Common operations of docker swarm

Keywords: Linux Docker network HBase Hadoop

1. description

This document is for docker swarm operations.

The system for is a local test system. The machine information is as follows, is the manager of docker swarm.


Machine list information for local test:

host name

Simulated extranet

Intranet IP

To deploy a module


tomcat [swarm management]
Hadoop datanode [swarm management]
HBase region server [swarm management]


tomcat [swarm management]
Hadoop datanode [swarm management]
HBase region server [swarm management]


visualizer? docker swarm status view
spark [swarm management]
zookeeper [swarm management]

Hadoop namnode [swarm management]
HBase master [swarm management]



2. docker swarm initialization

According to the plan, operate on the machine

 1 [root@mini03 ~]# docker swarm init  # For machines with only one IP 
 2 Error response from daemon: could not choose an IP address to advertise since this system has multiple addresses on different interfaces ( on eth0 and on eth1) - specify one with --advertise-addr
 3 [root@mini03 ~]# docker swarm init --advertise-addr  # For machines with multiple IPS, you need to specify one IP, usually the intranet IP
 4 Swarm initialized: current node (yo5f7qb28gf6g38ve4xhcis17) is now a manager.
 6 To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
 7     # Execute on other machines, so that you can join the swarm management
 8     docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4929ovxh6agko49u0yokrzustjf6yzt30iv1zvwqn8d3pndm92-0kuha3sa80u2u27yca6kzdbnb
10 To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.


Get the command to join the swarm

1 [root@mini03 ~]# docker swarm join-token worker  
2 To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
3     # Execute on other machines, so that you can join the swarm management
4     docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4929ovxh6agko49u0yokrzustjf6yzt30iv1zvwqn8d3pndm92-0kuha3sa80u2u27yca6kzdbnb



3. Initialize the network

Initialize a swarm network and let system components use the specified network.

 1 [root@mini03 ~]# docker network create -d overlay --attachable zhang 
 2 vu07em5fvpuojih6wgckdkdzj
 3 [root@mini03 docker-swarm]# docker network ls  # View network
 4 NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
 5 fa8a244c6bd5        bridge              bridge              local
 6 51c95dea1e5c        docker_gwbridge     bridge              local
 7 7a7e31f4bce8        host                host                local
 8 5hgg372xwxbl        ingress             overlay             swarm
 9 lmt3pjswf7l0        zhang               overlay             swarm
10 5ea08e9a282f        none                null                local
11 [root@mini03 ~]# docker network inspect zhang  # View network information 
12 [
13     {
14         "Name": "zhang",
15         "Id": "xiykborz8hn2td40ykhi20dck",
16         "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
17         "Scope": "swarm",
18         "Driver": "overlay",
19         "EnableIPv6": false,
20         "IPAM": {
21             "Driver": "default",
22             "Options": null,
23             "Config": []
24         },
25         "Internal": false,
26         "Attachable": true,
27         "Ingress": false,
28         "ConfigFrom": {
29             "Network": ""
30         },
31         "ConfigOnly": false,
32         "Containers": null,
33         "Options": {
34             "": "4097"
35         },
36         "Labels": null
37     }
38 ]


Delete network [use with caution]

Delete the zhang network in docker

1 [root@mini03 docker-swarm]# docker network rm zhang  
2 zhang
3 [root@mini03 docker-swarm]# docker network ls
4 NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
5 fa8a244c6bd5        bridge              bridge              local
6 51c95dea1e5c        docker_gwbridge     bridge              local
7 7a7e31f4bce8        host                host                local
8 5hgg372xwxbl        ingress             overlay             swarm
9 5ea08e9a282f        none                null                local



4. Join or exit swarm management

Execute the command of docker swarm join -- token swmtkn-1-4929ovxh6agko 49u0yokrzustjf6yzt30iv1zvwqn8d3pndm92-0kuha3sa80u2u27yca6kzdbnb on mini01 and mini02.


4.1. What are the current swarm nodes

1 [root@mini03 ~]# docker node ls
2 ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
3 2pfwllgxpajx5aitlvcih9vsq     mini01              Ready               Active                                  17.09.0-ce
4 zho14u85itt5l2i6cpg8fcd6t     mini02              Ready               Active                                  17.09.0-ce
5 yo5f7qb28gf6g38ve4xhcis17 *   mini03              Ready               Active              Leader              17.09.0-ce


4.2. Exit the current swarm node

 1 # Operation on swarm manager mini03
 2 # 2 of which pfwllgxpajx5aitlvcih9vsq yes mini01 stay swarm On the machine ID,according to docker node ls Obtain
 3 [root@mini03 ~]# docker node rm --force 2pfwllgxpajx5aitlvcih9vsq  # If mini01 Upper docker Without stopping the service, you need to use the --force option
 4 2pfwllgxpajx5aitlvcih9vsq
 5 [root@mini03 ~]# docker node ls
 6 ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
 7 zho14u85itt5l2i6cpg8fcd6t     mini02              Ready               Active                                  17.09.0-ce
 8 yo5f7qb28gf6g38ve4xhcis17 *   mini03              Ready               Active              Leader              17.09.0-ce
 9 ##########################################
10 # Commands that need to be executed on mini01 so that mini01 can completely exit swarm management
11 [root@mini01 ~]# docker swarm leave
12 Node left the swarm.


