Java web learning notes day02--JavaScript

Keywords: Java SQL Game Development


JavaScript overview

Is a scripting language that is parsed and executed directly by the browser

Development history

  • In 1995, Netscape developed a client script language: LiveScript. Later, experts from SUN company were invited to modify LiveScript and name it JavaScript
  • In 1996, Microsoft copied JavaScript and developed JScript language
  • In 1997, ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) formulated the standard of client script language: ECMAScript, which unifies the coding mode of all client script languages.


html combination of ECMAScript

  • classification
    1. Internal combination
    Write js code directly in html

    		2,External combination
    			stay javas Prepared in the document js Code, and ton too script Label introduction
     **1,Internal combination**		
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>ECMAScript of html combination</title>
     <!--Internal combination-->
	**2,External combination**

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>ECMAScript of html combination</title>
    <!-- External combination   -->
    <script src="demo02.js"></script>


Internal links are used for your own script code
External script code for others

ECMAScript comments

Single line note:


Multiline comment:


ECMAScript variables and constants

  • grammar

     var Variable name = value;
     const Constant name = value;
  • code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>ECMAScript Variables and constants</title>
			//Declare variable
			var num = 1;
			console.log("num = " + num);
			num = 250;
			console.log("num = " + num);
			//declare constant 
			const num2 = 1;
			console.log("num2 = " + num2);
			num2 = 500;//Constants cannot be assigned
			console.log("num2 = " + num2);

Data type of ECMAScript

  • Strongly typed language

    • The data type has been determined when defining variables, such as java
  • Weakly typed language

    • When defining variables, the data type can be uncertain, such as javascript
  • data type

    • boolean
    • null
    • number
    • string
    • object
    • Undefined: variable type is undefined

code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>ECMAScript Data type</title>
     /*   - boolean
        - null
        - number
        - string
        - object
        - undefined : Variable type undefined*/
        // var a;
     var flag =true;
     console.log(typeof (flag));
     var obj = null;
     console.log(typeof (obj))
     var num =1;
     var str ="hello";
     var date = new Date();
     var a;
     console.log(typeof (a));


ECMAScript operator

code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>ECMAScript Operator of</title>
    var num1 =1;
    var num2=1;
    //Compare content only
    console.log(num1 == num2);
    //Both comparison types have comparison contents
    console.log(num1 === num2);



Process control of ECMAScript

code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>ECMAScript Process control of</title>
        for (var i = 1; i < 100; i++) {


ECMAScript function

  • summary

     Functions are similar to AV Some codes can be extracted to achieve the effect of reuse
  • grammar

     function Function name (formal parameter list) 	{
     Function body;
     //Anonymous function
     var Method name =function (Formal parameter list){
     	Function body;
  • code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>ECMAScript Function of</title>
    //Mode 1
    function add(num1,num2,num3) {
      console.log("num1 ="+num1);
      console.log("num2 ="+num2);
      console.log("num3 ="+num3);

    //Mode II
    var add2 =function (num1,num2,num3) {
      console.log("num1 ="+num1);
      console.log("num2 ="+num2);
      console.log("num3 ="+num3);


  • matters needing attention

     Anonymous functions are usually used in event listening.		
     There are three formal parameters when calling a function, and three arguments can not be passed when calling	

Event overview

  • summary

    • Functions that trigger javascript through some user actions
  • Noun interpretation

    • Event source: the source of the event
    • Listener: a javascript function used to listen to the component where the event occurs
    • Event: an event that triggers a listener
    • Event binding: associate an event source with a listener

Event binding

  • summary

    • Associate event sources with listeners
  • classification

    • ① Use event properties
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Event binding</title>

       * monitor
      function fn1() {
      console.log("Point NIMA!!!")

<!--   Event source   -->
<!--onclick ="fn1()":Event binding-->
<button  onclick="fn1()">
  Click to send dragon killing Sabre!!!!
  • ② Using dom assignment
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Event binding</title>
<!--  use dom distribution-->

  <button id="btn">
    I'll send it at five o'clock!!!


