Spring integrates MyBatis bulk insertion

The for loop has been used for single insertion before. When the traffic volume increases to tens of thousands, a Connection is null error will be reported. This is the first time I have encountered this business scenario. Record the following. If I know more, I will continue to update this article. Combined posts: ...

Posted by dwfait on Mon, 04 May 2020 08:33:47 -0700

Vuejs uses Props to pass value instances

Ask questions In the process of development, we need to control the variables of subcomponents in another component. Then, using props of subcomponents to transfer values can solve this problem well; demand If we need to make the pop-up window into a common component, then in the parent component or another compone ...

Posted by hoodlumpr on Sun, 03 May 2020 08:16:54 -0700

Python Create Local Server Environment Generate QR Code

1. Requirements The company wants to make an H5 mobile adapter page. Because of technical problems, H5 is outsourced. Each time the front-end gives us the source code, we pass the source code to the server for others to access to see if there is a bug. Isn't that troublesome?Some people say that they can let the front end be hosted on their se ...

Posted by vocoder on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 00:55:01 -0700

Leyou mall project - day19 - order + wechat payment (end part - full code attached at the end of the article)

1. Order system interface We don't do development, we just explain 1.1. Import order service Copy the Leyou order provided by the pre class materials to the D:\heima\code\leyou directory. Then import in the project: Just import the Pom coordinates directly Start all microservices: 1.2.Sw ...

Posted by loveranger on Mon, 02 Mar 2020 22:36:24 -0800

Wechat third party login redirect uuri parameter error

Wechat third party login First of all, the solution: wrong redirect uuri parameter Set the callback address in the open platform, for example, the address is www.niezhiliang.com. When generating the QR code, the callback can only write the address under the domain name You must add http or https to the callback address (yo ...

Posted by cnagra on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 23:01:04 -0800

Generating QR code with thinkphp5 framework

Two words, first code:   In the first part: no need to save the file locally, and display directly on the foreground page: This is the content in the controller. Oh, by the way, first download the SDK:.phpqrcode class file download, download address: https://sourceforge.net/projects/phpqrcode/ Plug in only needs: the downloaded class file is a ...

Posted by van__ on Wed, 25 Dec 2019 07:43:35 -0800

Detailed explanation of the principle of Google Authenticator TOTP (take Python as an example)

Xiaosheng blog: http://xsboke.blog.51cto.com If in doubt, please Click here The author will reply in time (or comment directly in the current article). -------Thank you for your reference. If you have any questions, welcome to exchange I. detailed explanation of the principle (click and zoom in the picture) II. Verific ...

Posted by aurigus on Sat, 30 Nov 2019 10:23:35 -0800

Generating QR code with logo in PHP

#Generate QR code in PHP (you need to download the phpqrcode class file) Download address: http://phpqrcode.sourceforge.net/ This class library is just a file. Open the file and you can see that it consists of multiple classes (I used 1.1.4). The first class name is qrstr, and the file name is phpqrcode. After downloading the cl ...

Posted by JaGeK on Fri, 29 Nov 2019 08:34:53 -0800

SpringBoot+Poller Long Connection Implements Scavenging Logon Function Demo-Postman Simulated Scavenging Request

Scavenging Logon Function Demo-Postman Simulated Scavenging Request Scavenging Logon Function - Polling or Long Connection WebSocket - Zxing Generate 2D Code Scavenging login is actually a login request, but the information is stored on the user's mobile phone. It also needs two-dimensional code to verify whether the matching method can be used ...

Posted by Rob2005 on Wed, 13 Nov 2019 23:15:23 -0800

Generating 2D code in java background

First, define the QR code container on the front-end page to store the generated QR code in the background (the following is corresponding to the three logo icons in the above figure, which are put here to let you see more clearly!) <ul> <li><img src="/static/Images/HitArea/logo-sina.png" alt="">&lt ...

Posted by EcLip$e on Mon, 28 Oct 2019 07:29:25 -0700