Disruptor learning - easy to use

Destructor GitHub address Introduction: disruptor is an open source and efficient concurrent framework event: event Event factory: eventFactory The concrete implementation of event handling: eventHandler Producer In order to use disruptor, let's consider a simple example, which is to say = pass a long t ...

Posted by Sanoz0r on Thu, 16 Jan 2020 00:39:44 -0800

Flow operation of new Java 8 features

What is flow operation The Java 8 API adds a new abstraction called streaming Stream, which allows you to process data in a declarative way. Stream provides a high-level abstraction of Java set operations and expressions in an intuitive way similar to querying data from a database using SQL statements. Stream API can greatly improve ...

Posted by mathewvp on Thu, 16 Jan 2020 00:24:28 -0800

Spring boot, spring security, Vue integrated JWT certification

Original address Summary Before starting this article, the blogger defaults that you already know Spring Boot, Spring Security, Vue and JWT. The above concepts will not be repeated here. Let's talk about the train of thought. 1. The backend needs to write JWT generation processing and JWT parsing authentication processing. 2. The front ...

Posted by NTM on Wed, 15 Jan 2020 21:50:45 -0800

Document deletion for the SpringBoot series tutorial Solr

Document deletion for Solr, 200114-SpringBoot series tutorial The previous Search tutorial did not continue at the beginning, and now it is picked up again, at least to complete the basic operation posture of CURD; this article focuses on how to delete data <!-- more --> I. Configuration Before introducing demo, you need to install sol ...

Posted by rougue on Wed, 15 Jan 2020 18:09:21 -0800

Python Crash Course Reading Notes - Chapter 2: Variables and Simple Data Types

variable In the file hello_world.py,.Py is the suffix of the python file and is therefore parsed using the Python interpreter. $ cat hello_world.py print("Hello Python world!") Now change to variable form, message is variable, and each variable is associated with a value: message = "Hello Python worl ...

Posted by gfadmin on Wed, 15 Jan 2020 16:49:55 -0800

Seven principles of design mode

In the process of writing our call later, we will face from coupling. Cohesion and maintainability, scalability, reusability, flexibility and other challenges, design patterns to make the program have better: Code reusability (i.e. code with the same function, not written many times) Readability (i.e. ...

Posted by AwptiK on Wed, 15 Jan 2020 03:46:08 -0800

Skr Eric's data analysis class

Common functions of Numpy 1. Read matrix file xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx It consists of data items in several rows and columns. The number of items in each row must be equal, the type of data items in each column must be the same, and there is a clear separator between data ...

Posted by chwebdesigns on Wed, 15 Jan 2020 03:25:19 -0800

Data structure - user login system

Course design of data structure user management system Things involved: MFC, file, AVL; As a beginner, record the course design of this semester's data structure; first, the requirements of the task book. 1. [problem description]: When logging in the server system, you need to verify the user name an ...

Posted by localhost on Wed, 15 Jan 2020 03:03:30 -0800

How do beanautils copy lists?

Background We may often transform data between DO, Model, VO layer data: Entity corresponds to the data structure of persistence layer (generally the mapping model of database table); The Model corresponds to the data structure of the business layer; VO is the data structure that the Controller interacts with the client. For example ...

Posted by smook on Wed, 15 Jan 2020 00:22:10 -0800

iOS underlying learning-day-16

iOS underlying learning-day-16 Preface - OC grammar problem runtime API-01 class Dictionary to model example runtime API-04 method replacement Preface - OC grammar I am an iOS developer. I am a rookie at the bottom of iOS for 30 days. problem What is Runtime? Has it ever been used in normal ...

Posted by mjs87 on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 20:46:54 -0800