Prometheus: Monitoring and Warning: 8: Visual Display of Node Information

Keywords: Docker

The previous article described how Node Exporter is used, which combines Prometheus and Grafana to collect and visualize node information.

Start Node Exporter

Start Node Exporter by default on port 9100

liumiaocn:node_exporter-0.18.1.darwin-amd64 liumiao$ ./node_exporter --web.disable-exporter-metrics
INFO[0000] Starting node_exporter (version=0.18.1, branch=HEAD, revision=3db77732e925c08f675d7404a8c46466b2ece83e)  source="node_exporter.go:156"
INFO[0000] Build context (go=go1.11.10, user=root@4a30727bb68c, date=20190604-16:47:36)  source="node_exporter.go:157"
INFO[0000] Enabled collectors:                           source="node_exporter.go:97"
INFO[0000]  - boottime                                   source="node_exporter.go:104"
INFO[0000]  - cpu                                        source="node_exporter.go:104"
INFO[0000]  - diskstats                                  source="node_exporter.go:104"
INFO[0000]  - filesystem                                 source="node_exporter.go:104"
INFO[0000]  - loadavg                                    source="node_exporter.go:104"
INFO[0000]  - meminfo                                    source="node_exporter.go:104"
INFO[0000]  - netdev                                     source="node_exporter.go:104"
INFO[0000]  - textfile                                   source="node_exporter.go:104"
INFO[0000]  - time                                       source="node_exporter.go:104"
INFO[0000] Listening on :9100                            source="node_exporter.go:170"

Start Prometheus

Start Prometheus and grab Node Exporter data every 10 seconds

liumiaocn:config liumiao$ cat prometheus-node.yml 
  scrape_interval:     10s
  evaluation_interval: 10s

  - job_name: 'node'

      - targets: ['']
          group: 'node_exporter'
liumiaocn:config liumiao$ 

Note: Replace the above IP with the IP of your own machine, because here is Proetheus started using Docker mode and Node Exporter started using binary mode directly, so set it using IP directly here.

Start command: docker run-d-p 9090:9090-v `pwd`/prometheus-node.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --name Prometheus prom/prometheus

The execution log is as follows:

liumiaocn:config liumiao$ docker run -d -p 9090:9090 -v `pwd`/prometheus-node.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --name prometheus prom/prometheus
liumiaocn:config liumiao$ docker ps |grep prometheus
2a8c9511f6ba        prom/prometheus           "/bin/prometheus --c..."   35 seconds ago      Up 34 seconds>9090/tcp   prometheus
liumiaocn:config liumiao$ 

Connection Confirmation

Use / targets to confirm the connection status between Prometheus and Node Exporter. As shown in the figure below, State shows UP, indicating that it is able to connect properly.You can also see the names of the group and job in the configuration file in Lables.

Of course, you can also confirm the information of up in console, enter up and perform a search to confirm the following information

Visual Display

UI for Prometheus

You can use the simple UI provided by Prometheus to confirm changes in metrics, such as changes in available memory within five minutes


You can also use Grafana for visual presentations.Detailed usage and setup methods can be found in:

Start Grafana:docker run-d -p 3000:3000 --name grafana grafana/grafana:6.5.1

It is then easy to construct a presentation of the visual indicators you need by referring to the Grafana usage description above.

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Posted by phpmaven on Fri, 17 Jan 2020 16:57:10 -0800