'b0; cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; dq_out <= 1'bZ; st_done <= 1'b0; rd_data <= 16'b0; rd_cnt <= 5'd0; wr_cnt <= 4'd0; cmd_cnt <= 3'd0; end else begin st_done <= 1'b0; case (next_state) init:begin //initialization init_done <= 1'b0; case(flow_cnt) 4'd0: flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; 4'd1: begin //Send 500us reset pulse cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; if(cnt_1us < 20'd500) dq_out <= 1'b0; else begin cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; dq_out <= 1'bz; flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end end 4'd2:begin //Release the bus and wait for 30us cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; if(cnt_1us < 20'd30) dq_out <= 1'bz; else flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd3: begin //Detection response signal if(!dq) flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; else flow_cnt <= flow_cnt; end 4'd4: begin //Wait for initialization to complete if(cnt_1us == 20'd500) begin cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; init_done <= 1'b1; //Initialization complete flow_cnt <= 4'd0; end else flow_cnt <= flow_cnt; end default: flow_cnt <= 4'd0; endcase end rom_skip: begin //Load skip ROM operation instruction wr_data <= ROM_SKIP_CMD; flow_cnt <= 4'd0; st_done <= 1'b1; end wr_byte: begin //Write byte status (send instruction) if(wr_cnt <= 4'd7) begin case (flow_cnt) 4'd0: begin dq_out <= 1'b0; //Pull down the data cable and start the write operation cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; //Start timer flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd1: begin //Data cable pulled down 1us flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd2: begin if(cnt_1us < 20'd60) //send data dq_out <= wr_data[wr_cnt]; else if(cnt_1us < 20'd63) dq_out <= 1'bz; //Release bus (send interval) else flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd3: begin //Sending 1-bit data completed flow_cnt <= 0; cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; wr_cnt <= wr_cnt + 1'b1;//Write counter plus 1 end default : flow_cnt <= 0; endcase end else begin //End of sending command (1Byte) st_done <= 1'b1; wr_cnt <= 4'b0; cmd_cnt <= (cmd_cnt == 3'd4) ? //Mark the sequence number of the currently sent instruction 3'd1 : (cmd_cnt+ 1'b1); end end temp_convert: begin //Load temperature conversion command wr_data <= CONVERT_CMD; st_done <= 1'b1; end delay: begin //Wait for the temperature conversion to end after a delay of 500ms cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; if(cnt_1us == 20'd500000) begin st_done <= 1'b1; cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; end end rd_temp: begin //Load read temperature command wr_data <= READ_TEMP; bit_width <= 5'd16; //Specifies the number of read data st_done <= 1'b1; end rd_byte: begin //Receive 16 bit temperature data if(rd_cnt < bit_width) begin case(flow_cnt) 4'd0: begin cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; dq_out <= 1'b0; //Pull down the data cable and start the read operation flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd1: begin dq_out <= 1'bz; //Release the bus and receive data within 15us if(cnt_1us == 20'd14) begin rd_data <= {dq,rd_data[15:1]}; flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1 ; end end 4'd2: begin if (cnt_1us <= 20'd64) //End of reading 1-bit data dq_out <= 1'bz; else begin flow_cnt <= 4'd0; rd_cnt <= rd_cnt + 1'b1;//Read counter plus 1 cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; end end default : flow_cnt <= 4'd0; endcase end else begin st_done <= 1'b1; org_data <= rd_data; rd_cnt <= 5'b0; end end default: ; endcase end end //Judgment symbol bit always @(posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin sign <= 1'b0; data1 <= 11'b0; end else if(org_data[15] == 1'b0) begin sign <= 1'b0; data1 <= org_data[10:0]; end else if(org_data[15] == 1'b1) begin sign <= 1'b1; data1 <= ~org_data[10:0] + 1'b1; end end //Convert the collected temperature assign data2 = (data1 * 11'd625)/ 7'd100; //Temperature output always @(posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) temp_data <= 20'b0; else temp_data <= data2; end endmodule
2, Nixie tube display module
