Talk about rocketmq's consumemode.order

order This paper mainly studies the consumemode.order of rocketmq ConsumeMode.ORDERLY rocketmq-spring-boot-2.0.4-sources.jar!/org/apache/rocketmq/spring/annotation/ public enum ConsumeMode { /** * Receive asynchronously delivered messages concurrently */ CONCURRENTLY, /** * Receive asynchronously deli ...

Posted by hawk72500 on Sat, 21 Dec 2019 09:59:17 -0800

Atomic issues with Java memory models

This blog series is a summary of the learning process of concurrent programming.Because there are many articles and the writing time is scattered, I organized a catalog paste (portal) for easy reference. Concurrent Programming Series Blog Portal Preface As mentioned in previous articles, JMM is a reflection of the memory model specification in ...

Posted by wilded1 on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 22:45:08 -0800

Proficient in Spring Boot -- Part 5: write a Spring Boot starter package

In order to better understand the automatic configuration and working principle of spring boot, let's write a spring boot Hello starter today. This process is very simple, not much code. Let's see how to start. ##1. New maven project. This is not a demonstration. If you can't do it yourself, baidu... Lala, because it's too simple 2. Create a ne ...

Posted by novicephp on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 09:15:18 -0800

Spring Cloud Micro Services: Service Registration and Discovery

Eureka is Netflix's open source service registration and discovery component. Common Service Registration and Discovery Components Zookeeper,Eureka Eureka Service Registration and Discovery Principles Services are registered with the registry Get additional registry service configurations Create Eureka Server Create a project using Spring In ...

Posted by kankersite on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 21:06:38 -0800

Day of New Man's Trench - java.lang.NullPointerException: null appears when springboot injects mapper

The next week I came to the company, I received a development request for a timed task: Send a user report mail every morning at 10:00 a.m.It's a little embarrassing that the new recruits didn't do this.) so decided to write step by step, export from excel - > mail send - > timer implementation - > mapper layer return set receive, the ...

Posted by kester on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 00:42:36 -0800

Summary of AOP Face-Oriented Programming for SpringBoot

1. What is AOP Aspect-oriented programming (AOP), also translated as Aspect-oriented programming and Profile-oriented programming, is a program design idea in computer science. It aims to further separate cross-cutting concerns from business entities to improve the modularity of program code.By adding an additional Advice mechanism to the exis ...

Posted by PRSBOY on Wed, 18 Dec 2019 20:50:06 -0800

Spring boot integrated global exception handling

Spring boot integrated global exception handling Preface For normal MVC projects, a large number of exceptions need to be handled by us. In this way, our Controller layer has to make exceptions in the try catch service layer. In this way, each method body of the Controller layer needs to write some templated try catch code, which is very diffic ...

Posted by keakathleen on Wed, 18 Dec 2019 13:34:40 -0800

About using fastjson to unify the serialization response format.

Absrtact: in fact, it's a very simple way to deal with it. It's not elegant enough, or fast JSON has not been found to provide a convenient way to deal with it. So record the process of dealing with the problem. Objective: all api requests, i.e. responses, are processed in a unified format for the content of application [JSON]. For example: the ...

Posted by xadmin on Wed, 18 Dec 2019 11:35:03 -0800

websocket simple communication

Using websocket can realize full duplex communication between client and server, and the bottom layer is tcp protocol. Principle and concept please Baidu. . First, we use idea to build a simple web project, and use maven to manage project dependencies. Add spring spring MVN support capability for the project, and add pom depen ...

Posted by Takuma on Wed, 18 Dec 2019 07:51:20 -0800

Spring Boot integrates Redis

Preface This article will simply integrate Redis based on springboot 2.1.8.RELEASE, which is suitable for beginners Introduction to Spring Boot integrated Redis 1. Introduce redis dependency in pom.xml <!-- Redis rely on --> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-s ...

Posted by frans-jan on Wed, 18 Dec 2019 06:32:37 -0800