Jvm-Sandbox Source Analysis--Startup Analysis

Keywords: Java jvm Maven Permission denied


1. Work reason, use jvm-sandbox more, then do source code analysis, to know each other, personal ability is limited, if there are errors, welcome to correct.
2. About what jvm-sandbox is, how to install it, and how to move it Official Documents
3. Source analysis is based on jvm-sandbox Latest master code, tag-1.2.1.
4. The tentative plan starts with starting profiling, loading modules, refreshing modules, uninstalling modules, activating modules, etc. It covers the key jvm-sandbox processes through several articles.


attach mode start

sh sandbox/bin/sandbox.sh -p pid

A quick look at the startup script sandbox.sh

# the sandbox main function
function main() {


    while getopts "hp:vFfRu:a:A:d:m:I:P:ClSn:X" ARG
        case ${ARG} in
            h) usage;exit;;
            p) TARGET_JVM_PID=${OPTARG};;
            v) OP_VERSION=1;;
            l) OP_MODULE_LIST=1;;
            R) OP_MODULE_RESET=1;;
            F) OP_MODULE_FORCE_FLUSH=1;;
            f) OP_MODULE_FLUSH=1;;
            d) OP_DEBUG=1;ARG_DEBUG=${OPTARG};;
            I) TARGET_SERVER_IP=${OPTARG};;
            C) OP_CONNECT_ONLY=1;;
            S) OP_SHUTDOWN=1;;
            X) set -x;;
            ?) usage;exit_on_err 1;;


    # reset IP

    # reset PORT

    # reset NAMESPACE
    [[ ${OP_NAMESPACE} ]] \
    [[ -z ${TARGET_NAMESPACE} ]] \

    if [[ ${OP_CONNECT_ONLY} ]]; then
        [[ 0 -eq ${TARGET_SERVER_PORT} ]] \
            && exit_on_err 1 "server appoint PORT (-P) was missing"
        # -p was missing
        [[ -z ${TARGET_JVM_PID} ]] \
            && exit_on_err 1 "PID (-p) was missing.";

    # -v show version
    [[ ! -z ${OP_VERSION} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-info/version"

    # -l list loaded modules
    [[ ! -z ${OP_MODULE_LIST} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-module-mgr/list"

    # -F force flush module
    [[ ! -z ${OP_MODULE_FORCE_FLUSH} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-module-mgr/flush" "&force=true"

    # -f flush module
    [[ ! -z ${OP_MODULE_FLUSH} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-module-mgr/flush" "&force=false"

    # -R reset sandbox
    [[ ! -z ${OP_MODULE_RESET} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-module-mgr/reset"

    # -u unload module
    [[ ! -z ${OP_MODULE_UNLOAD} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-module-mgr/unload" "&action=unload&ids=${ARG_MODULE_UNLOAD}"

    # -a active module
    [[ ! -z ${OP_MODULE_ACTIVE} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-module-mgr/active" "&ids=${ARG_MODULE_ACTIVE}"

    # -A frozen module
    [[ ! -z ${OP_MODULE_FROZEN} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-module-mgr/frozen" "&ids=${ARG_MODULE_FROZEN}"

    # -m module detail
    [[ ! -z ${OP_MODULE_DETAIL} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-module-mgr/detail" "&id=${ARG_MODULE_DETAIL}"

    # -S shutdown
    [[ ! -z ${OP_SHUTDOWN} ]] \
        && sandbox_curl_with_exit "sandbox-control/shutdown"

    # -d debug
    if [[ ! -z ${OP_DEBUG} ]]; then
        sandbox_debug_curl "module/http/${ARG_DEBUG}"

    # default
    sandbox_curl "sandbox-info/version"


From the script source, we can see that when sandbox.sh is executed, the reset_for_env method is executed first
Key steps:
1. Use the default environment variable JAVA_HOME
2. Or set the sandbox environment variable through TARGET_JVM_PID lookup
3. Determine if the JVM version meets the requirements
4. If ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar exists, add it to the end of the classpath through the -Xbootclasspath/a configuration in preparation for executing the attach_jvm method

    #Use the default environment variable JAVA_HOME
    # use the env JAVA_HOME for default
    [[ ! -z ${JAVA_HOME} ]] \

    # Or set the sandbox environment variable through TARGET_JVM_PID lookup
    # use the target JVM for SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME
    [[ -z ${SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME} ]] \
        && SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME="$(\
            ps aux\
            |grep ${TARGET_JVM_PID}\
            |grep java\
            |awk '{print $11}'\
            |xargs ls -l\
            |awk '{if($1~/^l/){print $11}else{print $9}}'\
            |sed 's/\/bin\/java//g'\

    [[ ! -x "${SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME}" ]] \
        && exit_on_err 1 "permission denied, ${SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME} is not accessible! please set JAVA_HOME"

