kubernetes High Availability Cluster (Multi master, v1.15 Official Latest Edition)

Keywords: Kubernetes Docker vim network

  1. Introduction

    Kubernetes has been operating in our production environment for nearly a year, and is now running steadily. From the construction of the system to the migration of the project, there have been many problems. The production environment uses multiple master nodes to achieve high availability of kubernetes, and uses haproxy+keepalived load balancing master. Now take time to summarize the process of building the system, to help you quickly build their own k8s system.

    Here is a screenshot of my production environment


The update iteration of kubernente version is very fast. When I built the production environment of kubernetes, the latest official version was v1.11. Now the official version has been updated to v1.15. This article gives an overview of the latest version.

2. Introduction to kubernetes

Kubernetes is google's borg-based open source container scheduling engine, an open source platform for automatic deployment, expansion and operation of container clusters. Kubernetes has perfect cluster management capabilities, including multi-level security protection and access mechanism, multi-tenant application support capability, transparent service registration and service discovery mechanism, built-in load balancer, fault detection and self-repair capability, rolling service upgrade and online expansion, scalable resource automatic scheduling Mechanisms, multi-granularity resource quota management capabilities. Kubernetes also provides perfect management tools, covering development, deployment testing, operation and maintenance monitoring and other aspects. As one of the most important members of CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation), kubernetes aims not only to be a choreography system, but also to provide a specification that allows you to describe the architecture of the cluster and define the final state of the service. Kubernetes can help you automatically achieve and maintain the state of the system.

3. kubernetes Architecture

In this system architecture diagram, services can be divided into services running on worker nodes and services constituting cluster-level control nodes. kubernetes nodes have the necessary services to run application containers, which are controlled by master s. Each node runs docker, which is responsible for all specific image downloads and container runs.

kubernetes consists of the following core components:

  • etcd saves the state of the whole cluster.

  • apiserver provides the only access to resource operation, and provides authentication, authorization, access control, API registration and discovery mechanisms.

  • controller manager is responsible for maintaining the status of the cluster, such as fault detection, automatic expansion, rolling updates, etc.

  • Schduler is responsible for resource scheduling, scheduling Pod to the corresponding machine according to the scheduled scheduling strategy.

  • kubelet is responsible for maintaining the life cycle of containers, as well as managing Volume (CVI) and Network (CNI).

  • Container runtime is responsible for image management and the real operation of Pod and container (CRI);

  • kube-proxy is responsible for providing service discovery and load balancing within the cluster for Service.

In addition to core components, there are also some recommended components:

  • kube-dns is responsible for providing DNS services for the entire cluster

  • Ingress Controller Provides Extranet Access for Services

  • Heapster provides resource monitoring

  • Dashboard provides GUI

  • Federation provides clusters across available zones

  • Fluentd-elastic search provides cluster log collection, storage and query

4. Construction process

Let's start the process of building our dry goods and clusters.

4.1 Environmental preparation

Machine name Machine configuration
Machine System IP address role


ubuntu16.04 haproxy+keepalived VIP:
haproxy1 8C16G ubuntu16.04 haproxy+keepalived VIP:
master1 8C16G ubuntu16.04 Primary Node 1
master2 8C16G ubuntu16.04 Primary Node 2
master3 8C16G ubuntu16.04 Primary Node 3
node1 8C16G ubuntu16.04 Work Node 1
node2 8C16G ubuntu16.04 Work Node 2
node3 8C16G ubuntu16.04 Work Node 3

4.2 Environmental Description

This paper uses three masters and three node s to build the kubernetes cluster, and two machines to build haproxy+keepalived load balancing master to ensure the high availability of the master, so as to ensure the high availability of the whole kubernetes. The official requirement is that the machine configuration must be >= 2C2G and the operating system >= 16.04.

