Ansible uses jinja2 to manage configuration files and jinja2 syntax profiles

Introduction to Jinja2 Jinja2 is a python-based template engine with functions similar to smarty in PHP, Freemarker and velocity in J2ee. It can fully support unicode, and has an integrated sandbox execution environment, which is widely used. Jinja2 uses BSD authorization The syntax of Jinja2 is composed of variables and stat ...

Posted by mutedgirl on Tue, 18 Dec 2018 21:27:04 -0800

okhttp implements https access and supports https access in Android 4.X system

Last year, we used Retrofit+OkHttp to make network requests when we reconstructed our company's project. Because our company's network requests are accessed by https, we began to solve the problem of Https network transmission after encapsulating the framework of Retrofit+OkHttp network requests suitable for our project. At first, I read a lot ...

Posted by michelledebeer on Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:51:03 -0800

Docker Tricks: (3)Docker Compose builds Gitlab from configuration (https, mailbox validation) to basic availability

Preface gitlab 11.1 has built-in CI/CD, which has been available since gitlab 8+, but the configuration is trivial. After several large versions of iterations, it has now simplified the way to use, and also repaired some pits, which attracted me greatly. Sorry for not using the good stuff, we started a long way to climb the ...

Posted by jeev on Fri, 14 Dec 2018 17:48:03 -0800

master/salve handover based on async stream in pgsql 9.1

vm uses Oracle vm Virtual Box 5.2.4 r119785 (Qt5.6.2) os uses debian 8.2 pgsql was 9.1.22 ip planning is as follows: two network segments # 192.168.56.x # 192.168.165.x node1 bond0 bond0:1 eth0 eth1 bond1 bond1:1 eth2 eth3 node2 bond0 bond0:1 e ...

Posted by juancuca on Thu, 13 Dec 2018 01:12:07 -0800