HTML 5 Tags - < canvas >

Keywords: html5 Javascript

Convas canvas:

Canvas API (canvas) is a new tag in HTML5, which is used to generate images in real time on Web pages, and can operate image content. Basically, it is a bitmap that can be operated by JavaScript

  <! -- Note: the width and height set on the tag is the original width and height Canvas API (canvas) is a new tag added in HTML5 for real-time image generation on the web page, and can operate the image content. Basically, it is a bitmap that can be operated with JavaScript (bitmap) -- >
    <canvas id='mycan' width="300" height="300" style="border:1px solid black"></canvas>
   var can = document.getElementById("mycan");
    //    1. Set the canvas type to 2d, which is required
   var hb = can.getContext('2d');

1. rectangle

//   Draw rectangle
        hb.fillStyle="red";//Color of rectangle content fill
        hb.fillRect(0,0,150,75)//FillRect (a, B, c,d) -- > A, B represents x,y value in Mycon; c,d represents width and height
        //    Rectangle fill
        hb.strokeStyle='blue';//Rectangle color
        hb.lineWidth=3;//Thickness of rectangle
        hb.strokeRect(50,50,100,100)//Position, width and height of rectangular box*/

2. circles

        hb.arc(100,75,50,0,2*Math.PI);//Draw a circular path arc (a, B, c, d, e) -- > A, B is x,y value, c is radius, d is start angle, e is end angle
        hb.stroke();//Fill a circle into the canvas

        //Solid fill
        hb.fillStyle="red";//Entity color
        hb.fill();//Solid fill to canvas

        //Wire frame
        hb.strokeStyle='black';//Fill the path box with black
        hb.lineWidth=3;//Set the thickness of the wireframe
        hb.stroke();//Wireframe fill to canvas*/

3. painting path

    hb.beginPath();//Start path means line drawing
    hb.moveTo(100, 100);//Set the first coordinate (x,y) of the starting path
    hb.lineTo(200, 100);//Set the end coordinate of line drawing
    hb.strokeStyle = 'red';
    hb.lineWidth = 4;
    hb.lineJoin = 'bevel';//Set corner type bevel -- bevel; round -- fillet meter -- default to create sharp corner
    hb.lineTo(200, 100);//
    hb.lineTo(200, 200);
    hb.lineTo(100, 200);//Set the end coordinate of line drawing
    hb.lineTo(100, 100);//Set the end coordinate of line drawing
    hb.stroke();//Fill path to canvas

    hb.fillStyle = 'pink';//Set solid color
    hb.fill()//Fill entity to canvas

4. Font setting

//    Entity font
    hb.font='bold italic 40px Arial';//Set font
    hb.fillStyle='red';//Set font color
    hb.fillText('Front-end development',0,40);//Set string, coordinate point of string placement
//    (virtual) line font
    hb.strokeText('Front-end development',0,40)

Manual URL:

Posted by solus on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 15:51:21 -0800