  //Get the button object with id=btn
  var btnEle =document.getElementById("btn");
  btnEle.onclick =function () {
    console.log("Send the colored pen!!!!")


onload event

  • summary

    • Listening element loading completed
  • demand

    • After loading the listening page, set the click event for the button
  • code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>onload event</title>
    //Listening page loading completed
    window.onload = function () {
      console.log("Page loading complete");
      var btnEle = document.getElementById("btn");
      btnEle.onclick = function () {

<button id="btn">
  Save me quickly!!!

focal event

  • summary

    • The listening component obtains the focus (onfocus) and loses the focus (onblur)
  • code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>focal event</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    function fn1(){
      console.log("1 Get focus");

    function fn2(){
      console.log("1 Lose focus");

    function fn3(){
      console.log("2 Get focus");

    function fn4(){
      console.log("2 Lose focus");
<input type="text" onfocus="fn1()" onblur="fn2()"/><br/>

<input type="text" onfocus="fn3()" onblur="fn4()"/><br/>

onchange event

  • summary

    • Monitoring content change
  • code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>onchange event</title>
    function fn1() {
      console.log("The content has changed!");
<input type="text"  onchange="fn1()"/>


onsubmit event

  • summary

    • Listening form submission
  • code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>onsubmit event</title>
        function fn1(){
            var flag = false;
            if (flag) {
                //If the input content is legal, the form submission is allowed
                return true;
            }else {
                //If the input content is legal, submission is prohibited
                return false;
        < onsubmit ="return fn1()">
            Message:<input type="text"name="msg">
            <button type="submit">send out</button>

dom introduction


  • The HTML DOM defines standard methods for accessing and manipulating HTML documents. DOM represents an HTML document as a tree structure.
  • Let developers add, delete, modify and check the elements on the page through code
  • dom tree
  • summary
    dom tree is generally composed of three types of nodes: element object, attribute node object and text node object

Get operation of Element element

common method

getElementByldGets the element object according to the id attribute value
getElementsByTagNameGet multiple element objects based on tag names
getElementsByNameGet multiple element objects according to the value of the name attribute
getElementsByClassNameGet multiple element objects according to the class attribute value
parentElementGet parent element

code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>Element Get operation of element</title>
		<span id="spn" name="span1" class="spanClass">This is a span</span><br />
		<button onclick="fn1()">getElementById</button><br />
		<button onclick="fn2()">getElementsByTagName</button><br />
		<button onclick="fn3()">getElementsByName</button><br />
		<button onclick="fn4()">getElementsByClassName</button><br />
		<button onclick="fn5()">parent</button><br />
		function fn1(){
			var spanEle = document.getElementById("spn");
		function fn2(){
			var spanEle = document.getElementsByTagName("span")[0];
		function fn3(){
			var spanEle = document.getElementsByName("span1")[0];
		function fn4(){
			var spanEle = document.getElementsByClassName("spanClass")[0];
		function fn5(){
			var spanEle = document.getElementsByClassName("spanClass")[0];
			var bodyEle = spanEle.parentElement;

Addition, deletion, query and modification of Element

common method

getElementByldGets the element object according to the id attribute value
getElementsByTagNameGet multiple element objects based on tag names
getElementsByNameGet multiple element objects according to the value of the name attribute
getElementsByClassNameGet multiple element objects according to the class attribute value
parentElementGet parent element


