docker storage volume
Data Volume
Why data volumes (storage volumes) are needed
- The docker image is made up of multiple read-only layers. When the container is started, the docker loads the read-only layer and adds a read-write layer to the mirror layer.
If the running container modifies an existing file, the file will be copied from the read-only layer below the read-write layer to the read-write layer. The read-only version of the file still exists, but has been hidden by a copy of the file in the read-write layer, which is the COW mechanism.
- Close and restart the container without affecting its data, but delete the container and all its changes will be lost
- Problems:
- Storage and Federation file systems are not easily accessible by hosts
- Container key data sharing is inconvenient
- Deleting a container loses its data
- What is a volume
- Volumes are one or more directories on containers that bypass the federated file system and can be bound (associated) to a directory on the host machine.
Setting up random volumes
[root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker run --name mybbox5 -it -v /mydata --rm busybox /bin/sh #Specify a container volume, which is automatically created if it does not exist / # cd /mydata/ [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker inspect mybbox5 # Start another window to view mounts "Mounts": [ { "Type": "volume", "Name": "a39b4a68fc51d83900093f35b05b4e29085b2d45d1fa9a19f63f75130dbf1d0c", "Source": "/data/docker/volumes/a39b4a68fc51d83900093f35b05b4e29085b2d45d1fa9a19f63f75130dbf1d0c/_data", "Destination": "/mydata", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" } ],
Bind mounted volume
- Bind volumes from locally specified directories to containers
- Characteristic:
- The local directory will not be deleted after the container is deleted, and the data is still there
- Can exist without the life cycle of the container
- With NFS storage, data can also exist natively
- Sharing data between containers is possible
[root@centos7-node1 ~]# mkdir /data/volumes/v1 -p [root@centos7-node1 v1]# echo "hello" > /data/volumes/v1/my.txt [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker run --name mybox -it -v /data/volumes/v1:/mydata busybox /bin/sh [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker rm mybox mybox [root@centos7-node1 ~]# ls /data/volumes/v1/ my.txt
Cases of data sharing between containers
[root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker run --name box6 -it -d -v /data/volumes/v1:/mydata busybox /bin/sh [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker run --name box7 -it --rm --volumes-from box6 busybox
inspect data display
[root@centos7-node1 v1]# docker inspect box7 #View containers to find corresponding fields [root@centos7-node1 v1]# docker inspect -f {{.Mounts}} box6 #.Mounts is a top-level field [root@centos7-node1 v1]# docker inspect -f {{.NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge}} box7 #Connection between multilevel fields
actual combat
Containerized deployment of wordpress
- php+http
- nginx profile local storage
- mysql
- Web page data and mysql data stored locally
- mysql needs to pass in-e mysql_at startupROOTPASSWORD=hello
- thinking
- The three application containers are on the same network layer
- Configuration files and data files need to be stored locally using bound volumes
[root@centos7-node1 ~]# mkdir /data/volumes/mysql [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker pull mysql:5.5 [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker run --name db -d -v /data/volumes/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=qwer1234 mysql:5.5 [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker exec -it db /bin/bash #Enter the database, create users and databases root@38b54e3d76cf:/# mysql -uroot -p mysql> create database wordpress charset utf8; mysql> grant all on wordpress.* to 'wordpress'@'' identified by 'wpss2020'; [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker pull php:5.6-fpm [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker pull nginx:1.18-alpine [root@centos7-node1 ~]#mkdir /data/volumes/nginx_conf -p #nginx profile directory [root@centos7-node1 ~]# cat /data/volumes/nginx_conf/nginx_php.conf #Define the Nginx-php configuration file server { listen 80; server_name localhost; location / { root /www/wordpress; index index.php; } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/share/nginx/html; } location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_pass php:9000; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /www/wordpress/$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } } [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker run --name php-fpm -d -v /data/volumes/web:/www php:5.6-fpm #Start php [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker run --name nginx_php -d -p 80:80 -v /data/volumes/nginx_conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d --volumes-from php-fpm --link php-fpm:php nginx:1.18-alpine #start nginx [root@centos7-node1 ~]# cd /data/volumes/web && wget root@centos7-node1 web]# unzip [root@centos7-node1 ~]# docker exec nginx_php nginx -s reload