HTML5 final assignment: red wine theme website design - simple red wine introduction web page (7 pages) HTML+CSS+JavaScript

Keywords: Javascript html5 css

HTML5 final assignment: red wine theme website design - brief red wine introduction web page (7 pages) HTML+CSS+JavaScript final assignment HTML code student web page course design final assignment Download Web page design and production finished products

Common web design topics include individuals, food, companies, schools, tourism, e-commerce, pets, electrical appliances, tea, home, hotels, dance, animation, stars, clothing, sports, cosmetics, logistics, environmental protection, books, wedding dress, military, games, festivals, smoking cessation, movies, photography, culture, hometown, flowers, gifts Car, other web design topics, A + level homework, can meet the web design needs of College Students' Web homework, and those who like can be downloaded!

Introduction to works

1. Introduction to web works: HTML final college students' web design homework A + level, you can download what you like, and the article page supports mobile PC responsive layout. Including: home page, about us, login and registration, A total of 4 pages.

2. Web page work editing: this work is the subject of web page design for students' final homework, and the code is simple student level html+css layout. After downloading the work, you can use any HTML editing software (for example, any HTML software such as DW, HBuilder, Notepad, vscade, Sublime, Webstorm, Notepad + +) to edit and modify the web page).

3. Layout of web works: the overall layout of the web page is responsive layout, LOGO, navigation and main content layout. There are many layouts of sub pages. The contents of interests and hobbies use the picture list layout. The score page inserts a table. Contact us to set the left alignment using the picture alignment.

4. Web page work technology: use DIV+CSS to make web pages, background map, music, video, flash, mouse passing and selected navigation color change effect, underline, etc. Submit the form, comment and leave a message, and make a form judgment using JavaScript (the form cannot be empty when submitting).

1, Work display

1. Home page

2. About

3. Red wine

4. Catering

5. Contact

2, File directory

3, Code implementation

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	   	  			<span class="person-deg">Red Wine</span>
	   	  			<p><a href="">info(at)</a></p>
	   	  			<p>4 Years</p>
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	   	  			<span class="person-deg">Blue Wine</span>
	   	  			<p><a href="">info(at)</a></p>
	   	  			<p>4 Years</p>
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	   	  		<figcaption><h3 class="person-title"><a href="singlepage.html">Wines </a></h3>
	   	  			<span class="person-deg">Green Wine</span>
	   	  			<p><a href="">info(at)</a></p>
	   	  			<p>4 Years</p>
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	   	  		<figcaption><h3 class="person-title"><a href="singlepage.html">Wines</a></h3>
	   	  			<span class="person-deg">Red Wine</span>
	   	  			<p><a href="">info(at)</a></p>
	   	  			<p>4 Years</p>
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	   	  		<figcaption><h3 class="person-title"><a href="singlepage.html">Wines</a></h3>
	   	  			<span class="person-deg">Red Wine</span>
	   	  			<p><a href="">info(at)</a></p>
	   	  			<p>4 Years</p>
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	   	  		<figcaption><h3 class="person-title"><a href="singlepage.html">Wines</a></h3>
	   	  			<span class="person-deg">Red Wine</span>
	   	  			<p><a href="">info(at)</a></p>
	   	  			<p>4 Years</p>
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					<h3>the best features</h3>
					<p>Contrary to popular belief
							, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.</p>
					<a class="hvr-sweep-to-right more-in" href="singlepage.html">Read More</a>
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					<h3>Voluptatemut enim</h3>
					<h5>Magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatemut enim minima veniam, quis nostrum .</h5>
					<p>There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum </p>
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					<h3>Upcoming Events</h3>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Donec quam lscele lorem Ipsum .</a></li>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Etiam volutpatbh lorem Ipsum </a></li>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Varius lorem Ipsum available .</a></li>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Donec Lorem Ipsum available .</a></li>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Etiam volutpatbh Lorem Ipsum .</a></li>
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					<p>Ut rutrum neque a mollis laoreet diam enim feuiat dui nec ulacoper quam felis id diam. Nunc ut tortor ligula eu petiu Pelleesque .</p>
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					<h3>Useful Info</h3>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Hendrerit quam</a></li>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Amet consectetur </a></li>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Iquam hendrerit</a></li>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Hendrerit quam</a></li>
						<li><a href="singlepage.html">Amet consectetur </a></li>
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					<h3>Contact Us</h3>
					<p>Pelleesque conquat dignissim lacus quis altrcies.</p>
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						<p>Fax: 1234 568</p>
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Posted by jsucupira on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 21:01:01 -0700