  • Add a Jingzhou option to the drop-down selection box
  • Delete the last option in the drop-down selection box
  • Change the last option in the drop-down selection box to Yichang

code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>Element Addition, deletion and modification of elements</title>
			<option>Xiaogan City</option>
		<button onclick="fn1()">add to</button>
		<button onclick="fn2()">delete</button>
		<button onclick="fn3()">modify</button>
		 * Add a Jingzhou option to the drop-down selection box < option > Jingzhou < / option >
		function fn1(){
			//1. Create an option object < option > < / option >
			var optionEle = document.createElement("option");
			//2. Create text object Jingzhou
			var jingzhou = document.createTextNode("jingzhou ");
			//3. Add Jingzhou City to option < option > Jingzhou City < / option >
			//4. Get the select object
			var selectEle = document.getElementsByTagName("select")[0];
			//5. Add < option > Jingzhou < / option > to select
		 * Delete the last option in the drop-down selection box
		function fn2(){
			//1. Get all option objects
			var optionEles = document.getElementsByTagName("option");
			//2. Obtain the length of all option s
			var length = optionEles.length;
			//3. Get the last option object
			var lastOptionEle = optionEles[length-1];
			//4. Get the select object
			var selectEle = document.getElementsByTagName("select")[0];
			//5. Delete the last option object from the select object
		 * Change the last option in the drop-down selection box to Yichang
		function fn3(){
			//1. Get the last option object
			var optionEles  =  document.getElementsByTagName("option");
			var lastOptionEle = optionEles[optionEles.length - 1];
			//2. Prepare < option > Yichang < / option >
			var newOptionEle = document.createElement("option");
			newOptionEle.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Yichang City"));
			//3. Replace the last option object with < option > Yichang < / option >
			var selectEle = document.getElementsByTagName("select")[0];

Attribute action

common method

setAtrributeset a property
getAtrributeget attribute
removeAtrributeRemove Attribute
styleSet css Style
  • demand

    • Set the href attribute of a tag to“ "
    • Gets the href attribute of the a tag
    • Remove the href attribute of a tag
    • Set the style of text content in a label: color = "blue", fontsize = "100px", fontFamily = "italics"
  • code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>Attribute Operation of property</title>
		<a>use Baidu Search</a><br />
		<button onclick="fn1()">set a property</button>
		<button onclick="fn2()">get attribute</button>
		<button onclick="fn3()">Remove Attribute </button>
		<button onclick="fn4()">Set style</button>
		 * Set the href attribute of a tag to“ "
		function fn1(){
			//1. Get a object
			var aEle = document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
			//2. Set href attribute
		 * Gets the href attribute of the a tag
		function fn2(){
			//1. Get a object
			var aEle = document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
			//2. Get href attribute
			var href = aEle.getAttribute("href");
			//3. Print href
		 * Remove the href attribute of a tag
		function fn3(){
			//1. Get a object
			var aEle = document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
			//2. Remove the href attribute
		 * Set the style of text content in a label: color = "blue", fontsize="100px", fontFamily = "italics"
		function fn4(){
			//1. Get a object
			var aEle = document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
			//2. Set style = "blue"; = "100px"; = "Regular script";

Operation of Text

common method

innerTextAdd / get text, cannot parse html tag
innerHTMLAdd / get text to parse html tags

code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Text Operation of text</title>

<span id="spn">
    This is span
<button onclick="fn1()">innerText1</button>
<button onclick="fn2()">innerText2</button>
<button onclick="fn3()">innerHTML1</button>
<button onclick="fn4()">innerHTML2</button>

     * Add the text "helloworld" to span
    function fn1() {
        //1. Get span object
        var spanEle = document.getElementById("spn");
        //2. Add the text "helloworld" to span
        spanEle.innerText = "<font color='red'>helloworld</font>";

     * Get the text content in span
    function fn2() {
        //1. Get span object
        var spanEle = document.getElementById("spn");
        //2. Get the text content in span
        var content = spanEle.innerText;
        //3. Print text content

     * Add the text "helloworld" to span
    function fn3() {
        //1. Get span object
        var spanEle = document.getElementById("spn");
        spanEle.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>helloworld</font>";

     * Get the text content in span
    function fn4() {
        //1. Get span object
        var spanEle = document.getElementById("spn");


dom comprehensive case effect

Case effect

code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>dom Comprehensive case</title>

