Zuoshen algorithm learning diary

According to a certain value, the unidirectional linked list can be divided into small on the left, equal in the middle and large on the right [title] Given the head node of a one-way linked list, the value type of the node is integer, and then given an integer pivot Realize a function to adjust the linked list. The left part o ...

Posted by pulsedriver on Thu, 28 Nov 2019 08:52:15 -0800

Summary of small pits encountered by the spring cloud gateway interceptor

Many friends may encounter the following problems when using spring cloud gateway How to read Post request body in spring cloudgateway private BodyInserter getBodyInserter(ServerWebExchange exchange) { ServerRequest serverRequest = new DefaultServerRequest(exchange); Mono<String> modifiedBody = serverRequest.bodyToMono ...

Posted by Scorptique on Thu, 28 Nov 2019 06:25:34 -0800

JavaScript implementation back to top effect

Copy Taobao back to top effect Requirement: when the scroll bar reaches a certain position, the sidebar is fixed at a certain position, and then when it slides down to a certain position, the back to top button will be displayed. After clicking the button, the page will slide to the top dynamically, from fast to slow. Train of thought: 1. js co ...

Posted by rowanparker on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 12:59:23 -0800

java algorithm binary tree

1. Find the maximum or minimum depth of binary tree public int maxDepth(Tree root){ if(root == null) return 0; return 1 + Math.max(maxDepth(root.left), maxDepth(root.right)); } public int minDepth(Tree root){ if(root == null) return 0; return 1 + Math.min(max ...

Posted by Kairu on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 10:30:35 -0800

c + + high precision multiplication (large number multiplication)

High precision multiplication High precision multiplication refers to the multiplication of large integers that cannot be represented by ordinary data types (such as longint). step High precision multiplication mainly includes the following requirements and processes 1. In order to obtain the value of each bit of the input n ...

Posted by JamieinNH on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 06:59:10 -0800

J.U.C Parsing and Interpretation 1 (Implementation of Lock)

Preface To save you time, let me briefly introduce this article.This article is divided into three main parts: the implementation of Lock, the origin of AQS (through evolution), the use and principle analysis of three major JUC tool classes. Lock implementation: Briefly introduce the implementation of classic Lock under ReentrantLock and Reent ...

Posted by Inkybro on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 17:57:18 -0800

nginx shared memory mechanism explained in detail

Shared memory for nginx is one of the main reasons it can achieve high performance, mainly for file caching.This article first explains how shared memory is used, then how nginx manages shared memory. 1. Use examples nginx declares that the instructions for shared memory are: proxy_cache_path /Users/Mike/nginx-cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=one:10m ...

Posted by yaron on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 15:54:04 -0800

[Flutter] form submission

Make progress every day. When you are free recently, learn about Flutter, occasionally record the learning content and problems. Here is a simple form validation. import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class FormRoute extends StatefulWidget { final String _title; FormRoute(this._title); @override State<Statefu ...

Posted by malcolmboston on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 06:59:08 -0800

Thinking about GC mechanism caused by BUG in a JDK thread pool

Problem description A few days ago, I was helping my colleagues to troubleshoot the occasional thread pool errors on the production line The logic is simple, and the thread pool performs an asynchronous task with results. However, there have been occasional errors recently: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task java.util.concurr ...

Posted by shreej21 on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 01:10:44 -0800

Spring boot application in-depth learning

This section mainly introduces the in-depth learning of spring boot application class related source code. It mainly includes: Spring boot application custom boot configuration Spring boot application life cycle, as well as customized configuration in various stages of the life cycle. This section uses springboot 2.1.10.release. The correspon ...

Posted by mapexdrum on Sun, 24 Nov 2019 21:07:19 -0800