4.3 Building Process

4.3.1 Basic Settings

Modify the hosts file and all 8 machines

root@haproxy1:~# cat /etc/hosts     haproxy1     haproxy2     master1     master2     master3     node1     node2     node3    kubernetes.haproxy.com

4.3.2 haproxy+keepalived architecture

Install haproxy

root@haproxy1:/data# wget https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/archive/v2.0.0.tar.gz
root@haproxy1:/data# tar -xf v2.0.0.tar.gz
root@haproxy1:/data# cd haproxy-2.0.0/
root@haproxy1:/data/haproxy-2.0.0# make TARGET=linux-glibc
root@haproxy1:/data/haproxy-2.0.0# make install PREFIX=/data/haproxy
root@haproxy1:/data/haproxy# mkdir conf
root@haproxy1:/data/haproxy# vim  conf/haproxy.cfg
  log local0 err
  maxconn 50000
  user haproxy
  group haproxy
  nbproc 1
  pidfile haproxy.pid
  mode tcp
  log local0 err
  maxconn 50000
  retries 3
  timeout connect 5s
  timeout client 30s
  timeout server 30s
  timeout check 2s
listen admin_stats
  mode http
  log local0 err
  stats refresh 30s
  stats uri     /haproxy-status
  stats realm   Haproxy\ Statistics
  stats auth    will:will
  stats hide-version
  stats admin if TRUE
frontend k8s
  mode tcp
  default_backend k8s
backend k8s
  mode tcp
  balance roundrobin
  server master1 weight 1 maxconn 1000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3
  server master2 weight 1 maxconn 1000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3
  server master3 weight 1 maxconn 1000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3
root@haproxy1:/data/haproxy# id -u haproxy &> /dev/null || useradd -s /usr/sbin/nologin -r haproxy
root@haproxy1:/data/haproxy# mkdir /usr/share/doc/haproxy
root@haproxy1:/data/haproxy# wget -qO - https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/blob/master/doc/configuration.txt | gzip -c > /usr/share/doc/haproxy/configuration.txt.gz
root@haproxy1:/data/haproxy# vim /etc/default/haproxy 
# Defaults file for HAProxy
# This is sourced by both, the initscript and the systemd unit file, so do not
# treat it as a shell script fragment.

# Change the config file location if needed

# Add extra flags here, see haproxy(1) for a few options
#EXTRAOPTS="-de -m 16"

root@haproxy1:/data# vim /lib/systemd/system/haproxy.service 
Description=HAProxy Load Balancer
After=network.target syslog.service

ExecStartPre=/data/haproxy/sbin/haproxy -f ${CONFIG} -c -q
ExecStart=/data/haproxy/sbin/haproxy -W  -f ${CONFIG} -p /data/haproxy/conf/haproxy.pid $EXTRAOPTS
ExecReload=/data/haproxy/sbin/haproxy -c -f ${CONFIG}
ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR2 $MAINPID


root@haproxy2:/data/haproxy# systemctl daemon-reload 
root@haproxy2:/data/haproxy# systemctl start haproxy
root@haproxy2:/data/haproxy# systemctl status haproxy

Install keepalived

root@haproxy1:/data# wget https://www.keepalived.org/software/keepalived-2.0.16.tar.gz
root@haproxy1:/data# tar -xf keepalived-2.0.16.tar.gz
root@haproxy1:/data# cd keepalived-2.0.16/
root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived-2.0.16# ./configure --prefix=/data/keepalived
root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived-2.0.16# ./configure --prefix=/data/keepalived
root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived-2.0.16# make && make install
root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived# mkdir conf
root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived# vim conf/keepalived.conf
! Configuration File for keepalived
global_defs {
  notification_email {
  notification_email_from keepalived@localhost
  smtp_connect_timeout 30
  router_id haproxy1
vrrp_script chk_haproxy {                                   #HAproxy Service monitoring script                    
  script "/data/keepalived/check_haproxy.sh"
  interval 2
  weight 2
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
  state MASTER
  interface ens160
  virtual_router_id 1
  priority 100
  advert_int 1
  authentication {
    auth_type PASS
    auth_pass 1111
  track_script {
  virtual_ipaddress {

root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived# vim /etc/default/keepalived
# Options to pass to keepalived

# DAEMON_ARGS are appended to the keepalived command-line

root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived# vim /lib/systemd/system/keepalived.service
Description=Keepalive Daemon (LVS and VRRP)
# Only start if there is a configuration file

# Read configuration variable file if it is present
ExecStart=/data/keepalived/sbin/keepalived -f ${CONFIG} -p /data/keepalived/conf/keepalived.pid $DAEMON_ARGS
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived# systemctl daemon-reload
root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived# systemctl start keepalived.service
root@haproxy1:/data/keepalived# vim /data/keepalived/check_haproxy.sh
A=`ps -C haproxy --no-header | wc -l`
if [ $A -eq 0 ];then
systemctl start haproxy.service
sleep 3
if [ `ps -C haproxy --no-header | wc -l ` -eq 0 ];then
systemctl stop keepalived.service

