This article mainly studies jest's Node Checker.
public class NodeChecker extends AbstractScheduledService { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NodeChecker.class); private final static String PUBLISH_ADDRESS_KEY = "http_address"; private final static String PUBLISH_ADDRESS_KEY_V5 = "publish_address"; // The one that under "http" node private final static Pattern INETSOCKETADDRESS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?:inet\\[)?(?:(?:[^:]+)?\\/)?([^:]+):(\\d+)\\]?"); private final NodesInfo action; protected JestClient client; protected Scheduler scheduler; protected String defaultScheme; protected Set<String> bootstrapServerList; protected Set<String> discoveredServerList; public NodeChecker(JestClient jestClient, ClientConfig clientConfig) { action = new NodesInfo.Builder() .withHttp() .addNode(clientConfig.getDiscoveryFilter()) .build(); this.client = jestClient; this.defaultScheme = clientConfig.getDefaultSchemeForDiscoveredNodes(); this.scheduler = Scheduler.newFixedDelaySchedule( 0l, clientConfig.getDiscoveryFrequency(), clientConfig.getDiscoveryFrequencyTimeUnit() ); this.bootstrapServerList = ImmutableSet.copyOf(clientConfig.getServerList()); this.discoveredServerList = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); } @Override protected void runOneIteration() throws Exception { JestResult result; try { result = client.execute(action); } catch (CouldNotConnectException cnce) { // Can't connect to this node, remove it from the list log.error("Connect exception executing NodesInfo!", cnce); removeNodeAndUpdateServers(cnce.getHost()); return; // do not elevate the exception since that will stop the scheduled calls. // throw new RuntimeException("Error executing NodesInfo!", e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error executing NodesInfo!", e); client.setServers(bootstrapServerList); return; // do not elevate the exception since that will stop the scheduled calls. // throw new RuntimeException("Error executing NodesInfo!", e); } if (result.isSucceeded()) { LinkedHashSet<String> httpHosts = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); JsonObject jsonMap = result.getJsonObject(); JsonObject nodes = (JsonObject) jsonMap.get("nodes"); if (nodes != null) { for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : nodes.entrySet()) { JsonObject host = entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement addressElement = null; if (host.has("version")) { int majorVersion = Integer.parseInt(Splitter.on('.').splitToList(host.get("version").getAsString()).get(0)); if (majorVersion >= 5) { JsonObject http = host.getAsJsonObject("http"); if (http != null && http.has(PUBLISH_ADDRESS_KEY_V5)) addressElement = http.get(PUBLISH_ADDRESS_KEY_V5); } } if (addressElement == null) { // get as a JsonElement first as some nodes in the cluster may not have an http_address if (host.has(PUBLISH_ADDRESS_KEY)) addressElement = host.get(PUBLISH_ADDRESS_KEY); } if (addressElement != null && !addressElement.isJsonNull()) { String httpAddress = getHttpAddress(addressElement.getAsString()); if(httpAddress != null) httpHosts.add(httpAddress); } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Discovered {} HTTP hosts: {}", httpHosts.size(), Joiner.on(',').join(httpHosts)); } discoveredServerList = httpHosts; client.setServers(discoveredServerList); } else { log.warn("NodesInfo request resulted in error: {}", result.getErrorMessage()); client.setServers(bootstrapServerList); } } protected void removeNodeAndUpdateServers(final String hostToRemove) { log.warn("Removing host {}", hostToRemove); discoveredServerList.remove(hostToRemove); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { log.info("Discovered server pool is now: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(discoveredServerList)); } if (!discoveredServerList.isEmpty()) { client.setServers(discoveredServerList); } else { client.setServers(bootstrapServerList); } } @Override protected Scheduler scheduler() { return scheduler; } @Override protected ScheduledExecutorService executor() { final ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat(serviceName()) .build()); // Add a listener to shutdown the executor after the service is stopped. This ensures that the // JVM shutdown will not be prevented from exiting after this service has stopped or failed. // Technically this listener is added after start() was called so it is a little gross, but