4.3. swarm manager exits swarm

You need to delete all nodes first, and then force to exit swarm

1 [root@mini03 ~]# docker node ls
2 ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
3 yo5f7qb28gf6g38ve4xhcis17 *   mini03              Ready               Active              Leader              17.09.0-ce
4 [root@mini03 ~]# docker swarm leave --force  # swarm Manager exit swarm,Need --force parameter
5 Node left the swarm. 
6 [root@mini03 ~]# docker node ls
7 Error response from daemon: This node is not a swarm manager. Use "docker swarm init" or "docker swarm join" to connect this node to swarm and try again.


4.4. What are the current swarm services

 1 [root@mini03 ~]# docker service ls  # Just an example, not the actual data
 2 ID            NAME                  MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE                                            PORTS
 3 lq7zkkal6ujt  hadoop_datanode       global      2/2       bde2020/hadoop-datanode:2.0.0-hadoop2.7.4-java8   
 4 ph2fu37k886b  hadoop_namenode       replicated  1/1       bde2020/hadoop-namenode:2.0.0-hadoop2.7.4-java8  *:50070->50070/tcp
 5 ca47u5i2ubes  hbase-master          replicated  1/1       bde2020/hbase-master:1.0.0-hbase1.2.6            *:16010->16010/tcp
 6 mkks4oa2ppcn  hbase-regionserver-1  replicated  1/1       bde2020/hbase-regionserver:1.0.0-hbase1.2.6      
 7 j4mhizg4j67p  hbase-regionserver-2  replicated  1/1       bde2020/hbase-regionserver:1.0.0-hbase1.2.6      
 8 yndrkc2bcpra  hbase_zoo1            replicated  1/1       zookeeper:3.4.10                                 *:2181->2181/tcp
 9 r5ycrvo0zout  spark_spark           replicated  1/1       zhang/spark:latest                               *:4040->4040/tcp,*:7777->7777/tcp,*:8081->8081/tcp,*:18080->8080/tcp
10 f2v091nz24rg  tomcat_tomcat         global      2/2       zhang/tomcat:latest                              *:6543->6543/tcp,*:9999->9999/tcp,*:18081->8081/tcp
11 clfpryaerq2l  visualizer            replicated  1/1       dockersamples/visualizer:latest                  *:8080->8080/tcp



5. swarm label management

5.1. Label addition

According to the initial host and component deployment plan, the label plan is as follows: execute on the swarm manager mini03.

 1 # Label the mini01 machine
 2 docker node update --label-add tomcat=true mini01
 3 docker node update --label-add datanode=true mini01
 4 docker node update --label-add hbase-regionserver-1=true mini01
 6 # Label the mini02 machine
 7 docker node update --label-add tomcat=true mini02
 8 docker node update --label-add datanode=true mini02
 9 docker node update --label-add hbase-regionserver-2=true mini02
11 # Label the mini03 machine
12 docker node update --label-add spark=true mini03
13 docker node update --label-add zookeeper=true mini03
14 docker node update --label-add namenode=true mini03
15 docker node update --label-add hbase-master=true mini03


5.2. Delete label

Execute on the swarm manager mini03, as shown below:

1 docker node update --label-rm zookeeper mini03


5.3. View the current label of swarm

Execute on the swarm manager mini03:

1 [root@mini03 ~]# docker node ls -q | xargs docker node inspect -f '{{.ID}}[{{.Description.Hostname}}]:{{.Spec.Labels}}'
2 6f7dwt47y6qvgs3yc6l00nmjd[mini01]:map[tomcat:true datanode:true hbase-regionserver-1:true]
3 5q2nmm2xaexhkn20z8f8ezglr[mini02]:map[tomcat:true datanode:true hbase-regionserver-2:true]
4 ncppwjknhcwbegmliafut0718[mini03]:map[hbase-master:true namenode:true spark:true zookeeper:true]



6. View log

When starting the container, view the related logs, such as the following:

1 docker stack ps hadoop
2 docker stack ps hadoop --format "{{.Name}}: {{.Error}}"
3 docker stack ps hadoop --format "{{.Name}}: {{.Error}}" --no-trunc
4 docker stack ps hadoop --no-trunc

Posted by ryanschefke on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 11:09:12 -0800