Similarly, install haproxy and keepalived on haproxy 2 machine

4.3.3 kubernetes Cluster Construction

Basic settings

Close the switch partition, all six machines in the kubernetes cluster must be shut down

root@master1:~# free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          16046         128       15727           8         190       15638
Swap:           979           0         979
root@master1:~# swapoff -a
root@master1:~# free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          16046         128       15726           8         191       15638
Swap:             0           0           0

Install docker

All 6 machines need to be installed

# send apt Ability to use https Visit
root@master1:~# apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
root@master1:~# curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
root@master1:~# apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
pub   4096R/0EBFCD88 2017-02-22
      Key fingerprint = 9DC8 5822 9FC7 DD38 854A  E2D8 8D81 803C 0EBF CD88
uid                  Docker Release (CE deb) <docker@docker.com>
sub   4096R/F273FCD8 2017-02-22

# increase docker apt source
root@master1:~# add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
# install docker
root@master1:~# apt-get update
root@master1:~# apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
root@master1:~# docker --version 
Docker version 18.09.6, build 481bc77

Install kubernetes components

# install kubeadm,kubelet,kubectl 6 All machines need to be installed.
root@master1:~# apt-get update
root@master1:~# apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl
root@master1:~# curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add -
root@master1:~# cat <<EOF >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
> deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main
root@master1:~# apt-get update
root@master1:~# apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
root@master1:~# apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl
kubelet set on hold.
kubeadm set on hold.
kubectl set on hold.

Creating clusters

Control Node 1

root@master1:~# vim kubeadm-config.yaml
apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta2
kind: ClusterConfiguration
kubernetesVersion: stable
controlPlaneEndpoint: "kubernetes.haproxy.com:8443"
    podSubnet: ""
root@master1:~# kubeadm init --config=kubeadm-config.yaml --upload-certs

The screenshots are as follows.

root@master1:~# mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
root@master1:~# cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
root@master1:~# chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
# Install network components, using fannel
root@master1:~# kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/62e44c867a2846fefb68bd5f178daf4da3095ccb/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml

View installation results

root@master1:~# kubectl get pod -n kube-system -w

Control Node 2

root@master2:~# kubeadm join kubernetes.haproxy.com:8443 --token a3g3x0.zc6qxcdqu60jgtz1     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:d48d8e4e7f8bc2c66a815a34b7e6a23809ad53bdae4a600e368a3ff28ad7a7d5     --experimental-control-plane --certificate-key a2a84ebc181ba34a943e5003a702b71e2a1e7e236f8d1d687d9a19d2bf803a77
root@master2:~# cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
root@master2:~# chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

View installation results

root@master2:~# kubectl get nodes

Control Node 3

root@master3:~# kubeadm join kubernetes.haproxy.com:8443 --token a3g3x0.zc6qxcdqu60jgtz1     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:d48d8e4e7f8bc2c66a815a34b7e6a23809ad53bdae4a600e368a3ff28ad7a7d5     --experimental-control-plane --certificate-key a2a84ebc181ba34a943e5003a702b71e2a1e7e236f8d1d687d9a19d2bf803a77
root@master3:~# mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
root@master3:~# cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
root@master3:~# chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

View installation results

root@master3:~# kubectl get nodes

Adding Work Nodes

root@node1:~# kubeadm join kubernetes.haproxy.com:8443 --token a3g3x0.zc6qxcdqu60jgtz1     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:d48d8e4e7f8bc2c66a815a34b7e6a23809ad53bdae4a600e368a3ff28ad7a7d5
root@node2:~# kubeadm join kubernetes.haproxy.com:8443 --token a3g3x0.zc6qxcdqu60jgtz1     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:d48d8e4e7f8bc2c66a815a34b7e6a23809ad53bdae4a600e368a3ff28ad7a7d5
root@node3:~# kubeadm join kubernetes.haproxy.com:8443 --token a3g3x0.zc6qxcdqu60jgtz1     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:d48d8e4e7f8bc2c66a815a34b7e6a23809ad53bdae4a600e368a3ff28ad7a7d5

Completion of the entire cluster to view the results

Execution on any master

root@master1:~# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

root@master1:~# kubectl get nodes

So far, the whole high-availability cluster has been built.

5. Reference Documents



Posted by anupamsaha on Tue, 09 Jul 2019 17:29:03 -0700