[big data Java foundation - Java concurrency 07] J.U.C's blocking queue: ArrayBlockingQueue

ArrayBlockingQueue, a bounded blocking queue implemented by an array. The queue uses the FIFO principle to sort and add elements. ArrayBlockingQueue is bounded and fixed. Its size is determined by the constructor during construction. It cannot be changed after confirmation. ArrayBlockingQueue supports the optional fair policy of sorting waitin ...

Posted by dcmbrown on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 08:26:28 -0700

Application of cookies and sessions

Application of content Cookie and Session Servlet common objects ServletConfig: static dataServletContext: shared static data. Share dynamic data. Share file data.HttpServletRequestHttpServletResponseresponse.setContentType("text/html");response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");response.sendRedirect("ServlectDengLu"); >>Reply management ...

Posted by pistolfire99 on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 07:46:50 -0700

Java programming

4, Object oriented (I) 1. What is the difference between object and object reference? Please give an example public class FighterPlane{ public FighterPlane{ } } FighterPlane fp = new FighterPlane(); 1.new creates an Example object in heap space 2. () refers to calling the default constructor 3. Fighter plane FP creates class refe ...

Posted by jonasr on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 07:12:03 -0700

Java 07 package visibility modifier accessor method

1 Pack 1.1 declaration of package Declaration of first level formal package: package pkg; For example, create a package named myPackage package myPackage; Rule: the directory name must strictly match the package name, as follows: In fact, the package will include many files, as follows: Declaration of multi-level package: package ...

Posted by justintoo1 on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 04:44:34 -0700

Fast JSON source code analysis - deserialization special

2021SC@SDUSC This article is sent synchronously in the personal blog, and the address is Fast JSON source code analysis - deserialization special (I) outline Part I Fast JSON source code analysis -- deserialization (3) This paper describes in detail how fastjson creates a deserialization instance without a deserialization instance c ...

Posted by jd57 on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 04:04:29 -0700

Spring inference construction method (medium)

stay Inferential construction method (I) It introduces how to obtain the candidate construction method through determineconstructors frombeanpostprocessors(). After obtaining the construction method, the next step is to infer which construction method to use and instantiate a bean according to the construction method If the candidate construct ...

Posted by duvys on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 01:27:37 -0700

nginx configuring load balancing

nginx load balancing Based on the existing network structure, load balancing provides a cheap, effective and transparent method to expand the bandwidth of network equipment and servers, increase throughput, strengthen network data processing capacity, and improve network flexibility and availability. With the development of the website a ...

Posted by jredsmyth on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 00:55:29 -0700

JVM interview question series: two objects have the same value (x.equals(y) == true), but may hashcodes be different?

Interviewer's investigation point This question is still to investigate the basic knowledge at the JVM level. The interviewer believes that only with solid basic skills can we write code with high robustness and stability. Technical knowledge involved (x.equals(y)==true). This code looks very simple, but it actually involves some underlying ...

Posted by keefe007 on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 23:30:32 -0700

Java logging framework: log4j vs logback vs log4j2

If you have ever had to analyze problems in production, I believe you know how important it is to have a good log record. Good logging requires three things: Log messages need to provide the information needed to understand what the application is doing internally.Writing log messages must be as efficient as possible so as not to affect the ...

Posted by samsunnyuk on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 22:32:44 -0700

PageHelper paging plug-in, spring security, permission control, and AOP logging

1, PageHelper paging plug-in PageHelper is an excellent open-source mybatis paging plug-in in China. It supports basic mainstream and commonly used databases, such as mysql, oracle, mariaDB, DB2, SQLite, Hsqldb, etc. There are two ways to reference the PageHelper paging plug-in: Introduce Jar package;Use Maven (recommended); 1.1 ...

Posted by rheroux on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 20:49:13 -0700