    [[ ! -x "${SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" ]] \
        && exit_on_err 1 "permission denied, ${SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java is not executable!"
    #Judging JVM version
    # check the jvm version, we need 6+
    local JAVA_VERSION=$("${SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" -version 2>&1|awk -F '"' '/version/&&$2>"1.5"{print $2}')
    [[ -z ${JAVA_VERSION} ]] \
        && exit_on_err 1 "illegal java version: ${JAVA_VERSION}, please make sure target java process: ${TARGET_JVM_PID} run int JDK[6,11]"

    #If ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar exists, add it to the end of the classpath through the -Xbootclasspath/a configuration in preparation for executing the attach_jvm method
    [[ -f "${SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME}"/lib/tools.jar ]] \
        && SANDBOX_JVM_OPS="${SANDBOX_JVM_OPS} -Xbootclasspath/a:${SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar"


Then execute the attach_jvm method
Key steps:
Launch sandbox-core.jar with java-jar command and pass parameter 1. TARGET_JVM_PID 2. sandbox-agent.jar 3. Launch data information to use

# attach sandbox to target JVM
# return : attach jvm local info
function attach_jvm() {

    # got an token
    local token=`date |head|cksum|sed 's/ //g'`

    # attach target jvm
    # Launch sandbox-core.jar with java-jar command and pass parameter 1. TARGET_JVM_PID 2. sandbox-agent.jar 3. Launch data information to use
    "${SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" \
        ${SANDBOX_JVM_OPS} \
        -jar ${SANDBOX_LIB_DIR}/sandbox-core.jar \
        ${TARGET_JVM_PID} \
        "${SANDBOX_LIB_DIR}/sandbox-agent.jar" \
        "home=${SANDBOX_HOME_DIR};token=${token};server.ip=${TARGET_SERVER_IP};server.port=${TARGET_SERVER_PORT};namespace=${TARGET_NAMESPACE}" \
    || exit_on_err 1 "attach JVM ${TARGET_JVM_PID} fail."

    # get network from attach result
    SANDBOX_SERVER_NETWORK=$(grep ${token} ${SANDBOX_TOKEN_FILE}|grep ${TARGET_NAMESPACE}|tail -1|awk -F ";" '{print $3";"$4}');
    [[ -z ${SANDBOX_SERVER_NETWORK} ]]  \
        && exit_on_err 1 "attach JVM ${TARGET_JVM_PID} fail, attach lose response."


Now we're in the code analysis phase, let's look at the sandbox-core moudle

There is a plug-in configuration in the pom file as follows, and this main function is specified through mainClass, so we execute this function through the java-jar sandbox-core.jar command


Let's look at the main method of this class CoreLauncher
Key steps:
1.attach pid
2.load sandbox-angent.jar

     * Kernel Launcher
     * @param args parameter
     *             [0] : PID
     *             [1] : agent.jar's value
     *             [2] : token
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {

            // check args
            if (args.length != 3
                    || StringUtils.isBlank(args[0])
                    || StringUtils.isBlank(args[1])
                    || StringUtils.isBlank(args[2])) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal args");

            new CoreLauncher(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            System.err.println("sandbox load jvm failed : " + getCauseMessage(t));
    public CoreLauncher(final String targetJvmPid,
                        final String agentJarPath,
                        final String token) throws Exception {

        // Load agent
        attachAgent(targetJvmPid, agentJarPath, token);

    // Load Agent
    private void attachAgent(final String targetJvmPid,
                             final String agentJarPath,
                             final String cfg) throws Exception {

        VirtualMachine vmObj = null;
        try {
            //attach target pid
            vmObj = VirtualMachine.attach(targetJvmPid);
            if (vmObj != null) {
                //Loading sandbox-agent.jar through vm class
                vmObj.loadAgent(agentJarPath, cfg);

        } finally {
            if (null != vmObj) {


We can see that sandbox-agent.jar is loaded after attach pid
Next let's look at sandbox-agent.jar
Similar to sandbox-core.jar's pom file, the agent module also configures Premain-Class and Agent-Class parameters through the maven plug-in, both pointing to the AgentLauncher class


Next let's look at Agent Launcher
By attach pid, the agent main method in this class is called.
If you don't understand why configuring through the maven plug-in associates with a method in the specified class, you can refer to This article

     * Dynamic Loading
     * @param featureString startup parameter
     *                      [namespace,token,ip,port,prop]
     * @param inst          inst
    public static void agentmain(String featureString, Instrumentation inst) {
        final Map<String, String> featureMap = toFeatureMap(featureString);
                install(featureMap, inst)

java agent startup

Add in the application service startup script:

java -javaagent:/yourpath/sandbox/lib/sandbox-agent.jar

Starting via javaagent invokes the premain method in the AgentLauncher class

     * Start Loading
     * @param featureString startup parameter
     *                      [namespace,prop]
     * @param inst          inst
    public static void premain(String featureString, Instrumentation inst) {
        install(toFeatureMap(featureString), inst);

At this point, it is clear that whether it is started by attach pid or javaagent, the install method will eventually be executed.
Next let's see what this method does.

