React learning notes -- route dom of component communication
Recently, in the study of react, vue is used in our work. In the process of learning, we compare the two to deepen our understanding.
The following is a small part of the knowledge points in react, which I personally think is also a common knowledge point. One of the ways of react component communication - routing parameters ...
Posted by punked on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 22:03:53 -0700
Hand tear source code to achieve a Koa.
Official profile
Koa is a new web framework built by the original team behind Express. It is committed to becoming a smaller, more expressive and more robust cornerstone in the field of web application and API development. By using the async function, KOA helps you discard callback functions and effectively enhances error handling. Instead of ...
Posted by sdat1333 on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 17:13:49 -0700
Five ways of inheritance
Several ways of inheritance: 1. Borrow constructor 2. Combination inheritance 3. Prototype inheritance 4. Parasitic inheritance 5. Parasitic combinatorial inheritance
1. Borrow constructor
// Define SupTyp constructor
function SupType() {
this.colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'blue']
function SubType() {
// Inherited SuperType
SupTyp ...
Posted by trufla on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 02:36:10 -0700
HTML (form label < form >)
1. General representation
1. Presentation method - < form action = "jump path" name = "form name" method = "jump request method" >
be careful:
① Path representation
Absolute path: search from the drive letter until the file is found, path + file name
Relative path: the relative path between the current ...
Posted by sfc on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 02:18:11 -0700
How much do you know about Decorator?
Do you really know about decorators? I believe that developers who have used decorators must love some of its features. Both react, vue and angular can be supported through babel. Of course, there are some encapsulated third-party decorator libraries, which can realize some powerful functions after reference. Let's have a brief look.
Posted by Fyorl on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 01:06:39 -0700
Promsie source code analysis in one step
Broken thoughts:
Dear readers: Hello! My name is Changlon - a non professional programmer, a developer dedicated to the front end, a thinker who loves life and sometimes has melancholy.
If my article can bring you some harvest, your praise collection will be a great encouragement to me!
My email:
My Github: htt ...
Posted by Solar on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 22:49:10 -0700
How to optimize your vue project
Why optimize the project
Route lazy loading
Component cache
Article content code highlight
Give users feedback when optimizing requests
Insensitive refresh token
Lazy loading of pictures
Custom command (autofocus)
Extract component registration
Persistent storage
Encapsulate unified prompt information
Scroll ...
Posted by turtleman8605 on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 21:25:21 -0700
[high frequency written interview in front field] question 10: JavaScript related
1. Known array var stringArray = ["This", "is", "Baidu", "Campus"]
2. The string foo = "get element by ID" is known. Write function to convert it into hump representation
3. Known array var numberArray = [3,6,2,4,1,5]; Apply array API for operation
4. Output today's date in YYYY-MM ...
Posted by fuzzy1 on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 16:55:53 -0700
Small program shopping mall project practice (Part 2)
(Part 2) undertake (Part 1). The interface document and Ali icon library have been given in (Part 1). The code pasted in this article may be incomplete. See (Part 2) for the complete code.
Dynamic rendering of product details rotation chart
First, write the structure of the rotation chart in goods_ Modify the code in index.wxml unde ...
Posted by Kalland on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 06:58:02 -0700
element table encapsulation 2 - multi level header, header consolidation, row and column consolidation
This is an upgrade of the last encapsulated table, adding multi-level header and column consolidation functions. I put the code and reference articles at the bottom. Let's put some important nonsense on it, mainly my summary. You can take a look or slide directly to the code below. This time it's just a record to make it convenient for the futu ...
Posted by xjake88x on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 03:55:09 -0700