1. Description of successive approximation algorithm
1. Description of successive approximation algorithm
The flow of successive approximation algorithm is shown in Figure 1. First, input data[7:0], then set the experimental value d [3:0] and the determined value d [3:0], and then set each position 1 (e.g. d [3] to 1) in order from high to low, and then compare the experimental value with the input data. If the square of the experimental value is greater than the input value (d [Z ^ 2 > data), then this bit is 0 (d [Q [3] is 0). , otherwise ((D ﹐ Z ^ 2 ≤ data)), this bit is 1 (D ﹐ Q [3] is 1); this bit is iterated to the last bit.
It can be seen that n/2 iterations are required for n-bit data, and n/2 cycles are required for each calculation period.
The Figure1 block diagram of successive approximation algorithm
2.Verilog implementation
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // successive approximation algorithm // module sqrt_1 #( parameter d_width = 8, parameter q_width = d_width/2 - 1, parameter r_width = q_width + 1 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire i_vaild, input wire [d_width:0] data_i, //input output reg o_vaild, output reg [q_width:0] data_o, //output output reg [r_width:0] data_r //Remainder ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reg [d_width:0] D [r_width:1]; //Number of squares reg [q_width:0] Q_z [r_width:1]; //temporary reg [q_width:0] Q_q [r_width:1]; //confirm reg ivalid_t [r_width:1]; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- always@(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin D[r_width] <= 0; Q_z[r_width] <= 0; Q_q[r_width] <= 0; ivalid_t[r_width] <= 0; end else if(i_vaild) begin D[r_width] <= data_i; //Data of the party under Exploitation Q_z[r_width] <= {1'b1,{q_width{1'b0}}}; //Experiment value setting Q_q[r_width] <= 0; //Actual calculation results ivalid_t[r_width] <= 1; end else begin D[r_width] <= 0; Q_z[r_width] <= 0; Q_q[r_width] <= 0; ivalid_t[r_width] <= 0; end end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Iterative calculation process //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate genvar i; for(i=r_width-1;i>=1;i=i-1) begin:U always@(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin D[i] <= 0; Q_z[i] <= 0; Q_q[i] <= 0; ivalid_t[i] <= 0; end else if(ivalid_t[i+1]) begin if(Q_z[i+1]*Q_z[i+1] > D[i+1]) begin Q_z[i] <= {Q_q[i+1][q_width:i],1'b1,{{i-1}{1'b0}}}; Q_q[i] <= Q_q[i+1]; end else begin Q_z[i] <= {Q_z[i+1][q_width:i],1'b1,{{i-1}{1'b0}}}; Q_q[i] <= Q_z[i+1]; end D[i] <= D[i+1]; ivalid_t[i] <= 1; end else begin ivalid_t[i] <= 0; D[i] <= 0; Q_q[i] <= 0; Q_z[i] <= 0; end end end endgenerate //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate remainder and final square root //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- always@(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin data_o <= 0; data_r <= 0; o_vaild <= 0; end else if(ivalid_t[1]) begin if(Q_z[1]*Q_z[1] > D[1]) begin data_o <= Q_q[1]; data_r <= D[1] - Q_q[1]*Q_q[1]; o_vaild <= 1; end else begin data_o <= {Q_q[1][q_width:1],Q_z[1][0]}; data_r <= D[1] - {Q_q[1][q_width:1],Q_z[1][0]}*{Q_q[1][q_width:1],Q_z[1][0]}; o_vaild <= 1; end end else begin data_o <= 0; data_r <= 0; o_vaild <= 0; end end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.Testbench To write
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `define d_w 8 `define q_w `d_w / 2 `define r_w `q_w + 1 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module tb_sqrt; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inputs reg clk; reg rst; reg i_vaild; reg [`d_w-1:0] data_i; // Outputs wire o_vaild; wire [`q_w-1:0] data_o; wire [`r_w-1:0] data_r; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) sqrt_1 #( .d_width ( `d_w-1 ), .q_width ( `q_w-1 ), .r_width ( `r_w-1 ) ) uut ( .clk ( clk ), .rst ( rst ), .i_vaild ( i_vaild ), .data_i ( data_i ), .o_vaild ( o_vaild ), .data_o ( data_o ), .data_r ( data_r ) ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initial begin // Initialize Inputs clk = 0; rst = 1; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; rst = 0; // Add stimulus here end always #5 clk = ~ clk ; reg [`d_w:0] cnt ; reg [31:0] a ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- always@(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin i_vaild <= 0; data_i <= 0; cnt <= 0; end else if(cnt < 10) begin i_vaild <= 1; data_i <= {$random} % 255; cnt <= cnt + 1; end else begin i_vaild <= 0; data_i <= 0; cnt <= cnt; end end //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- endmodule
The statement data I < = {$random}% 255; generates a random number from 0 to 255 for testing.
The simulation results are shown in Figure 2. The calculation period is four clock periods, with input data, root result, data and remainder data.
The Fig. 2 simulation results