System Verilog builds APB ﹣ I2C IP hierarchical verification platform

Keywords: Verilog Windows Linux simulator Attribute

I. Preface

Recently, the epidemic is serious. As a social animal, I can only continue to study technology at home. I wrote a blog about building a FIFO verification platform before, using the OOP feature of SV to preliminarily verify FIFO, but there are many shortcomings, such as the structure is not standardized, the verification component class is not independent of DUT and so on. This attempt to verify more complex IP, and use more advanced features of SV to build a hierarchical verification platform.

2, APB? I2C IP overview

In order to practice the real knowledge, an APB ﹣ I2C IP core was downloaded from the opencores website, and the verification work was started. The first step is to understand the overall function, pin function and top-level structure of this IP. The overall function can be seen from the module name as I2C ﹐ master with APB bus interface. To understand the pin function and timing, directly cut off the schematic diagram on the SPEC to view:




Interface and protocol are not detailed here. Interested friends search for relevant information. As for the top structure, it's better to give it to the tools for convenience. But I didn't bring my virtual machine hard disk back home, so I had to download a WINDOW version of EDA tool. This paper uses QuestaSim, and the schematic diagram is as follows:

It is easy to see that the top layer of the module includes APB interface module, FIFO TX and FIFO RX used to cache data sent and received, and I2C protocol conversion module, i2x international RX TX. The master accesses the data buffer and configuration register inside the IP core through the APB bus, without paying attention to the internal implementation.

In addition to these aspects, configuration register access is also very important. The IP core must be properly configured and enabled to work as required. See the following table for configuration registers:

III. QuestaSim common instructions

The WINDOWS/LINUX version of QuestaSim tool is easy to download. The main difference between QuestaSim and Modelsim is that it supports SV UVM well, which is very in line with the intention of this article. However, it is very troublesome to click the mouse again and again in the simulation process, so we have to learn the operation command and write a script to cooperate with SV to realize automatic simulation. The following are the common instructions and explanations intercepted in the official documents user manual and tutorial.

1 Compile the source files.
vlog gates.v and2.v cache.v memory.v proc.v set.v top.v

2 Use the vopt command to optimize the design with full visibility into all design units 

vopt +acc <design_name> -o <optimized_design_name> -debugdb

The +acc argument enables full visibility into the design for debugging purposes. The -oargument  is required for naming the optimized design object. The -debugdb argument collects combinatorial and sequential logic data into the work library.

3 Use the optimized design name to load the design with the vsim command:
vsim testcounter_opt -debugdb

4 set WildcardFilter "Variable Constant Generic Parameter SpecParam Memory
Assertion Endpoint ImmediateAssert"
With this command, you remove "CellInternal" from the default list of Wildcard filters.
This allows all signals in cells to be logged by the simulator so they will be visible in the
debug environment. 

5 Add Wave *

6 add log /*

This will provide the historic values of the events of interest plus its drivers

7 run 500

My do script file is also given:

 1 #quit -sim
 3 set filename testbench
 5 vlog *.v *.sv
 7 vopt -debugdb +acc work.$filename -o top_opt1
 8 vsim -debugdb top_opt1
10 #vsim -vopt -debugdb +acc work.$filename
12 # change WildcardFilter variables
13 set WildcardFilter "Variable Constant Generic Parameter SpecParam Memory Assertion Cover Endpoint ScVariable ImmediateAssert VHDLFile"
15 add wave /$filename/*
16 add log -r /*
18 run 1000ns

IV. build verification environment

This section is the core of this article. The structure and components of the general verification environment are shown in the figure:

Stimulus will send the test excitation to DUT module to be tested, and Monitor will observe the response and send it to Checker. In case of complex design, Reference model should be designed to compare the response between actual response and golden reference. When the Monitor can not simply collect DUT response directly, it also needs to design VIP to analyze the complex response signal timing. In recent days, the basic verification environment is conceived according to the characteristics of APB ﹣ I2C module by referring to the reference books and online tutorial videos.

The APB I2C module is not complex, so it is not necessary to design a reference model. If you want to use the monitor component to get DUT response, you need to analyze the I2C protocol timing. Here, write a VIP to help it analyze the effective data, and then compare it with the Stimulus data. Monitor has been greatly simplified due to the existence of VIP. Its main function is to transmit data to Checker through MAILBOX for comparison after waiting for triggering event.

