Examples of h5's canvas games

Keywords: html5

Recently I read some examples of canvas games and wrote an example by reference.

The principle is roughly described as follows: it mainly uses the request animation frame to refresh canvas continuously to realize the animation, monitor some events and realize the operation.

The process is to prepare the container, prepare the relevant roles, bind the events, update the data, initialize the canvas, and call the main process function (here, call the requestAnimationFrame circularly).

In short, it means setting data, updating canvas, updating data, and updating canvas.

Online example: http://www.lightconmos.com/plane/index.html code is as follows:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

<div class="bg">
	<canvas id="bgd" width="400" height="600"></canvas>
// Create container
var con = document.getElementById("bgd")
var ctx = con.getContext("2d")
// Create background
var bg = {
	src: "img/bg.png",
	x: 0,
	y: 0,
	speed: 0,
	status: false
var bgImgo = new Image()
bgImgo.src = bg.src
bgImgo.onload = function () {
	bg.status = true
var bgImgt = new Image()
bgImgt.src = bg.src
bgImgt.onload = function () {
	bg.status = true

// Create a protagonist
var plane = {
	src: "img/p1.png",
	x: 0,
	y: 0,
	status: false,
	type: 1,
	ammoType: 1,
	speed: 256,
var planeImg = new Image()
planeImg.src = plane.src
planeImg.onload = function () {
	plane.status = true
// ammunition
var ammo = {
	src: "",
	x: 0,
	y: 0,
	speed: 512,
	status: false
var ammos = []
var shooting = function (val) {
	ctx.fillStyle = "red"
// Create monster
var enemyImg = new Image()
var enemys = []
var enemy = {
	x: Math.random() * 368,
	y: 0,
	speed: 150,
	status: false,
	src: 'img/en.png',
	width: 30,
	height: 30
enemyImg.src = enemy.src
enemyImg.onload = function () {
	enemy.status = true
// Count the number of planes shot down
var num = 0
// Total number of enemy aircraft
var sum = 1
// Add event
var keysDown = {}

addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
	keysDown[e.keyCode] = true
}, false)

addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
	delete keysDown[e.keyCode]
}, false)

// Initialization interface
var init = function () {
	plane.x = con.width / 2
	plane.y = con.height * 9 / 10

// update operation
var update = function (speed) {
	if (38 in keysDown) {
		if (plane.y > 0) {
			plane.y -= plane.speed * speed
	if (40 in keysDown) {
		if (plane.y - 548 < 0) {
			plane.y += plane.speed * speed
	if (37 in keysDown) {
		if (plane.x > 0) {
			plane.x -= plane.speed * speed
	if (39 in keysDown) {
		if (plane.x - 370 < 0) {
			plane.x += plane.speed * speed
	if (32 in keysDown) {
		var temp = {
			x: plane.x + 15,
			y: plane.y,
			status: true,
			speed: 300
		delete keysDown[32]
	// Background stitching
	if (bg.y - 1000 == 0) {
		bg.y = 0
	} else {
	// Movement of ammunition
	ammos.forEach(function (item, index) {
		if (item.y + 1000 < 0) {
		} else {
			item.y -= item.speed * speed
			// Hit enemy aircraft
			if ((item.y > enemy.y && item.y < enemy.y + 32) && (item.x > enemy.x && item.x < enemy.x + 32)) {
				enemy.y = 0
				enemy.x = Math.random() * 368
	// Enemy aircraft movement
	if (enemy.y > 570) {
		enemy.y = 0
		enemy.x = Math.random() * 368
	} else {
		enemy.y += enemy.speed * speed 


// Reload interface, updating data
var render = function () {
	// Draw a background picture
	if (bg.status) {
		ctx.drawImage(bgImgo, bg.x, bg.y)
		ctx.drawImage(bgImgt, bg.x, bg.y - 1000)
	// Painting airplanes
	if (plane.status) {
		ctx.drawImage(planeImg, plane.x, plane.y)	
	// Enemy airplane
	if (enemy.status) {
		ctx.drawImage(enemyImg, enemy.x, enemy.y)	
	// ammunition
	ammos.forEach(function (item) {
	// Fraction
	ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(250, 250, 250)"
	ctx.font = "24px Helvetica"
	ctx.textAlign = "left"
	ctx.textBaseline = "top"
	ctx.fillText( "Number of planes shot down: " + num, 32, 32)
	ctx.fillText("Total number of enemy aircraft: " + sum, 32, 64)

// main program
var main = function () {
	var now = Date.now()
	var delta = now -then
	update(delta / 1000)
	then = now

var w = window
requestAnimationFrame = w.requestAnimationFrame || w.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || w.msRequestAnimationFrame || w.mozRequestAnimationFrame

var then = Date.now()
	width: 400px;
	height: 600px;
	margin:0 auto;
	border:1px solid #666;
It's simpler. You can expand it.

See http://www.cnblogs.com/you/p/how-to-make-a-simple-html5-canvas-game.html

Posted by ScOrPi on Mon, 27 Apr 2020 08:46:22 -0700