Data structure experiment 2 merging of non decreasing ordered tables based on sequential tables
Name: Far_Rainbow Student No.: 202505000X Major: Software Engineering Grade: 2020
Experiment Name: Experiment 2 merging of non decreasing ordered tables based on sequential tables
Experiment content:
(1) Experimental purpose Through this experiment, we can deeply understand the logical structure, physical structure and other concepts of the ...
Posted by MBDesktop on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 08:11:17 -0700
CSS page beautification and layout control
CSS page beautification and layout control
Cascading Style Sheets cascading style sheets
Cascade: multiple styles can act on the same html element and take effect at the same time
PowerfulSeparating content presentation from style control
Reduce coupling and decouplingMake division of labor and cooperation easierImprove ...
Posted by allaboutthekick on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 07:20:48 -0700
Regular expression explanation of Shell script
1, Common pipeline commands
1.1 sort command
1.2 uniq command
1.3 tr command
1.4cut command
1.5 examples
1.5.1 statistics of current host connection status
1.5.2 count the number of currently connected hosts
2, Regular expression
2.1 definition of regular expression
2.2 common metacharacters (supported tools: find, grep, eg ...
Posted by delmardata on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 07:04:13 -0700
Basic operations of Index object Index and Index
pandas notes 004
4, Basic operations of Index object Index and Index
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
1. Index object index
1.1 Series and DataFrame
Indexes in Series and DataFrame are Index objects.
pd1 = pd.Series(range(5),index = ['A','B','C','D','E']) #Create a Series index from the list and specify the index name ...
Posted by kaze on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 06:47:50 -0700
"21 days of good habits" phase I-4
Today's topic:
Enter two non-zero integers a and B on the keyboard. If both a and B are even, the sum of the two numbers will be output. If both a and B are odd, the difference between the two numbers will be output. If a is odd, B is even, the product of the two numbers will be output. If a is even, B is odd, and the A/B result will be output ...
Posted by irvieto on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 06:29:42 -0700
Python samples according to discrete probability distribution
1, Probability list + sample list
Task description: we often have a probability list and a sample list to represent the probability that each sample is selected, and in the probability list, the sum of the probabilities is 1. For example, [0.7, 0.2, 0.1] and ['iron man', 'Captain America', 'Thor'], the elements in ...
Posted by project168 on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 06:27:52 -0700
16 day B + tree data structure and basic index
Advantages and disadvantages of heap table and index organization table? Advantages of heap table: there is no back table query in heap table, and its cost is the same no matter which index is used. The disadvantage of heap table: its continuity is not very good. The range query of the primary key is not its strong point.
The fill factor is on ...
Posted by Serpent_Guard on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 06:21:44 -0700
Working principle and configuration of nginx
Working principle and configuration of nginx
Module and working principle of nginx
Nginx consists of kernel and modules. Among them, the design of the kernel is very small and concise, and the work completed is also very simple. Only by looking up the configuration file, the client request is mapped to a location block (location is an ins ...
Posted by srikanthiv on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 05:58:40 -0700
Quick start to C + + network programming: the basic process of TCP network communication and the use of basic functions
Process Overview
The basic principle of network communication between client and server is as follows. Message oriented middleware may be added to a more complex architecture. For the server, the communication process is as follows:
1,call socket Function create listener socket
2,call bind Function will socket Bind to a IP And port nu ...
Posted by wolfraider on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 05:42:52 -0700
On reference types in java -- strong, soft, weak and virtual
reference type
Definition: the data type represented by the actual value reference of the type (similar to the pointer in C). If you assign a reference type to a variable, the variable references (or "points") the original value. Do not create any copies. Reference types include class, interface, delegate, and boxed value types. ...
Posted by darshanpm on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 04:59:33 -0700