Common dimensions for JavaScript DOM

Keywords: Javascript Windows html5 Firefox

JavaScript often uses sizes when working with DOM. This paper describes scrollbar distances, window sizes, document sizes, compatibility of element document coordinates, and ways to scroll windows to specified locations in bizarre and standard modes.

Strange and Standard Patterns

  1. Browsers have weird and standard modes when parsing CSS for compatibility with older versions
  2. Browser parses code according to w3c specification in standard mode
  3. Parsing code according to browser's own specifications in bizarre mode will generally be backward compatible with 5 versions
  4. Use <! DOCTYPE html> for the first sentence, then use the HTML5 specification, which is the standard mode, or use the weird mode without this sentence
  5. Returning CSS1Compat using document.compatMode indicates standard mode, while returning BackCompat is bizarre

Scrollbar Scroll Distance

  1. Common Writing

    // Get the distance between the scrollbar and the top/left side, that is, the page scroll distance
  2. Compatibility Table

    (b) for bizarre patterns, (s) for standard patterns, C for chrome, F for firefox, O for opera

    Browser IE6789(b) IE678(s) IE9(s) C(bs) O/F(b) O/F(s)
    documentElement 0 available available 0 0 available
    body available 0 0 available available 0
    pageOffset undefined undefined available available available available
    scroll undefined undefined undefined available available available
  3. Compatibility Writing

    function getScrollOffset() {
        if (window.pageXOffset) {
            return {
                top: window.pageYOffset,
                left: window.pageXOffset
        else return {
            top:document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop,
            left:document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft

Visual Size of Window

  1. Common Writing

    // Get the width and height of the viewing area of the window
    window.innerWidth/innerHeight // Includes scrollbars compatible with IE9 and above
    // window.outerWidrh/outerHeight contains toolbars and scrollbars, which are browser window sizes
    document.documentElement.clientWidth/clientHeight // Exclude scrollbars compatible with IE9 and below standard modes
    document.body.clientWidth/clientHeight // Includes scrollbars compatible with IE9 and below bizarre modes
  2. Compatibility Writing

    function getViewportSize() {
            if (window.innerWidth) {
                return {
                    width: window.innerWidth,
                    height: window.innerHeight
            } else {
                if (document.compatMode === 'BackCompat') {
                    return {
                        width: document.body.clientWidth,
                        height: document.body.clientHeight
                } else {
                    return {
                        width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
                        height: document.documentElement.clientHeight

Document Scroll Size

  1. Common Writing

    // Get the total scrollable size of the document
    // Prefer body.scrollHeight
    // DoumentElement.scrollHeight has problems with lower versions of IE
  2. Compatibility Writing

    function getScrollSize() {
        if (document.body.scrollHeight) {
            return {
                width: document.body.scrollWidth,
                height: document.body.scrollHeight
        } else return {
            width: document.documentElement.scrollWidth,
            height: document.documentElement.scrollHeight

Element document coordinates

  1. offsetParent

    offsetParent is the closest parent element of a non-default positioning when the element has no fixed positioning and returns body if it does not

    offsetParent returns null when the element has fixed positioning

    offsetParent of body is null

  2. offsetTop/offsetLeft

    var div = document.getElementById("box");
    div.offsetTop/offsetLeft // Offset relative to offsetParent element
  3. Gets the coordinates of an element in a document

    function getElemPositionInDoc(elem) {
        var parent = elem.offsetParent,
            top = elem.offsetTop,
            left = elem.offsetLeft;
        while (parent) {
            top += parent.offsetTop;
            left += parent.offsetLeft;
            parent = parent.offsetParent;
        return {
            top: top,
            left: left

Window Scroll

  1. Common Writing

    // Scroll to (x, y) coordinates
    // window.scroll() and scrollTo() function the same
    window.scrollTo(x, y);
       top: 100,
       behavior: 'smooth' // Smooth scrolling
  2. Scroll to Low Judgement Method

    window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset >= document.body.scrollHeight
    // Window Visual Height + Vertical Scrollbar Scroll Distance >=Document Scroll Height
    // Note Write Compatibility

Posted by rlelek on Fri, 03 Apr 2020 00:58:27 -0700