it // is called within doStart() so we know that the service cannot terminate or fail concurrently // with adding this listener so it is impossible to miss an event that we are interested in. addListener(new Listener() { @Override public void terminated(State from) { executor.shutdown(); } @Override public void failed(State from, Throwable failure) { executor.shutdown(); }}, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); return executor; } /** * Converts the Elasticsearch reported publish address in the format "inet[<hostname>:<port>]" or * "inet[<hostname>/<hostaddress>:<port>]" to a normalized http address in the form "http://host:port". */ protected String getHttpAddress(String httpAddress) { Matcher resolvedMatcher = INETSOCKETADDRESS_PATTERN.matcher(httpAddress); if (resolvedMatcher.matches()) { return defaultScheme + resolvedMatcher.group(1) + ":" + resolvedMatcher.group(2); } return null; } }
- NodeChecker inherits AbstractScheduled Service, whose constructor builds a fixed Delay Scheduler to execute node checker based on discovery Frequency and discovery Frequency Time Unit of client Config; it implements the runOne Iteration method, which mainly sends NodesInfo requests (GET/_nodes/_all/http)
- If the request throws CouldNotConnectException, the removeNodeAndUpdateServers method is called to remove the host; if other Exceptions are thrown, the client's servers are reset to bootstrapServerList.
- If the request succeeds, parse the body, and if there is version under nodes and greater than or equal to 5, add the PUBLISH_ADDRESS_KEY_V5(publish_address) attribute value under the HTTP node to the discoveredServerList; the old version is added to the discoveredServerList from the PUBLISH_ADDRESS_KEY(http_address) attribute value under nodes.
NodesInfo returns an instance
{ "_nodes" : { "total" : 1, "successful" : 1, "failed" : 0 }, "cluster_name" : "docker-cluster", "nodes" : { "RmyGhZEbTjC7JCQFVS3HWQ" : { "name" : "RmyGhZE", "transport_address" : "", "host" : "", "ip" : "", "version" : "6.6.2", "build_flavor" : "oss", "build_type" : "tar", "build_hash" : "3bd3e59", "roles" : [ "master", "data", "ingest" ], "http" : { "bound_address" : [ "" ], "publish_address" : "", "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600 } } } }
- If it's version 5 or more, there's an http attribute under nodes and a publish_address attribute inside to return the publish address of the node.
public class JestHttpClient extends AbstractJestClient { //...... @Override public <T extends JestResult> T execute(Action<T> clientRequest) throws IOException { return execute(clientRequest, null); } public <T extends JestResult> T execute(Action<T> clientRequest, RequestConfig requestConfig) throws IOException { HttpUriRequest request = prepareRequest(clientRequest, requestConfig); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { response = executeRequest(request); return deserializeResponse(response, request, clientRequest); } catch (HttpHostConnectException ex) { throw new CouldNotConnectException(ex.getHost().toURI(), ex); } finally { if (response != null) { try { response.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Exception occurred while closing response stream.", ex); } } } } @Override public <T extends JestResult> void executeAsync(final Action<T> clientRequest, final JestResultHandler<? super T> resultHandler) { executeAsync(clientRequest, resultHandler, null); } public <T extends JestResult> void executeAsync(final Action<T> clientRequest, final JestResultHandler<? super T> resultHandler, final RequestConfig requestConfig) { synchronized (this) { if (!asyncClient.isRunning()) { asyncClient.start(); } } HttpUriRequest request = prepareRequest(clientRequest, requestConfig); executeAsyncRequest(clientRequest, resultHandler, request); } protected <T extends JestResult> HttpUriRequest prepareRequest(final Action<T> clientRequest, final RequestConfig requestConfig) { String elasticSearchRestUrl = getRequestURL(getNextServer(), clientRequest.getURI(elasticsearchVersion)); HttpUriRequest request = constructHttpMethod(clientRequest.getRestMethodName(), elasticSearchRestUrl, clientRequest.getData(gson), requestConfig); log.debug("Request method={} url={}", clientRequest.getRestMethodName(), elasticSearchRestUrl); // add headers added to action for (Entry<String, Object> header : clientRequest.getHeaders().entrySet()) { request.addHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue().toString()); } return request; } protected String getNextServer() { return serverPoolReference.get().getNextServer(); } //...... }