module seg_led( input clk , // clock signal input rst_n , // Reset signal input [19:0] data , // Value to be displayed by 6-digit nixie tube input [5:0] point , // The specific display position of the decimal point, from high to low, and the high level is valid input en , // Nixie tube enable signal input sign , // Symbol bit (high level display "-") output reg [5:0] seg_sel, // The nixie tube position is selected, and the leftmost nixie tube is the highest position output reg [7:0] seg_led // Nixie tube segment selection ); //parameter define localparam CLK_DIVIDE = 4'd10 ; // Clock divide factor localparam MAX_NUM = 13'd5000 ; // Count value required to count 1ms for nixie tube drive clock (5MHz) //reg define reg [ 3:0] clk_cnt ; // Clock division counter reg dri_clk ; // Nixie tube drive clock, 5MHz reg [23:0] num ; // 24 bit bcd code register reg [12:0] cnt0 ; // Nixie tube driven clock counter reg flag ; // Flag signal (indicates that cnt0 count reaches 1ms) reg [2:0] cnt_sel ; // Nixie tube position selection counter reg [3:0] num_disp ; // Data displayed by current nixie tube reg dot_disp ; // The decimal point displayed by the current nixie tube //wire define wire [3:0] data0 ; // Single digit wire [3:0] data1 ; // Ten digits wire [3:0] data2 ; // Hundreds wire [3:0] data3 ; // thousands wire [3:0] data4 ; // Ten thousand digits wire [3:0] data5 ; // 100000 digits //***************************************************** //** main code //***************************************************** //Extract each bit of the decimal number corresponding to the displayed value assign data0 = data % 4'd10; // Single digit assign data1 = data / 4'd10 % 4'd10 ; // Ten digits assign data2 = data / 7'd100 % 4'd10 ; // Hundreds assign data3 = data / 10'd1000 % 4'd10 ; // thousands assign data4 = data / 14'd10000 % 4'd10; // Ten thousand digits assign data5 = data / 17'd100000; // 100000 digits //Divide the system clock by 10 to obtain a nixie tube drive clock DRI with a frequency of 5MHz_ clk always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin clk_cnt <= 4'd0; dri_clk <= 1'b1; end else if(clk_cnt == CLK_DIVIDE/2 - 1'd1) begin clk_cnt <= 4'd0; dri_clk <= ~dri_clk; end else begin clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 1'b1; dri_clk <= dri_clk; end end //Convert a 20 bit binary number to 8421bcd code (i.e. use a 4-bit binary number to represent a 1-bit decimal number) always @ (posedge dri_clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) num <= 24'b0; else begin if (data5 || point[5]) begin //If the displayed data is a 6-digit decimal number, num[23:20] <= data5; //Then assign values to the 6-bit nixie tube in turn num[19:16] <= data4; num[15:12] <= data3; num[11:8] <= data2; num[ 7:4] <= data1; num[ 3:0] <= data0; end else begin if (data4 || point[4]) begin //If the displayed data is a 5-digit decimal number, assign a value to the lower 5-digit nixie tube num[19:0] <= {data4,data3,data2,data1,data0}; if(sign) num[23:20] <= 4'd11; //If a negative sign needs to be displayed, the highest bit (bit 6) is the sign bit else num[23:20] <= 4'd10; //When a negative sign is not required, no character is displayed in bit 6 end else begin //If the displayed data is a 4-digit decimal number, assign a value to the lower 4-digit nixie tube if (data3 || point[3]) begin num[15: 0] <= {data3,data2,data1,data0}; num[23:20] <= 4'd10; //No characters are displayed in bit 6 if(sign) //If a negative sign needs to be displayed, the highest bit (5th bit) is the sign bit num[19:16] <= 4'd11; else //When a negative sign is not required, no character is displayed in the fifth digit num[19:16] <= 4'd10; end else begin //If the display data is a 3-digit decimal number, assign a value to the lower 3-digit nixie tube if (data2 || point[2]) begin num[11: 0] <= {data2,data1,data0}; //No characters are displayed in bits 6 and 5 num[23:16] <= {2{4'd10}}; if(sign) //If a negative sign needs to be displayed, the highest bit (Bit 4) is the sign bit num[15:12] <= 4'd11; else //When a negative sign is not required, no character is displayed in the fourth digit num[15:12] <= 4'd10; end else begin //If the display data is a 2-digit decimal number, assign a value to the lower 2-digit nixie tube if (data1 || point[1]) begin num[ 7: 0] <= {data1,data0}; //No characters are displayed in bits 6, 5 and 4 num[23:12] <= {3{4'd10}}; if(sign) //If a negative sign needs to be displayed, the highest bit (bit 3) is the sign bit num[11:8] <= 4'd11; else //When a negative sign is not required, no character is displayed in the third digit