Docker Command Complete

Keywords: Docker

1. Basic Commands

1.Help Command

# Display docker version information
docker version 

# Show docker system information             
docker info 

# Show help commands (optional fill-in commands for more detailed information)
docker help [command]    perhaps    docker [COMMAND] --help    


  • []: Omittable
  • COMMAND: Command

2.Mirror Command

2.1 View all mirrors

#View all mirroring information on the local host
docker images [OPTIONS] [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]           
  -a, --all             List all local mirrors (with intermediate layers)
      --digests         Display summary information for the mirror
  -f, --filter filter   Filter output based on conditions provided
      --format string   Pretty-print images using a Go template
      --no-trunc        Show complete mirror information
  -q, --quiet           Show only mirrors ID

#View all mirror IDs on the local host
docker images -aq       

"List Explanation"

  • "REPOSITORY: Mirrored repository source"
  • "TAG: Mirrored Label"
  • "IMAGE ID: id of the mirror"
  • "CREATE: Creation time of mirror"
  • "SIZE: Size of Mirror"


  • OPTIONS: Optional

There can be multiple TAGs for the same warehouse source, representing different versions of this warehouse source. We use REPOSITORY:TAG to define different mirrors.

If you do not specify a version label for a mirror, such as if you only use ubuntu, docker will default to the ubuntu:latest image.

2.2 Search Mirror

# Search for Mirrors (Search on Docker Hub)
docker search [OPTIONS] Mirror Name
  -f, --filter filter   Filter output based on conditions provided
      --format string   Pretty-print search using a Go template
      --limit int       Max number of search results (default 25)
      --no-trunc        Show full mirror description

# Conditional Filter Search Results (Lists mirrors with no less than a specified number of collections)
docker search --filter=STARS=50 Mirror Name

"List Explanation"

  • "NAME: Mirror Name"
  • "DESCRIPTION: Introduction to Mirrors"
  • "stars: Mirrored stars"
  • "OFFICIAL: Official or not"
  • "AUTOMATED: Is it automated"

2.3 Pull mirror

# Pull the latest mirror by default
docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]
  -a, --all-tags                Download all tagged images in the repository
      --disable-content-trust   Skip image verification (default true)
      --platform string         Set platform if server is multi-platform capable
  -q, --quiet                   Suppress verbose output

# Specified version download
docker pull mysql:5.7

2.4 Delete Mirror

#delete mirror
docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE[:TAG] [IMAGE...]
  -f, --force      Force Delete Mirror
      --no-prune   Do not delete untagged parents

#Delete the image of the specified version with the specified name
docker rmi mysql:5.7

#Force deletion of a single image with a unique mirror name
docker rmi -f Mirror Name[:TAG]

#Delete the mirror for a single specified id
docker rmi image ID[:TAG]

#Delete mirrors for multiple specified IDS
docker rmi image ID[:TAG] image ID[:TAG] image ID[:TAG]

#Iteratively delete all mirrors
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)

3.Container commands

3.1 Run Mirror

#Create a new container and start it (if the mirror is not available locally, it will automatically go to Hub to pull it)
docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
  --name="Container New Name"      Specify a name for the container and if not, it will be randomly assigned by default
  -d                      Run the container in the background and return to the container ID,That is, start a daemon container
  -i                      Run containers in interactive mode, usually with-t Use simultaneously
  -t                      Reassign a pseudo input terminal to a container, usually with-i Use simultaneously
  -P                      Random Port Mapping
  -p                      Specify port mappings in the following four formats:

# Run Instance
#-Lowercase p host port: docker container port
#-Uppercase P randomly assigned port
docker run --name=tomcat1 -d -p 8080:8080 tomcat     (Run in the background)
docker run --name=tomcat1 -it -P tomcat              (Foreground running)

# Delete when used up
docker run -it --rm tomcat

# Specify environment variables (instances)
docker run -d --name elasticsearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms64m -Xmx512m"  elasticsearch:7.6.2

"Parameter Description"

  • "--name="Name": Container names such as tomacat01, tomacat02 are used to distinguish containers"
  • "-e: Specify environment variables"
  • "-d: Background daemon running (start daemon container)"
  • "-it: Run interactively, enter the container to view content (launch the interactive container)"
  • "-p: Port of the specified container - p 8080:8080"
    • "-p: host port: container port"
    • "-p: container port"
  • "-P: randomly assigned port"
  • "-v: Specify data volume"
    • "-v container file location: Host File Location"
  • "--volumes-from: Specify volume sharing for containers (synchronize whose data you specify! Inherit!)"
    • "--volumes-from: inherited from that container" (parent container deletion does not affect existing data)
  • "--net:default bridge"

