Replacing JSON with MsgPack protocol in Phoenix WebSocket

Why MsgPack? MsgPack is lighter and less traffic than JSON MsgPack's own date time type (always UTC) MsgPack comes with binary data type (it's convenient to transfer a picture or something) MsgPack supports custom types The standards of MsgPack are open source and well documented Phoenix.Socket.Serializer module In the Phoenix framework, ther ...

Posted by shmoo525 on Mon, 27 Apr 2020 04:11:12 -0700

Java -- optimize the use of TCP to achieve file upload (multithreading)

Java -- optimize the use of TCP to achieve file upload (multithreading) Blog description The information involved in this article comes from Internet collation and personal summary, which means personal learning and experience summary. If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete, thank you! graphic step [Client] input stream, ...

Posted by pastijalan on Sat, 25 Apr 2020 07:39:42 -0700

Smart socket: active Push message from server to client

In the communication scenario, the common mode is that the client sends the request to the server, and the server responds again. Another communication mode is that the server actively pushes messages to the client. There are usually two scenarios for this communication. Scenario 1 A client sends instructions to the server and triggers the serv ...

Posted by madhouse92 on Sat, 25 Apr 2020 06:58:27 -0700

Java--Socket Programming TCP communication

Java--Socket Programming TCP communication Blog description The information involved in this article comes from Internet collation and personal summary, which means personal learning and experience summary. If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete, thank you! Explain TCP communication can realize data interaction between two ...

Posted by jiggens on Fri, 24 Apr 2020 21:06:00 -0700

The third stage of Java learning (8: network communication protocol, UDP and TCP protocol)

1, Network communication protocol 1. Concept:         Through computer network, multiple computers can be connected. Computers in the same network need to abide by certain rules when connecting and communicating. In computer network, these rules of connection and communication are called network communicati ...

Posted by Eal on Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:17:39 -0700

Arrange learning notes of angular4 route usage of angular4

  This chapter talks about the routing of angular Let's talk about how to introduce angular routing. In the beginning, the new angular project has its routing configured for you, but it depends on app.module.ts 1. First, the routing module should be introduced at the top import {RouterModule, Routes} from '@angular/ro ...

Posted by g.grillo on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 21:36:46 -0700

Summary of OkHttp source code interpretation (XIII) - > call server interceptor

Summary of OkHttp source code interpretation (XIII) - > call server interceptor Tags (space separated): learning notes of OkHttp source code Preface The following summary of relevant knowledge is based on the relevant learning and opinions of If you need to check the relevant teaching of, you ...

Posted by seansd on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 08:15:11 -0700

Python Create Local Server Environment Generate QR Code

1. Requirements The company wants to make an H5 mobile adapter page. Because of technical problems, H5 is outsourced. Each time the front-end gives us the source code, we pass the source code to the server for others to access to see if there is a bug. Isn't that troublesome?Some people say that they can let the front end be hosted on their se ...

Posted by vocoder on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 00:55:01 -0700

WebSocket learning summary

This article casually wrote about my own understanding of websocket communication protocol, Demo played on two frameworks, and then stepped on several pits and unfilled pits (welcome to comment and guide).   What is WebSocket? Why use WebSocket? WebSocket is a kind of network communication protocol. When it comes to network communication protoc ...

Posted by redmonkey on Fri, 17 Apr 2020 02:42:03 -0700

CentOS7 installation configuration MySQL

It's different from ordinary software. Instead of installing rpm directly, install rpm first to get the yum source, and then use Yum to install it Download rpm package [root@VM_149_46_centos ~]# wget Install rpm package [root@VM_149_46_ce ...

Posted by NS on Wed, 15 Apr 2020 12:08:51 -0700