In addition, in order to separate Stimulus from specific interface signal operation, Generator and Initiator classes are established to generate read-write access and convert read-write access to specific signal logic corresponding to read-write operation. In order to realize "detail hiding" in OOP features, the configuration class Config is established to configure the verification Environment. Here, the main task is to configure the Generator to send read and write requests for specific scenarios. To test different functional features, just change the parameters passed in Config. This verification Environment includes five verification components of the Generator Initiator Monitor Checker Config. Here, the Environment class is established to package these components together for the convenience of calling methods. It's more intuitive (a little ugly, let's live)

In addition to verifying the environment structure, a good code structure can also greatly improve the reusability of the platform. Here, all classes and corresponding attribute methods are encapsulated in Package components, which is convenient to be import ed into testbench. All variable types and parameters used in the validation process are placed in

Upper Code:

  1 package components;
  2     `include ""
  4     apb_bus_t apb_bus;
  5     logic event_tx_i2c_vld,event_tx_vld;
  6     data_t data_tx_i2c;
  7     logic data_tx_i2c_vld;
  9     //Driver
 10     class Initiator;
 12         function void init_en();
 13             apb_bus.sel = 0;
 14             apb_bus.wdata = 0;
 15             apb_bus.addr = 0;
 16             apb_bus.write = 0;
 17             apb_bus.enable = 0;
 18         endfunction
 20         task write_oper(address_t address,data_t data_w);
 21             @(posedge apb_bus.clk);
 22             #1;
 23             apb_bus.sel = 1;
 24             apb_bus.write = 1;
 25             apb_bus.wdata = data_w;
 26             apb_bus.addr = address;
 27             #T;
 28             apb_bus.enable = 1;
 29             #T;
 30             init_en();
 31         endtask
 33         task read_oper(address_t address,output data_t data_r);
 34             @(posedge apb_bus.clk);
 35             #1;
 36             apb_bus.sel = 1;
 37             apb_bus.write = 0;
 38             apb_bus.addr = address;
 39             #T;
 40             apb_bus.enable = 1;
 41             #T;
 42             data_r = apb_bus.rdata;
 43             init_en();
 44         endtask
 45     endclass
 47     typedef class Config;
 48     //Generator
 49     class Request; 
 50         data_t data_w;
 51         data_t data_r;
 52         Initiator initiator;
 54         function new();
 55             data_w = 32'h1234_5678;//32'b0001_0010_0011_0100_0101_0110_0111_1000
 56             initiator = new();
 57             clear_req();
 58         endfunction
 60         function void clear_req();
 61             initiator.init_en();
 62         endfunction
 64         task configure_reg(data_t data_reg_config,data_t data_reg_timeout);
 65             initiator.write_oper(ADDR_REG_CONFIG,data_reg_config);
 66             #(T*10);
 67             initiator.write_oper(ADD_REG_TIMEOUT,data_reg_timeout);
 68         endtask
 70         task write_data(data_t data_w);
 71             initiator.write_oper(ADDR_TX_FIFO,data_w);
 72         endtask
 74         task read_data(output data_t data_r);
 75             initiator.read_oper(ADDR_RX_FIFO,data_r);
 76         endtask
 78         task req_run(Config req_config);
 79             if(req_config.config_type == CONFIG_WR_DATA)begin
 80                 configure_reg(data_t'({30'd10,WRI_EN}),data_t'(32'd10000));
 81                 write_data(data_w);
 82             end
 83             else if(req_config.config_type == CONFIG_RD_DATA)begin
 84                 configure_reg(data_t'({30'd10,RD_EN}),data_t'(32'd10000));
 85                 read_data(data_r);
 86             end
 87         endtask
 89     endclass:Request
 91     class Config;
 92         config_type_t config_type;
 94         function new(config_type_t config_type=CONFIG_RD_DATA);
 95             this.config_type = config_type;
 96         endfunction
 98     endclass:Config
100     class Monitor;
102         mailbox #(data_t) mb_data_i2c_tx;
103         mailbox #(data_t) mb_data_tx;
105         function new(mailbox mb1,mailbox mb2);
106             this.mb_data_i2c_tx = mb1;
107             this.mb_data_tx = mb2;
108         endfunction
110         task store_res_tx();
111             wait(event_tx_i2c_vld);
112             #(T/2.0);
113             mb_data_i2c_tx.put(data_tx_i2c);
114             $display("store_res_tx:MAILBOX PUT:'h%h",data_tx_i2c);
115         endtask
117         task store_source_tx();
118             wait(event_tx_vld);
119             #(T/2.0);
120             mb_data_tx.put(apb_bus.wdata);
121             $display("store_source_tx:MAILBOX PUT:'h%h",apb_bus.wdata);
122         endtask
124         task mon_run();
125             fork 
126                 store_res_tx();
127                 store_source_tx();
128             join
129         endtask
131     endclass:Monitor
133     class Checker;
134         uint cmp_cnt;
135         uint err_cnt;
136         data_t data_A,data_B;
137         mailbox #(data_t) mb_data_A,mb_data_B;
138         sim_res_t check_res;
140         function new(mailbox mb_A,mailbox mb_B);
141             cmp_cnt = 0;
142             err_cnt = 0;
143             this.mb_data_A = mb_A;
144             this.mb_data_B = mb_B;
145         endfunction
147         task collect_res();
148             mb_data_A.get(this.data_A);
149             mb_data_B.get(this.data_B);
150             $display("MAILBOX GET:'h%h, 'h%h",this.data_A,this.data_B);
151         endtask
153         function sim_res_t compare(data_t dataA,data_t dataB);
154             if(dataA == dataB)begin
155                 check_res = TRUE;
156             end
157             else begin
