Android Thermal Repair Principle and Implementation Scheme Learning

This article is mainly about QQ Spatial Team Introduction of Android App Hot Patch Dynamic Repair Technology Principle and implementation learning. Be based on Introduction of Android App Hot Patch Dynamic Repair Technology There are many hot-fix frameworks that are open source on github, roughly: ...

Posted by RagingEagle on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 20:06:11 -0800

"NanoHttpd Micro Server" Use and Source Reading

Occasionally, NanoHttpd is a Java file that starts a local server in an embedded device (for example, an Android phone) and receives local requests from clients.I carefully learned its source implementation, here I wrote a simple article in my learning order (as a learning note): Understanding official descriptions Write a Demo for use (local ...

Posted by DwarV on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 19:11:12 -0800

Examples of Android Q dark themes

Learn how dark themes work, first-hand information is Official Documents Corresponding Google Sample Official document: DayNight - Adding a dark theme to your app: document: Dark theme: case: andro ...

Posted by bdurham on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 19:07:52 -0800

Two ways of Android calling system api recording (MediaRecorder, AudioRecord)

Crap Authority, authority, authority, must first obtain the recording authority, and other things will be delayed. In addition, the new version of Android 10 system will adjust the recording and introduce the concept of recording focus. That is to say, the microphone can only be used by one APP before it can be used only when it is disconnect ...

Posted by kulin on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 13:24:12 -0800

Kotlin core syntax: kotlin Lambda programming

Lambda programming 1. Lambda expressions and member references Introduction to Lambda: code blocks as function parameters // lambda expression presentation listener button.setOnClickListener { /* ... */ } Lambda and sets data class Person( val name: String, val age: Int ) >>> val list = listOf(Person("kerwin", 12), Person( ...

Posted by wkrauss on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 04:10:20 -0800

H5 mobile keyboard occlusion focus element solution

Preface Recently, in webapp, there are many mobile compatibility problems, one of which is that after the input box triggers focus, the keyboard pops up, and then blocks the input box. Then on Android and IOS, the problem is not the same, and the native keyboard is not the same as the third-party keyboard, but the problem is the same: the inpu ...

Posted by Alicia on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 02:12:01 -0800

Don't understand the principle of thermal repair? After reading this, I'll show you the handwritten code

Analysis of Android hot fix principle The purpose of this article is to let you know what is thermal repair. Please contact me for specific implementation details. After we understand the principle, we can carry the handwritten code smoothly. Please remember one sentence:The paper must be light at last, and we must do it.The code that we need ...

Posted by wilburforce on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 21:21:02 -0800

Solve the problem that v-lazy-image is invalid under the kernel of qq browser x5

Problem: in Android qq browser, v-lazy-image cannot be displayed all the time. Cause analysis: After debugging, it is found that the IntersectionObserver in the qq browser lacks an isIntersecting field, while the v-lazy-image plug-in displays pictures according to isIntersecting, so it can only be judged by using intersectionRatio. Another diff ...

Posted by ashokkumar on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 10:12:14 -0800

Flutter develops the Dio interceptor to realize the function of token verification expiration

Preface: Before, I shared the solution of using Retrofit to refresh token invalidation in Android. Now the Flutter project also has the requirement of "token verification is overdue". So I will briefly summarize how to implement the interceptor function of automatically refreshing token and resending request in the Flutter project, h ...

Posted by implications on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 09:23:33 -0800

Android Development Notes: Splash realizes the quick opening function of the homepage

When we are developing Android, there are two ways to open the homepage. One is to use the handler to delay an activity. When the time arrives, the software will jump to the second activity. The other is a more commonly used method, which uses splash to realize the quick opening of the homepage. This way of opening the screen is faster than the ...

Posted by Simsonite on Sun, 24 Nov 2019 13:47:36 -0800