Eight main uses of killall commands to terminate processes on Linux

Linux's command line provides many commands to kill a process.For example, you can pass a PID to kill a process; the pkill command uses a regular expression as input, so processes matching that pattern are killed. But there is also a command called killall, which by default matches the parameter name exactly and then kills the matching proce ...

Posted by RamboJustRambo on Tue, 07 May 2019 16:00:39 -0700

/var/empty/ssdh must be owned by root and not group or world-writable

Problem Description:After adding Oracle users, the development feedback can connect PING to the host and Telnet to the corresponding port. Client screenshots are as follows: Problem analysis:Maybe in the process of multi-user operation, or in the process of creating users, the operation errors of time privilege which set the membership gro ...

Posted by jstngk on Wed, 13 Feb 2019 01:00:18 -0800