     * Install jvm-sandbox in the current JVM
     * @param featureMap Startup parameter configuration
     * @param inst       inst
     * @return Server IP:PORT
    private static synchronized InetSocketAddress install(final Map<String, String> featureMap,
                                                          final Instrumentation inst) {

        final String namespace = getNamespace(featureMap);
        final String propertiesFilePath = getPropertiesFilePath(featureMap);
        final String coreFeatureString = toFeatureString(featureMap);

        try {

            // Inject Spy into BootstrapClassLoader
            inst.appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch(new JarFile(new File(
                    // SANDBOX_SPY_JAR_PATH

            // Construct custom class loaders to minimize Sandbox's erosion of existing projects
            final ClassLoader sandboxClassLoader = loadOrDefineClassLoader(
                    // SANDBOX_CORE_JAR_PATH

            // CoreConfigure Class Definition
            final Class<?> classOfConfigure = sandboxClassLoader.loadClass(CLASS_OF_CORE_CONFIGURE);

            // Deserialize to CoreConfigure class instance
            final Object objectOfCoreConfigure = classOfConfigure.getMethod("toConfigure", String.class, String.class)
                    .invoke(null, coreFeatureString, propertiesFilePath);

            // CoreServer Class Definition
            final Class<?> classOfProxyServer = sandboxClassLoader.loadClass(CLASS_OF_PROXY_CORE_SERVER);

            // Get CoreServer singletons
            final Object objectOfProxyServer = classOfProxyServer

            // CoreServer.isBind()
            final boolean isBind = (Boolean) classOfProxyServer.getMethod("isBind").invoke(objectOfProxyServer);

            // If not bound, an address needs to be bound
            if (!isBind) {
                try {
                            .getMethod("bind", classOfConfigure, Instrumentation.class)
                            .invoke(objectOfProxyServer, objectOfCoreConfigure, inst);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw t;


            // Return the address of the server binding
            return (InetSocketAddress) classOfProxyServer

        } catch (Throwable cause) {
            throw new RuntimeException("sandbox attach failed.", cause);


The comment on the source itself is already clear, and we'll continue to dig into the steps in subsequent articles. For now, just take a brief look at this part of the code, which actually goes back to the sandbox-core module and passes two parameters by calling the bind method of JettyCoreServer, the kernel boot configuration CoreConfiguration and Instrumentation, a jetty service is started, and subsequent command operations, such as loading, uninstalling, and so on, are performed through http requests.

private static final String CLASS_OF_PROXY_CORE_SERVER = "com.alibaba.jvm.sandbox.core.server.ProxyCoreServer";

...Omit Code...

// CoreServer Class Definition
            final Class<?> classOfProxyServer = sandboxClassLoader.loadClass(CLASS_OF_PROXY_CORE_SERVER);

            // Get CoreServer singletons
            final Object objectOfProxyServer = classOfProxyServer

            // CoreServer.isBind()
            final boolean isBind = (Boolean) classOfProxyServer.getMethod("isBind").invoke(objectOfProxyServer);

            // If not bound, an address needs to be bound
            if (!isBind) {
                try {
                            .getMethod("bind", classOfConfigure, Instrumentation.class)
                            .invoke(objectOfProxyServer, objectOfCoreConfigure, inst);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw t;

...Omit Code...

    public synchronized void bind(final CoreConfigure cfg, final Instrumentation inst) throws IOException {
        this.cfg = cfg;
        try {
            initializer.initProcess(new Initializer.Processor() {
                public void process() throws Throwable {
                    //Initialize logback logging framework
                            cfg.getCfgLibPath() + File.separator + "sandbox-logback.xml"
                    logger.info("initializing server. cfg={}", cfg);
                    jvmSandbox = new JvmSandbox(cfg, inst);//Create a sandbox object
                    initHttpServer();//Start httpServer
                    initJettyContextHandler();//Initialize the context of jetty

            // Initialize loading all modules
            try {
            } catch (Throwable cause) {
                logger.warn("reset occur error when initializing.", cause);

            final InetSocketAddress local = getLocal();
            logger.info("initialized server. actual bind to {}:{}",

        } catch (Throwable cause) {

            // This throws into the target application layer, so leave an error message here
            logger.warn("initialize server failed.", cause);

            // Throw Outside to Target Application
            throw new IOException("server bind failed.", cause);

        logger.info("{} bind success.", this);

Posted by tomz0r on Sun, 01 Sep 2019 09:32:10 -0700