num[11:8] <= 4'd10; end else begin //If the display data is a 1-digit decimal number, assign a value to the lowest nixie tube num[3:0] <= data0; //No characters are displayed in bits 6 and 5 num[23:8] <= {4{4'd10}}; if(sign) //If a negative sign needs to be displayed, the highest bit (bit 2) is the sign bit num[7:4] <= 4'd11; else //When a negative sign is not required, no character is displayed in the second digit num[7:4] <= 4'd10; end end end end end end end //Whenever the counter counts the nixie tube drive clock for 1ms, it outputs a pulse signal of one clock cycle always @ (posedge dri_clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (rst_n == 1'b0) begin cnt0 <= 13'b0; flag <= 1'b0; end else if (cnt0 < MAX_NUM - 1'b1) begin cnt0 <= cnt0 + 1'b1; flag <= 1'b0; end else begin cnt0 <= 13'b0; flag <= 1'b1; end end //cnt_sel counts from 0 to 5, which is used to select the nixie tube currently in the display state always @ (posedge dri_clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (rst_n == 1'b0) cnt_sel <= 3'b0; else if(flag) begin if(cnt_sel < 3'd5) cnt_sel <= cnt_sel + 1'b1; else cnt_sel <= 3'b0; end else cnt_sel <= cnt_sel; end //Control the nixie tube position selection signal to make the 6-bit nixie tube display in turn always @ (posedge dri_clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin seg_sel <= 6'b111111; //Bit select signal low level active num_disp <= 4'b0; dot_disp <= 1'b1; //Common anode nixie tube, low-level conduction end else begin if(en) begin case (cnt_sel) 3'd0 :begin seg_sel <= 6'b111110; //Display the lowest position of nixie tube num_disp <= num[3:0] ; //Displayed data dot_disp <= ~point[0]; //Displayed decimal point end 3'd1 :begin seg_sel <= 6'b111101; //Display digit 1 of nixie tube num_disp <= num[7:4] ; dot_disp <= ~point[1]; end 3'd2 :begin seg_sel <= 6'b111011; //Display digit 2 of nixie tube num_disp <= num[11:8]; dot_disp <= ~point[2]; end 3'd3 :begin seg_sel <= 6'b110111; //Display digit 3 of nixie tube num_disp <= num[15:12]; dot_disp <= ~point[3]; end 3'd4 :begin seg_sel <= 6'b101111; //Display digit 4 of nixie tube num_disp <= num[19:16]; dot_disp <= ~point[4]; end 3'd5 :begin seg_sel <= 6'b011111; //Display the highest position of nixie tube num_disp <= num[23:20]; dot_disp <= ~point[5]; end default :begin seg_sel <= 6'b111111; num_disp <= 4'b0; dot_disp <= 1'b1; end endcase end else begin seg_sel <= 6'b111111; //When the enable signal is 0, all nixie tubes do not display num_disp <= 4'b0; dot_disp <= 1'b1; end end end //Control the nixie tube segment selection signal and display characters always @ (posedge dri_clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) seg_led <= 8'hc0; else begin case (num_disp) 4'd0 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b1000000}; //Display number 0 4'd1 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b1111001}; //Display number 1 4'd2 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b0100100}; //Display number 2 4'd3 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b0110000}; //Display number 3 4'd4 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b0011001}; //Display number 4 4'd5 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b0010010}; //Display number 5 4'd6 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b0000010}; //Display number 6 4'd7 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b1111000}; //Display number 7 4'd8 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b0000000}; //Display number 8 4'd9 : seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b0010000}; //Display number 9 4'd10: seg_led <= 8'b11111111; //No characters are displayed 4'd11: seg_led <= 8'b10111111; //Show negative sign (-) default: seg_led <= {dot_disp,7'b1000000}; endcase end end endmodule
3, Breathing lamp and water lamp module
