Spring Boot

If you want speed, you will not reach it. If you want speed, you will reach it! hello, hello, I've met you again. Today is February 1, 2020. On the eighth day of the lunar new year, the Spring Festival will soon be over. The new type of coronavirus pneumonia has become the theme of the Spring Festival in 2020. I'm in awe of life. I hope I can ...

Posted by llcoollasa on Sat, 01 Feb 2020 03:56:20 -0800

Spring MVC source code parsing (travel process of a request)

1, Inheritance structure and component initialization of dispatcher Servlet 1.1 dispatcher servlet genealogy The essence of spring MVC is a Servlet, which inherits from HttpServlet. Spring MVC provides three levels of servlets: HttpServletBean, FrameworkServlet and DispatchServlet, which inherit fr ...

Posted by legio on Sat, 01 Feb 2020 02:42:25 -0800

Construction of eureka Registration Center

Is there a problem? Briefly review what we have just written: Service provider: a microservice that provides querying users according to their id. Service consumer: a service caller who calls service provider remotely through RestTemplate. What's the problem? In consumer, we hard cod ...

Posted by Vorotaev on Sat, 01 Feb 2020 02:13:45 -0800

Redis Cultivation - cardinality statistics: HyperLogLog

There is no end to learning. brief introduction HyperLogLog is an advanced data structure in Redis. It is mainly used for cardinal Statistics (de duplication Statistics) of massive data (2 ^ 64 data can be counted). It is characterized by high speed and small space (12KB). But there are errors in th ...

Posted by scavok on Sat, 01 Feb 2020 00:06:32 -0800

springboot learning - integrate JdbcTemplate

12:59:22, February 1, 2020 The epidemic continues, disrupting many of my plans It's also good to study at home     Introduction to JdbcTemplate Spring encapsulates the operation of database deeply on jdbc. With spring's injection function, DataSource can be registered in JdbcTemplate. The Jdbc ...

Posted by magaly on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 22:21:18 -0800

8. [kowtow to Spring] - IoC's parsing Bean: parsing the import tag

In blogs [kowtow to Spring] - IoC's registration BeanDefinitions According to the analysis in, there are two ways to parse beans in Spring: If the root node or child node adopts the default namespace, the ා parseDefaultElement(...) method is called for default label resolution Otherwise, the beand ...

Posted by gardner1 on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 21:48:34 -0800

Spring Boot + MyBatis quick start

I've learned Spring Boot these days, and I want to record it for review in the future. Spring Boot greatly simplifies the complexity of XML configuration in the past. A Web project can be built with a few simple lines of configuration, which greatly saves development time. Environmental preparation Eclipse JDK 1.7 Maven M ...

Posted by JP128 on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 13:32:39 -0800

Spring Cloud -- routing gateway (Zuul)

Zuul introduction Zuul's main functions are route forwarding and filter. Routing function is a part of microservices, such as / api/user forwarding to user service and / api/shop forwarding to shop service. Zuul default and Ribbon combine to realize the function of load balancing. Build a Spring Cloud gateway Create project ...

Posted by Shock_CNOP on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 02:18:48 -0800

Java share notes: Custom enumeration class & use enum keyword to define enumeration class

Before JDK 1.5, there was no enum keyword. If you want to use enumeration classes, programmers need to design them according to the rules of Java language. Starting from JDK 1.5, the Java language has added enum keyword, through which enumeration classes can be easily defined. This enumeration class has its own programming rules, and has some s ...

Posted by zaki on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 01:53:02 -0800

The @ transactional annotation does not take effect after the Spring boot atomikos is configured

1, When using things in springBoot, it is found that the transaction is not executed normally and is not rolled back: @GetMapping("/addincome/1") @Transactional public String addIncome1(@RequestParam("name") String name, @RequestParam("amount") double amount) { try { User user = new User(); ...

Posted by FireDrake on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 00:10:12 -0800