Nexus 3 Docker Proxy + Nexus 3 Configure Docker Private Warehouse + Mirror Agent + Configure https Connection

Keywords: nexus Attribute Docker xml

I. Research Background

The company happens to need to configure a local private Docker warehouse and provide Cache functionality to act as a proxy for DockerHub.

Nexus 3 not only integrates warehouse functions such as maven and npm, but also supports Docker

Experiments show that Nexus 3 can basically meet the needs, except for poor mirror management (not as intuitive as Harbor)

II. Deployment steps

2.1. Deployment environment

Operating system: CentOS 7 64

Java: 1.8.0_171 (Nexus runtime dependent jdk environment)

2.2. Install Nexus 3

Simple installation, download and decompress

Download address:  nexus-3.10.0-04-unix.tar.gz

Unzip it into the / opt directory (you can change the directory yourself.) Another nonsense.

  1. # tar zxvf nexus-3.10.0-04-unix.tar.gz -C /opt  

2.3 Configuration Certificate (Self-Signed)

https is not enabled by default nexus, but docker is enabled. For uniformity, https certificates need to be configured

Here, we implement it with keytool

Step 1: Generate the authentication file that the server needs to configure

Change the IP address to the IP address of your machine (for convenience, I have IP for both domain name and IP)

Running the script generates a keystore.jks in the current directory

  1. #!/bin/bash  
  4. PASSWD=Nexus123  
  5. keytool -genkeypair -keystore keystore.jks -storepass ${PASSWD}  -keypass ${PASSWD} -alias nexus -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 5000 -dname "CN=${NEXUS_DOMAIN}, OU=NexusO=NexusL=BeijingST=BeijingC=CN" -ext "SAN=IP:${NEXUS_IP_ADDRESS}" -ext "BC=ca:true"  

keystore.jks is placed in the nexus ssl directory, which is easy to manage.

  1. # cp keystore.jks /opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/etc/ssl/  

Step 2: Generate the certificates required by the client

In the directory where keystore.jks is located, execute the following command (the password is the same as above):

  1. # keytool -export -alias nexus -keystore keystore.jks -file keystore.cer -storepass Nexus123  
The keystore.cer file will be generated under the current folder (which will be imported into the client machine later)

Step 3: Configure Nexus to use certificates and open https

  1. # cp /opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/etc/ /opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/etc/    
  2. # vim /opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/etc/  
  1. ## DO NOT EDIT - CUSTOMIZATIONS BELONG IN $data-dir/etc/  
  2. ##  
  3. # Jetty section  
  4. application-port-ssl=8443  
  5. application-port=8081  
  6. application-host=  
  7. nexus-args=${jetty.etc}/jetty.xml,${jetty.etc}/jetty-http.xml,${jetty.etc}/jetty-requestlog.xml,${jetty.etc}/jetty-https.xml,${jetty.etc}/jetty-http-redirect-to-https.xml  
  8. nexus-context-path=/  
  10. # Nexus section  
  11. nexus-edition=nexus-pro-edition  
  12. nexus-features=\  
  13.  nexus-pro-feature  

Next, configure / opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/etc/jetty/jetty-https.xml

  1. # vim /opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/etc/jetty/jetty-https.xml  
  1. <Set name="KeyStorePath">/opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/etc/ssl/keystore.jks</Set>  
  2.    <Set name="KeyStorePassword">Nexus123</Set>  
  3.    <Set name="KeyManagerPassword">Nexus123</Set>  
  4.    <Set name="TrustStorePath">/opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/etc/ssl/keystore.jks</Set>  
  5.    <Set name="TrustStorePassword">Nexus123</Set>  

Step 4: Start Nexus

  1. # /opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/bin/nexus start  

Start logs can be viewed here: / opt/sonatype-work/nexus 3/log/nexus.log

Let's go directly to the browser. (admin/admin123)


It's https, but it's not trusted because we're self-signed.

Step 5: Import certificates into browsers in our experiment

Import the keystore.cer file generated in the second step into the browser

Google Browser: Settings - Advanced - Management Certificate


Click Import, select our certificate file, and execute the import in turn.

Restart Chrome and re-visit (Nexus address)

Discover that it's unsafe and successful!


2.4 Configure Docker Registry (Private Warehouse)

Repository - Repositories - Create repository - Select docker (hosted)

Fill in a name (e.g. docker-local)

Check HTTPS, fill in a port (e.g. 7709), and "Enable Docker V1 API" by default.

Click Create repository to create a warehouse

2.5 Configure Docker Mirror (Mirror Agent)

Repository - Repositories - Create repository - Select docker (proxy)

Fill in a name (such as docker-hub)

Check HTTPS and fill in a port (e.g. 7719)

Remove the Force basic authentication check and tick "Enable Docker V1 API"

Fill in Remote storage: My DaoCloud address,

Docker Index chooses "Use Docker Hub" by default.

Click Create repository to create a warehouse

2.6 Configuration of Realms

Security - Realms, activate Docker Realm


2.7 Client Import Certificate

Previously, we only tried to import certificates in browsers to enable Docker clients to communicate with the warehouse properly.

Client import certificates are required

With Centos 7 as an example, importing certificates is divided into two steps (Ubuntu importing certificate step, please move to the appendix at the end of the article)

Step 1: Copy keystore.cer to / etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors directory

Step 2: Update certificate information and execute # update-ca-trust extract

2.8 Configure Docker Daemon using Mirror


After ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd, add the parameter -- registry-mirror=

Or write / etc/docker/daemon.json

  1. {"registry-mirrors": [""]}  

Restart Docker service

  1. # systemctl daemon-reload  
  2. # systemctl restart docker  

2.9 Verify that Docker can communicate with Nexus Docker warehouse normally

Log in to private warehouse, username password (admin/admin123)

  1. # docker login  

Push Mirror to Private Warehouse

  1. # docker tag ubuntu:12.04  
  2. # docker push  

Pull mirror (via Mirror)

  1. # docker pull ubuntu:13.04  

2.10 Finally, let's see if there are any mirrors we have operated in the warehouse.



At this point, the tutorial is over, the configuration is successful, go home for dinner! uuuuuuuuuuu


Additional notes on Ubuntu 16.04 import certificate:

Under * Ubuntu system, the general imported certificate format is crt, so it is necessary to export the certificate file in this format first.

  1. # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12  
  2. # openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nokeys -out keystore.crt  

* Import the exported keystore.crt into the Ubuntu system

  1. # mkdir /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra  
  2. # cp keystore.crt /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra  
  3. # dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates  



Make sure, then (if you still prompt distrust, restarting the client machine can generally solve it)

Set Nexus to boot automatically:

(Note that modifying jdk and nexus paths is the path you actually use)

  1. # vim /lib/systemd/system/nexus.service  
  1. [Unit]  
  2. Description=nexus     
  5. [Service]      
  6. Type=forking    
  7. LimitNOFILE=65536  
  8. Environment="JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_171"   
  9. ExecStart=/opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/bin/nexus start   
  10. ExecReload=/opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/bin/nexus restart  
  11. ExecStop=/opt/nexus-3.10.0-04/bin/nexus stop  
  12. PrivateTmp=true      
  14. [Install]      
  1. # systemctl enable nexus.service  
  2. # systemctl start nexus.service  

Nexus 3 Installs Helm Plug-ins: Walk Here

Posted by raghavan20 on Mon, 10 Dec 2018 19:48:06 -0800