Verilog HDLBits phase III: 2.2Vectors

catalogue preface 2.2.1Vectors(Vector0) Solution: 2.2.2Vectors in more detail(Vector1) A Bit of Practice: Solution: 2.2.3Vector part select(Vector2) Solution: 2.2.4Bitwise operators(Vectorgates) Solution: 2.2.5Four-input gates(Gates4) Solution: 2.2.6Vector concatenation operator(Vector3) A Bit of Practice: Solution: 2.2. ...

Posted by fanfavorite on Sun, 07 Nov 2021 10:02:32 -0800

After brushing this set of questions, I found that Verilog is so simple - HDLBits answer series

Write in front Write a new pit: recommend a very good website for practicing Verilog. There are one or two hundred questions, which basically covers all aspects of Verilog grammar. It is a very good introductory learning website. Website connection: HDLBits The questions are all done by ourselves. They are the correct answers that have been v ...

Posted by nafarius1357 on Wed, 01 Sep 2021 21:35:04 -0700