- JestHttpClient inherits AbstractJestClient, whose execute and executeAsync methods call prepareRequest to construct HttpUriRequest; this method first calls getNextServer method to get the address of the elastic SearchServer to request; and getNextServer method is called serverPoolReference.get().getNextServer()
public abstract class AbstractJestClient implements JestClient { private final AtomicReference<ServerPool> serverPoolReference = new AtomicReference<ServerPool>(new ServerPool(ImmutableSet.<String>of())); //...... public void setServers(Set<String> servers) { if (servers.equals(serverPoolReference.get().getServers())) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Server pool already contains same list of servers: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(scrubServerURIs(servers))); } return; } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { log.info("Setting server pool to a list of {} servers: [{}]", servers.size(), Joiner.on(',').join(scrubServerURIs(servers))); } serverPoolReference.set(new ServerPool(servers)); if (servers.isEmpty()) { log.warn("No servers are currently available to connect."); } } //...... }
- AbstractJestClient has a server PoolReference property, which is AtomicReference and its generic is ServerPool; the setServers method creates a new ServerPool and then updates the server PoolReference.
private static final class ServerPool { private final List<String> serversRing; private final AtomicInteger nextServerIndex = new AtomicInteger(0); public ServerPool(final Set<String> servers) { this.serversRing = ImmutableList.copyOf(servers); } public Set<String> getServers() { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(serversRing); } public String getNextServer() { if (serversRing.size() > 0) { try { return serversRing.get(nextServerIndex.getAndIncrement() % serversRing.size()); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException outOfBoundsException) { // In the very rare case where nextServerIndex overflowed, this will end up with a negative number, // resulting in an IndexOutOfBoundsException. // We should then start back at the beginning of the server list. // Note that this might happen on several threads at once, in which the reset might happen a few times log.info("Resetting next server index"); nextServerIndex.set(0); return serversRing.get(nextServerIndex.getAndIncrement() % serversRing.size()); } } else { throw new NoServerConfiguredException("No Server is assigned to client to connect"); } } public int getSize() { return serversRing.size(); } }
- ServerPool has a Next Server Index of Atomic Integer type. The getNext Server method uses nextServer Index. getAndIncrement ()% serversRing. size () to determine the index of serversRing, which implements Round Robin strategy; in extreme cases, when Index Out Bounds Exception occurs, it resets xtServer Index to 0, and then continues to take it according to Round Robin strategy. Next server
- NodeChecker inherits AbstractScheduled Service, whose constructor builds a new fixed Delay Scheduler to perform node checker based on discovery Frequency and discovery Frequency Time Unit of client Config; it implements the runOne Iteration method, which mainly sends NodesInfo requests (GET/_nodes/_all/http), and then obtains the PUBLISH_ADDRESS of nodes to update the discoveredServer List.
- JestHttpClient inherits AbstractJestClient, whose execute and executeAsync methods call prepareRequest to construct HttpUriRequest; this method first calls getNextServer method to get the address of the elastic SearchServer to be requested; and getNextServer method is called serverPoolReference.get().getNextServer(); AbstractJestClient has a PoolReference server. Attribute, which is AtomicReference, whose generic type is ServerPool; the setServers method creates a new ServerPool, and then updates the serverPoolReference
- ServerPool has a Next Server Index of Atomic Integer type. The getNext Server method uses nextServer Index. getAndIncrement ()% serversRing. size () to determine the index of serversRing, which implements Round Robin strategy; in extreme cases, when Index Out Bounds Exception occurs, it resets xtServer Index to 0, and then continues to take it according to Round Robin strategy. Next server