158                 err_cnt ++;
159                 check_res = FALSE;
160             end
161             return check_res;
162         endfunction
164         task check_run();
165             sim_res_t check_res;
166             collect_res();
167             check_res = compare(data_A,data_B);
168             if(check_res == TRUE)
169                 $display("RUN PASS");
170             else
171                 $display("RUN FAIL");
172         endtask
174     endclass:Checker
176     class Environment;
177         mailbox #(data_t) mb[2];
178         Checker chk;
179         Request req;
180         Monitor monitor;
181         Config req_config;
183         function new();
184             uint i;
185             req_config = new();
186             req = new();
187             foreach(mb[i])
188                 mb[i] = new();
189             monitor = new(mb[0],mb[1]);
190             chk = new(mb[0],mb[1]);
191         endfunction
193         task env_run();
194             fork
195                 req.req_run(req_config);
196                 monitor.mon_run();
197             join
198             chk.check_run();
199         endtask
201     endclass:Environment
203 endpackage
 1     parameter T = 200;
 2     parameter DATA_W = 32;
 4     parameter bit [2-1:0] WRI_EN = 2'B01,
 5                         RD_EN = 2'B10;
 7     typedef int unsigned uint;
 8     //ADDR_REG_CONFIG = 'd8,//configure register
 9     //ADD_REG_TIMEOUT = 'd12;//time before starting
10     typedef enum uint {ADDR_TX_FIFO = 'd0,ADDR_RX_FIFO = 'd4,ADDR_REG_CONFIG = 'd8,ADD_REG_TIMEOUT = 'd12} address_t;
11     typedef enum uint {TRUE,FALSE} sim_res_t;
12     typedef logic [DATA_W-1:0] data_t;
13     typedef struct {
14     logic clk;
15     logic write;
16     logic sel;
17     logic enable;
18     data_t wdata;
19     data_t rdata;
20     data_t addr;
21     logic ready;
22     logic slverr;
23     } apb_bus_t;
25     typedef enum {WR,RD} gen_t;
26     typedef enum {CONFIG_WR_DATA,CONFIG_RD_DATA} config_type_t;
 1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
 3 module i2c_slave
 4 #(parameter DATA_WIDTH=32)
 5 (
 6 input clk,
 7 input scl,
 8 inout sda,
 9 input sda_master_en,
11 output logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_r,//master --> slave
12 output logic data_r_vld,
13 input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_w,
14 input data_w_vld
15 );
17 logic sda_r;
18 logic sda_neg,sda_pos;
19 logic cond_end,cond_start;
21 assign sda = sda_master_en ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
23 always@(posedge clk)begin
24     sda_r <= sda;
25 end
26 assign sda_neg = sda_r & ~sda;
27 assign sda_pos = ~sda_r & sda;
29 assign cond_start = sda_neg & scl;
30 assign cond_end = sda_pos & scl;
32 integer bit_index=0;
34 always
35 begin
36     data_r_vld = 0;
37     wait(cond_start);
38     $display("TRANSMISSION START");
39     @(posedge scl);
40     while(bit_index < DATA_WIDTH)begin
41         @(negedge scl);
42         if (sda_master_en)begin
43             @(posedge clk);
44             data_r = {sda,data_r[DATA_WIDTH-1 -:DATA_WIDTH-1]};
45             bit_index = bit_index+1;
46             $display("Get bit%d:%d",bit_index,sda);
47         end
48     end
49     data_r_vld = 1;
50     repeat(10)
51         @(posedge clk);
52     data_r_vld = 0;
53     $display("TRANSMISSION END");
54     bit_index = 0;
55 end
57 endmodule
  1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
  3 import components::*;
  6 module testbench;
  8 logic pclk,presetn;
  9 logic [DATA_W-1:0] paddr,pwdata,prdata;
 10 logic pwrite,pselx,penable;
 11 logic req_tx_vld;
 13 wire pready,pslverr;
 14 wire int_rx,int_tx;
 15 wire sda_enable,scl_enable;
 16 wire scl;
 17 wire sda;
 19 wire [DATA_W-1:0] data_r;
 20 wire data_r_vld;
 21 //apb_bus_t apb_bus;
 23 assign pwrite = apb_bus.write; 
 24 assign pselx = apb_bus.sel;
 25 assign penable = apb_bus.enable;
 26 assign pwdata = apb_bus.wdata;
 27 assign paddr = apb_bus.addr;
 29 assign apb_bus.rdata = prdata;
 30 assign apb_bus.ready = pready;
 31 assign apb_bus.slverr = pslverr;
 32 assign apb_bus.clk = pclk;
 34 //logic event_tx_i2c_vld,event_tx_vld;
 35 assign event_tx_vld     = req_tx_vld == 1'b1;
 36 assign event_tx_i2c_vld = data_r_vld == 1'b1;
 37 //data_t data_tx_i2c;
 38 //logic data_tx_i2c_vld;
 39 assign data_tx_i2c = data_r;
 40 assign data_tx_i2c_vld = data_r_vld;
 43 initial begin
 44     pclk = 1;
 45     forever begin
 46         #(T/2.0) pclk = ~pclk;
 47     end
 48 end
 50 initial begin
 51     presetn = 1;
 52     #1;
 53     presetn = 0;
 54     #(T*2);
 55     presetn = 1;
 56 end
 59 assign req_tx_vld = pselx & pwrite & penable & pready & ~pslverr & (paddr == ADDR_TX_FIFO || paddr == ADDR_RX_FIFO);
 61 Environment env;
 62 Config req_config;
 63 initial begin
 65     env = new();
 66     //req_config = new(CONFIG_WR_DATA);
 67     req_config = new(CONFIG_RD_DATA);
 68     env.req_config = req_config;
 70     #1;
 71     #(T*2);
 73     env.env_run();
 74 end
 75 ///////////////////////////      
 76 i2c_slave 
 78 i2c_slave_vip(
 79 .clk            (pclk),
 80 .scl            (scl),
 81 .sda            (sda),
 82 .sda_master_en  (sda_enable),
 83 .data_r            (data_r),
 84 .data_r_vld        (data_r_vld),
 85 .data_w            (),
 86 .data_w_vld        ()
 87 );
 90 i2c DUT(
 91     //APB PORTS
 92     .PCLK            (pclk),
 93     .PRESETn        (presetn),
 94     .PADDR            (paddr),
 95     .PWDATA            (pwdata),
 96     .PWRITE            (pwrite),
 97     .PSELx            (pselx),
 98     .PENABLE        (penable),
 99     . PREADY        (pready),
100     . PSLVERR        (pslverr),
101     . INT_RX        (int_rx),    
102     . INT_TX        (int_tx),
103     . PRDATA        (prdata),
104     . SDA_ENABLE    (sda_enable),
105     . SCL_ENABLE    (scl_enable),
106     .SDA            (sda),
107     .SCL            (scl)    
109       );
111 endmodule