3.2 Enter container

# Run a centos and enter the container
docker run -it centos /bin/bash

# Exit Container

3.3 View Containers

docker ps [OPTIONS]
  -a, --all             List all currently running containers+Historically run
  -f, --filter filter   Filter output based on conditions provided
      --format string   Pretty-print containers using a Go template
  -n, --last int        Show Recent n Containers created by
  -l, --latest          Show recently created containers
      --no-trunc        Do not truncate output
  -q, --quiet           Silent mode, display only container number
  -s, --size            Display total file sizes

# View running containers
docker ps

# View all containers
docker ps -a

3.4 Exit Container

# Direct container stops and exits

# Container does not stop exiting           
Ctrl + P + Q    

3.5 Delete Container

# Delete closed specified container
docker rm bde00bc086cf

# Force removal of running containers
docker rm -f bde00bc086cf

# Iteratively delete all containers
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Start and Stop of 3.6 Container

# Start Container
docker start container ID Or container name

# Restart Container
docker restart container ID Or container name

# Stop Container
docker stop container ID Or container name

# Force Kill Container
docker kill container ID Or container name

3.7 Enter a running container and interact with the command line

# Enter the specified container for modification to open a new terminal (opens a new terminal in the container, does not start a new process)
docker exec -it container ID [/bin/bash]

# Enter the executing terminal (directly into the terminal of the container start command, no new process will be started)
docker attach container ID

#The following are the advantages of exec

#Return results directly without entering the specified container (do not write/bin/bash and use commands)
docker exec -it container ID ls

#Enter the specified container before operation
docker exec -it container ID [/bin/bash]

3.8 Copy files from container to host

docker cp container ID:Path to Files in Container Host Path

docker cp 0cd4d9d94de2:/ /

3.9 Other Common Commands

"View Log Command"

      --details        Show extra details provided to logs
  -f, --follow         Follow the latest log printing
      --since string   Show logs since timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or
                       relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)
  -n, --tail string    Number of rows displayed from the end of the log(Default is " all"),That is, how many last bars are displayed
  -t, --timestamps     presentation time stamp
      --until string   Show logs before a timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or
                       relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)

# View logs generated by container operation
docker logs -ft --tail 10 container ID 

"Parameter resolution:"

  • "f: Formatted Log"
  • "t: Carry Log Timestamp"

"View Progress"

# View information such as cpu (view processes running inside containers)
docker top container ID

"View Container Meta Information"

# View container meta information (see container internal details)
docker inspect container ID

2. Visualization Panel

1. Installation

# Install the visualization panel portainer (data volume path cannot be changed)
docker search portainer

docker pull portainer/portainer

#Single-machine startup
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --privileged=true portainer/portainer

3. The submission container is a mirror

1. Submit Container

# Submit a copy of the container to become a new image (package the container)

  -a, --author string    author(e.g., "John Hannibal Smith <>")
  -c, --change list      Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image
  -m, --message string   Descriptive information submitted
  -p, --pause            Pause container during commit (default true)

# Sample Code Submission
docker commit -a="thq" -m="Deleted document page" 65a83de5805c guigu/mytomcat:1.0
 Remarks: guigu Is Namespace

"Parameter Explanation:"

  • "-a:author"
  • "-m: Remarks"
  • "-c: Apply the Dockerfile directive to the created image"
  • "-p: Suspend container during submission (default is true)"
  • "REPOSITORY: Target Mirror Name to Create"

4. Docker data volume usage

1. Basic use of data volumes

#Add directly named
# Associated Data Volume
docker run [Optional parameters] -v /Host Path/:/Container Path/ Mirror Name

//View Binding Status
docker inspect container ID

# Instance commands for associating data volumes
docker run it -v /Host absolute path directory:/Name of directory image in container
docker run it -v /Host absolute path directory:/Container contents:ro Mirror Name(Container read-only permissions added)
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name mytomcat -v /home/tomcat/webapps/:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps tomcat

#Add as Dockerfile
 stay Dockerfile Use VOLUME Reserved word directives define container data volumes for data preservation and persistence


Docker mount Host Directory Docker access cannot open directory.: Permission denied
Solution: Add an additional--privileged=true parameter after mounting the directory

2.mysql Installation Actual

docker run -d -p 3366:3306 -v /home/mysql/conf:/etc/mysql/conf.d -v /home/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 --name mysql01 mysql:5.7

"Command Resolution:"

  • "-d: daemon running"
  • "-v: Add data volume (host and container location mapping)"
  • "-p:heap mapping port out"
  • "-e: Specify environment variables"
  • "--name:container name"

5. Dockerfile

1.Build Mirror File

# Create a Dockerfile
vim Dockerfile

FROM centos

VOLUME ["volume01","volume02"]

CMD echo "-----end---"
CMD /bin/bash


# Building a docker image
# Path to -f dockerfile   
# -t Generated Mirror Name
# .Package in the context of the current path
docker build -f /home/docker-volom/Dockerfile -t thq/centos:1.0 .

# Build Basic Commands
docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -

2.Dockerfile concepts

Dockerfile is a build file used to build a Docker image and is a script composed of a series of commands and parameters.

