A brief introduction to the basic components of spring cloud

Keywords: Spring Zookeeper network

Introduction to spring cloud


As a registry, eureka plays an important role in microservices. At present, eureka and zookeeper are the mainstream registries. eureka is AP, zookeeper is CP. (CAP theory)

Architecture diagram

As can be seen from the architecture diagram, eureka adopts cs architecture. Service provider and consumer as client. The provider registers its services with eureka. After the consumer goes to eureka to get the provider information, the call is implemented in RPC mode. eureka stores metadata information,

  1. Project initialization pom file
   Parent module introduction springcloud assembly
                <!--All jar Pack into one pom Papers. avoid pom File is too large.-->
  1. Introduce dependency [before you start again, you need to ensure that your project supports spring cloud components]
    eureka client

eureka server


eurekaserver applicayion.yml

  port: 8761  //Port number
    name: eureka  // eureka name
    hostname: eureka   
    fetch-registry: false       //You don't need to get information from the server because it's a single node,
    register-with-eureka: false   //Close self registration,
      defaultZone: http://${Eureka. Instance. Hostname}: ${server. Port} / Eureka / / / Eureka registered address,

eurekaclient application.yml

  port: 9001
    name: eurek-client-ad-sponsor
      defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka note that the address here is the local 8761 address. If you configure to write ip or domain name on another machine
    instance:         //These configurations can be unconfigured. They are mandatory,
      instance-id: power-1 #This instance is registered to the unique instance ID of the eureka server     
      prefer-ip-address: true #Show IP address or not    
      leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10 #How long does it take for the eureka client to send a heartbeat to the eureka server, indicating that it is still alive, with a default of 30 seconds (in seconds as configured below)    
      leaseExpirationDurationInSeconds: 30 #After receiving the last heartbeat from the instance, how long does the Eureka server need to wait before deleting the instance? The default is 90 seconds


@EnableEurekaServer   The server sets this annotation
public class eurekaApplication { 
    public static void main(String[] args) {

eureka cluster

In order to meet the high availability of production environment, erueka must be A cluster mode. After the service is registered with eureka, the information between eureka servers is synchronized. For configuration information, all client addresses need to be written in the client. For the server, three machines are assumed to be ABC. Then A register address write BC and so on. Just configure and build Baidu. There are many demo s


In the microservice architecture, the original call of a request on a machine becomes a cross network RPC call. The advantage of this is that service splitting is easy to manage, but it also brings the disadvantage that calls between services may become particularly responsible due to complex business calls. The client request address has also become particularly complex. So we need a unified entrance. zuul implements this function in microservices. zuul has two functions, one is routing and the other is filtering. zuul is also a service registered in eureka


In development, the path is to map the request to the corresponding processing method,

  prefix: /immoc   All requests are preceded by a prefix, which is removed by default
    sponsor:   Custom name
      path: /ad-sponsor/**   Match all paths. /*Match only one level path
      serviceId: eurek-client-ad-sponsor      Request mapped to client id
      strip-prefix: false 
      path: /ad-search/**
      serviceId: eurek-client-ad-search
      strip-profix: false // Remove prefix or not. false means do not remove prefix

Filter is the core component of zuul, which defines four standard filter types. These filters have corresponding ranges.
PRE: call before request is routed.
ROUTING: filtering requests to microservices
POST: executed after routing to the microservice.
ERROR: when an ERROR occurs

Simple demo

public class PreRequestFilter extends ZuulFilter {
    public String filterType() {
        return FilterConstants.PRE_TYPE;

    public int filterOrder() {
        return 0;

    public boolean shouldFilter() {
        return true;

    public Object run() {
        RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
        return null;


A declarative web service client is actually to help us implement rpc calls. After getting the registration information from Eureka, the service uses feign to realize remote call. It is used to define an interface, and then add annotations on it. At the same time, it also supports JAX-RS standard annotations. Feign also supports pluggable encoders and decoders. Spring Cloud encapsulates feign to support Spring MVC standard annotations and HttpMessageConverters. Feign can be combined with Eureka and Ribbon to support load balancing.


Annotate the startup class: @ EnableFeignClients

@FeignClient(value = "eurek-client-ad-sponsor",fallback = SponsorClientHystrix.class)
public interface SponsorClient {
    @RequestMapping(value = "/ad-sponsor/get/adPlan",method = RequestMethod.POST)
    CommonResponse<List<AdPlan>> getAdPlans(@RequestBody AdPlanGetRequest request);

Then inject the interface where necessary.

To learn the spring cloud framework, you must write Eureka feign zuul ribbon htstrix

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Posted by shaitand on Wed, 12 Feb 2020 21:11:08 -0800