5, Simulation analysis

When the configuration parameter of the Config class object is config? WR? Data, the generator initiates a write request. The waveform is as follows:

Observing the printed Log, we can see that each SCL clock cycle collects a bit, MAILBOX transmits correctly, checker compares correctly, so PASS is simulated.

During the verification, we found that there are many bugs in this module!! Here are two examples.

1 SDA is a two-way port, but when SDA enable is 0, it is not assigned as high resistance state, that is to release the signal line control right to slave. Make the following changes and have the VIP pull down the SDA during the ACK phase.

2. SCL is not toggle d in the read operation state machine. Therefore, SCL does not flip when config parameter is config? Rd? Data. Add the flip logic in the read operation state machine to make the br ﹐ CLK ﹐ Rx ﹐ O signal pull up when counter ﹐ receive ﹐ data = = CLK ﹐ t ﹐ 4 and pull down when counter ﹐ receive ﹐ data = = CLK ﹐ t ﹐ 3 ﹐ 4.

The waveform shows that the SCL turns normally during the read operation.

The reading operation of the module is not correct in many places and needs to be modified, so we will not go over them one by one. Generally speaking, I can't use o (I don't have hope) o at all. After that, I'd better write one myself.

Six, summary

This paper uses APB ﹣ I2C module as an example to build a hierarchical verification platform, but it needs to be improved. Here are some points:

1 test case and environment are not completely separated

2. The scene layer is not built to give rich pattern s

Seven, reference

1. System Verilog verification - Test Platform writing guide

2 <QuestaSim Tutorial>

3 <QuestaSim User Manual>

4 <apbi2c_spec>

5 Overview :: APB to I2C :: OpenCores

Posted by PupChow on Fri, 07 Feb 2020 09:10:51 -0800