module led_breath( input clk, //50MHz input rst, input en, output reg led1 , output reg led2 , output reg led3 , output reg led_o ); //1s counter reg flag_1s; reg [28:0] cnt_1s; always @(posedge clk) begin if (! rst)begin cnt_1s <= 27'b0; flag_1s <= 1'b0; end else if(cnt_1s == 27'd49_999_999 ) begin cnt_1s <= 27'b0; flag_1s <= 1'b1; end else begin cnt_1s <= cnt_1s + 1'b1; flag_1s <= 1'b0; end end //1ms counter reg flag_1ms; reg [17:0] cnt_1ms; always @(posedge clk) begin if (! rst)begin cnt_1ms <= 18'b0; flag_1ms <= 1'b0; end else if(cnt_1ms == 18'd49_999 ) begin cnt_1ms <= 18'b0; flag_1ms <= 1'b1; end else begin cnt_1ms <= cnt_1ms + 1'b1; flag_1ms <= 1'b0; end end //1us counter reg flag_1us; reg [13:0] cnt_1us; always @(posedge clk) begin if (! rst)begin cnt_1us <= 7'b0; flag_1us <= 1'b0; end else if(cnt_1us == 7'd999) begin cnt_1us <= 7'b0; flag_1us <= 1'b1; end else begin cnt_1us <= cnt_1us + 1'b1; flag_1us <= 1'b0; end end //How many ms are counted reg [9:0] number_ms; always @(posedge clk) begin if (! rst )begin number_ms <= 10'd0; end else begin if(number_ms == 10'd1000)begin number_ms <= 10'd0; end else if(flag_1ms == 1'b1) begin number_ms <= number_ms + 1'b1; end else begin number_ms <= number_ms; end end end //How many us are counted reg [9:0] number_us; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if (! rst )begin number_us <= 10'd0; end else begin if(number_us == 10'd1000)begin number_us <= 10'd0; end else if(flag_1us == 1'b1) begin number_us <= number_us + 1'b1; end else begin number_us <= number_us; end end end //module of led breath // wire led_flag0; //From dark to bright wire led_flag1; //From light to dark assign led_flag0 = (number_ms > number_us)? 1: 0; assign led_flag1 = (number_ms > number_us)? 0: 1; reg led_flag; //Flip the signal every 1s always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if (! rst)begin led_flag <= 1'b1; end else if (flag_1s == 1'b1) begin led_flag <= ~ led_flag; end else begin led_flag <= led_flag; end end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if(!rst) led_o <= led_o; else if(en) led_o <= 1'b1; else if(led_flag) led_o <= led_flag0; else if(!led_flag) led_o <= led_flag1; else led_o <= led_o; end reg [2:0] state;//State machine reg clk_E; reg [30:0] counter; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst) //frequency division begin if(!rst) begin counter<=0; clk_E<=0; end else begin if(counter == 5_000_000)begin clk_E <= ~clk_E; counter<=0; end else begin counter <= counter + 1'b1; end end end always @ (posedge clk_E or negedge rst) begin if(!rst) begin led1 <= 1'b0 ; led2 <= 1'b0 ; led3 <= 1'b0 ; state <= 3'd0; end else begin case(state) 3'd0 : begin if(en == 1'b1)begin led1 <= 1'b0 ; led2 <= 1'b0 ; led3 <= 1'b1 ; state <= state + 1; end else begin led1 <= 1'b1 ; led2 <= 1'b0 ; led3 <= 1'b0 ; state <= state + 1; end end 3'd1 : begin if(en == 1'b1)begin led1 <= 1'b0 ; led2 <= 1'b1 ; led3 <= 1'b0 ; state <= state + 1; end else begin led1 <= 1'b0 ; led2 <= 1'b1 ; led3 <= 1'b0 ; state <= state + 1; end end 3'd2 : begin if(en == 1'b1)begin led1 <= 1'b1 ; led2 <= 1'b0 ; led3 <= 1'b0 ; state <= 3'd0; end else begin led1 <= 1'b0 ; led2 <= 1'b0 ; led3 <= 1'b1 ; state <= 3'd0; end end endcase end end endmodule
experimental result
Students who want a complete code can directly add my wechat: wxid_c82ezb72s7cf22 or QQ:1871478767.
1: In this experiment, I encountered many problems. For example, when comparing values, the same type is required for comparison. For input, it is wire type, while output can be wire or register reg type. Here, a type conversion is required. For example
input wire a; otput reg b; reg c; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) if(!rst) c <= a ; else if(b > c); ....... end
Just like this, wire type can be converted to reg type for comparison. In the final analysis, the basic knowledge is not solid.
2: As for the display of words on the LCD screen, we provide a way for you. The word library in the online data manual is not easy to find the words you want. We recommend you to go to Taobao. Many businesses will attach their PDF documents of similar data manuals to the back of the goods. In it, we can directly find the words we want by Ctrl+F, This will be much faster than reading word by word in the font.
3: You must type more code and do it yourself. For example, I thought out the water lamp in my experiment above. At that time, when I looked at the water lamp routine, I didn't have much feeling. When I learned the state machine later, I suddenly had an idea, why can't the water lamp be written with the state machine? It is not necessary to use the method of bit splicing in the example. Although the method of state machine takes up more logical resources, it is quite successful to write it with your own ideas.
I hope you won't stop at the water lamp because of the introduction of the water lamp.
Finally, I hope you will praise and pay more attention. I only eat potato chips, not shredded potatoes.