<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter your name">
<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter age">
<button>add to</button><br><br><br>

<table border="1px" rules="all" cellpadding="10px" cellspacing="0px" width="300px">

        <td>full name</td>
        <td>Zhang San</td>
        <td>Li Si</td>



dom comprehensive case deletion function

code implementation

//The node to be removed is not a child of this node
function deleteUser(obj) {
    console.log("deleteUser..." + obj);
    //obj is a button object
    //1. Get the tr object where the button is located
    var trEle = obj.parentElement.parentElement;
    //2. Get the table object
    var tableEle = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0];
    //3. Remove the tr object from the table object
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>dom Comprehensive case</title>

<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter your name">
<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter age">
<button>add to</button><br><br><br>

<table border="1px" rules="all" cellpadding="10px" cellspacing="0px" width="300px">

        <td>full name</td>
        <td>Zhang San</td>
            <button onclick="deleteUser2()">delete</button>
        <td>Li Si</td>
            <button onclick="deleteUser2()">delete</button>


     * Deletion method 1
     * @param obj
    function deleteUser1(obj) {
        console.log("deleteUser..." + obj);
        //obj is a button object
        //1. Get the tr object where the button is located
        var trEle = obj.parentElement.parentElement;
        //2. Get the table object
        var tableEle = trEle.parentElement;
        //3. Remove the tr object from the table object

     * Deletion method 2
     * @param obj
    function deleteUser2() {
        //Event: the current click event object
        var buttonEle =;
        //1. Get the tr object where the button is located
        var trEle = buttonEle.parentElement.parentElement;
        //2. Get the table object
        var tableEle = trEle.parentElement;
        //3. Remove the tr object from the table object



  • Method 1: pass the button object through the parameter this object of deleteUser1.
  • Method 2: get the button object through

dom comprehensive case addition

code implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>dom Comprehensive case</title>

<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter your name" id="name">
<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter age" id="age">
<button onclick="addUser2()">add to</button>

<table border="1px" rules="all" cellpadding="10px" cellspacing="0px" width="300px">

        <td>full name</td>
        <td>Zhang San</td>
            <button onclick="deleteUser1(this)">delete</button>
        <td>Li Si</td>
            <button onclick="deleteUser2()">delete</button>


            <td>Wang Wu</td>
                <button οnclick="deleteUser1(this)">Delete < / button >
    function addUser1() {
        //Gets the contents of the input box
        var nameInputEle = document.getElementById("name");
        var ageInputEle = document.getElementById("age");
        var name = nameInputEle.value;
        var age = ageInputEle.value;

        //1. Create tr object
        var trEle = document.createElement("tr");
        //2. Create td object with name
        //2.1, td of name
        var nameTdEle = document.createElement("td");
        //2.2, age td
        var ageTdEle = document.createElement("td");
        //2.3. td of button
        var buttonTdEle = document.createElement("td");
        var buttonEle = document.createElement("button");
        buttonEle.setAttribute("onclick", "deleteUser1(this)");
        //3. Add all td to tr object
        //4. Add tr to the table object
        var tableEle = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0];

            <td>Wang Wu</td>
                <button οnclick="deleteUser1(this)">Delete < / button >
    function addUser2() {
        //Gets the contents of the input box
        var nameInputEle = document.getElementById("name");
        var ageInputEle = document.getElementById("age");
        var name = nameInputEle.value;
        var age = ageInputEle.value;

        var tableEle = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0];
        //Gets the text content of the table tag
        var content = tableEle.innerHTML;

        tableEle.innerHTML = content + "<tr>\n" +
            "            <td>" + name + "</td>\n" +
            "            <td>" + age + "</td>\n" +
            "            <td>\n" +
            "                <button οnclick=\"deleteUser1(this)\">delete</button>\n" +
            "            </td>\n" +
            "        </tr>";


Posted by eZe616 on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:17:48 -0800