Spring configuration file loading process

The Spring configuration file is loaded mainly in the loadBeanDefinitoin method This method is very complex. The purpose of this blog is to explain this method in detail this.loadBeanDefinitions(beanFactory); Click in protected void loadBeanDefinitions(DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException, IOException { Xm ...

Posted by bimbo on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 20:40:20 -0700

Use of Java object-oriented abstract methods, abstract classes and interfaces

1, Abstract 1. Brief description It's just a statement, not a realizationAbstract method: public abstract void act();, There is no method body and it ends directly. Abstract methods can only exist in abstract classes.Abstract class: public abstract class Test {}. The subclass inheriting the abstract class must override the methods (including ...

Posted by kylebragger on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 21:04:01 -0700

Spr2: introduction of IOC theory

2.1 introduction The following uses specific examples to introduce the idea of IOC. Firstly, the project follows the MVC development concept, mainly including dao layer, service layer and Test at the same level as main. 2.2 examples 2.2.1 code UserDao interface: package com.yun.dao; public interface UserDao { public void speak(); } ...

Posted by Altair on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 03:20:57 -0700

[source code analysis and design mode 2, heavy message

Like the factory method mode, the abstract factory mode is also composed of four elements: abstract factory, concrete factory, abstract product and concrete product. However, the number of methods in the abstract factory is different, so is the number of abstract products. The main roles of the abstract factory pattern are as follows: 1. Abst ...

Posted by tecdesign on Mon, 06 Sep 2021 17:44:24 -0700

Spring MVC framework technology summary, Java learning route guide

@Controller public class UserController { @RequestMapping(value = "/users",method = RequestMethod.POST) public String insertUsers(@RequestBody List<User> users){ System.out.println("insertUsers"); System.out.println(users); return "/success.jsp"; } } 3.2.4 summary 🔥 If there are curly braces outsid ...

Posted by al3x8730 on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 20:24:36 -0700

Spring MVC reviews the old and knows the new – from scratch, the mind map + core + architecture allows you to reach your goal in one step

1: The user initiates a request, which will be intercepted by the front-end controller (dispatcher servlet) 2: The front-end controller (dispatcher servlet) requests the Handler mapping to find the Handler 3: The Handler mapping finds the corresponding Handler (which can be more annotated or XML configured) according to the configuration. It ...

Posted by kmussel on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 19:01:16 -0700

The most concise Spring framework

Spring framework -How to learn frame Know what a framework can doFrame syntaxInternal implementation will be considered after useThrough the above steps, you can implement a framework yourself 1, Overview 1. What is the framework Spring is a container management object, with attribute assignment and reflection mechanism at the bottom Mai ...

Posted by Hard Styler on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 17:24:42 -0700

Custom MVC framework

1. Introduction to MVC MVC is an architectural mode. It does not introduce new functions. It is only used to guide us to improve the architecture of the application and separate the application Model and View, so as to obtain better development and maintenance efficiency. In MVC mode, the application is divided into three parts: Model, View an ...

Posted by powlow on Wed, 01 Sep 2021 19:15:08 -0700