  1. Each reserved keyword (instruction) must be an uppercase letter
  2. Execution order from top to bottom
  3. #indicates a comment
  4. Each instruction creates and submits a new mirror layer!

3.A Brief Analysis of Dockerfile Grammar

  • "FROM: Basic Mirror, which mirror is the current new mirror based on. Everything is built from here."
  • "MAINTAINER: Who wrote the mirror, name + mailbox"
  • "RUN: Command to run when building a mirror"
  • "ADD: Copies files from the host directory into the mirror and the ADD command automatically processes URL s and decompresses tar packages"
  • "WORKDIR: Mirrored working directory, specifying the incoming working directory where the terminal logs in by default, a foothold, after the container is created."
  • "VOLUME: Container data volume for data preservation and persistence work"
  • "EXPOSE: Port Exposed by Current Container"
  • "CMD: Specifies the command to run at startup of this container. Only the last CMD command will be valid. CMD will be replaced by parameters after docker run."
  • "ENTRYPOINT: Specify the command to run when this container starts! Commands can be appended!"
  • "ONBUILD: Run a command when building an inherited Dockerfile, the parent image is inherited by the child image and the onbuild of the parent image is triggered."
  • "COPY: ADD-like, copy files and directories into the mirror"
  • "ENV: Set environment variables when building"
# Build a centos with a complex command line
vim Dockerfile

# Mirror inherits from centos
FROM centos
# Author Information
MAINTAINER thq<********>
# Setting environment variables
ENV MYPATH /usr/local
# Set Working Directory
# Execute command installation instructions
RUN yum -y install vim
RUN yum -y install net-tools
# Expose Port
# Execute some instructions
CMD echo "-------end------"
CMD /bin/bash


# Build Mirror
docker build -f /home/docker-volom/Dockerfile -t thq/mycentos:1.0 .
Note: If not written-f /home/docker-volom/Dockerfile,Indicates that there will be one in the current directory Dockerfile Named files are executed so they can be omitted.

#Custom Mirror Tomcat9
FROM         centos
MAINTAINER    zzyy<>
#Copy c.txt of the host's current context to container/usr/local/path
COPY c.txt /usr/local/cincontainer.txt
#Add java and tomcat to the container
ADD jdk-8u171-linux-x64.tar.gz /usr/local/
ADD apache-tomcat-9.0.8.tar.gz /usr/local/
#Install vim editor
RUN yum -y install vim
#Set WORKDIR path and login destination for work access
ENV MYPATH /usr/local
#Configuring java and tomcat environment variables
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_171
ENV CLASSPATH $JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
ENV CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.8
ENV CATALINA_BASE /usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.8
#Port on which the container listens while it is running
EXPOSE  8080
#Run tomcat at startup
# ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.8/bin/" ]
# CMD ["/usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.8/bin/","run"]
CMD /usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.8/bin/ && tail -F /usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.8/bin/logs/catalina.out

#Build Mirror
docker build -t zzyytomcat9 .

docker run -d -p 9080:0880 --name myt9
#Real Dockerfile case for our project
LABEL maintainer sunkai

ADD /usr/share/fonts/simsun/simsun.ttf
ADD ./target/blade-warehouse.jar /app.jar

RUN set -x \
    && apk add --no-cache ttf-dejavu fontconfig


ENTRYPOINT ["java", "", "-jar", "app.jar"]

4.Summary of Dockerfile

6. Custom Network

1.Network Mode Details

  • "bridge: bridged network (default)"
  • "Host: share with host"
  • "none: no network configured"
  • "Container: container network connectivity"

2.View all network modes

# View all network modes
docker network ls

3.Create a custom network

# Create a network
docker network create [OPTIONS] NETWORK

# Create a mynet
# create creation
# Network mode used by driver
# subnet Subnet Mask
# Gateway gateway
# mynety custom name
docker netywork create --driver bridge --subnet --gateway mynety

4.Use a custom network

docker run -d --net mynety --name tom01  tomcat
docker run -d --net mynety --name tom02  tomcat

# Enter tom02
docker exec -it 7d75a637a90b865fe70259bd4e0b3f5c95133dc65693b05abaf078d31a362529 /bin/bash
# Results are interoperable
ping tom01

5.Container Network Interoperability

# Open Custom Networks and Containers Containers One Container Two IPS
# Add containers that are not on the network to the current network
docker network connect Custom Network Container

7. Packaging SpringBoot jar projects

1.Writing Dockerfile

FROM java:8

COPY *.jar /app.jar

CMD ["--server.port=8080"]


ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]

2.Build Mirror

mkdir idea

cd idea

# Send Dockerfile and jar package to idea directory
# Build Mirror
docker build -t thqtest:1.0 .
# Later run slightly

Posted by paulintodarkness on Mon, 13 Sep 2021 12:33:07 -0700