Detailed explanation of hibernate.hbm.xml

stay hibernate In the mapping file of each table. hbm.xml can be generated by tools, such as MyEclipse, which provides tools for automatically generating mapping files. The basic structure of the configuration file is as follows: Xml Code <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding='UTF-8'?>      <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC    ...

Posted by satanclaus on Tue, 26 Mar 2019 11:27:30 -0700

hibernate primary key generation strategy based on annotation

A custom primary key generation policy is implemented by @GenericGenerator. Hibernate has been extended on the basis of JPA. It can be used to introduce hibernate's unique primary key generation strategy, which is joined by @GenericGenerator. For example, JPA standard usage @Id @GeneratedValue(GenerationType.AUTO) This can be achieved usin ...

Posted by gerrydewar on Mon, 25 Mar 2019 08:48:30 -0700

Java Web (Framework - Hibernate): Configuration

First, a preliminary understanding of concepts _hibernate is an open source object-relational mapping framework, which implements lightweight encapsulation of JDBC and establishes mapping relationship between pojo(javaBean) and database tables. It is a fully automated ORM framework. Hibernate automatically generates sql statements at the bot ...

Posted by ungovernable on Sun, 24 Mar 2019 10:30:27 -0700

Research on Hibernate Cache

1. What is caching? Database caching refers to data between applications and physical data sources. That is to copy the data from the physical data source to the cache. With caching, applications can reduce the frequency of access to physical data sources, thereby improving efficiency. Cached media are usually memory or hard disk. Hibernate h ...

Posted by amotaz on Fri, 22 Mar 2019 14:24:54 -0700

Cglib Dynamic Agent Implementation Principle. md

1. Introduction to Cglib Library CGLIB is a powerful and high performance code generation library. It is widely used in proxy-based AOP frameworks (such as Spring AOP and dynaop) to provide method interception. Hibernate, as the most popular ORM tool, also uses CGLIB libraries to proxy single-ended associations (except for collection lazy load ...

Posted by dannau on Wed, 20 Mar 2019 11:21:28 -0700

Solution of Spring Boot JPA Entity Jackson Serialization Triggering Lazy Load

Spring Jpa technology is often used in Spring development. Entity's Association lazy loading is used in today's project, but when returning to Json, data serialization will be triggered regardless of whether the association data is loaded or not. If the association relationship is not loaded, it is a Hibernate Proxy, not real data, which result ...

Posted by bpops on Mon, 04 Mar 2019 18:21:23 -0800

SpringBoot Actual | Access Mysql database using Spring Data JPA

Wechat Public Number: An Excellent Abandoned PersonIf you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the background. I will try my best to solve your problems. Preface As the title, today we introduce the use of Spring Data JPA. What is Spring Data JPA Before introducing Spring Data JPA, we first introduce Hibernate. Hibernate ...

Posted by Nhoj on Tue, 19 Feb 2019 08:21:20 -0800

Hibernate 5-bidirectional association-many-to-many (n:n)

1. Create a project with the name hibernatedemo 15 and the directory structure as shown in the figure.2. Create a lib directory in the project to store jar files. The directory structure is shown in the figure.3. Create the entity class Course, package name (com.mycompany.demo.bean) in the src directory, as shown in the figure4. The content of ...

Posted by whit3fir3 on Thu, 14 Feb 2019 03:18:19 -0800

Using reflection to implement sql query of mysql database to return List<E> generic (persistent) objects

Using reflection to realize sql query and get persistent objects The Title can't think of simple words. If you want to find out the relevant information, you should first see if the method structure is in line with your appetite. public static <E> List<E> getObjectBySql(String sql,E e) { List<E> list = new ArrayList ...

Posted by ckuipers on Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:54:18 -0800

Hibernate 5-1 to many (1:n)-fetch="select"-lazy="extra"

1. Create a project with the name hibernatedemo25 and the directory structure as shown in the figure.2. Create a lib directory in the project to store jar files. The directory structure is shown in the figure.3. Create the entity class Forum, package name (com.mycompany.demo.bean) in the src directory, as shown in the figure4. The content of th ...

Posted by cptn_future on Wed, 13 Feb 2019 11:00:18 -0800