Zuul (spring-cloud-zuul) Source Code Interpretation of Technology and Architecture

Keywords: Programming Spring network Nginx


Zuul is Netflix's open source micro-service gateway, which can be used in conjunction with Eureka,Ribbon,Hystrix and other components. It is currently integrated into the system by spring-cloud.

  1. zuul source code contains a lot of test code
  2. Many of zuul's code is 11 years old.

What is gateway and why gateway is needed?

The encyclopedia explains this: gateway (Gateway) is also called internetwork connector and protocol converter. Gateway implements network interconnection above the network layer, which is a complex network interconnection device. It is only used for network interconnection of two different high-level protocols. Look carefully at the picture below.

  1. The gateway is responsible for receiving requests and forwarding them to the correct service at the back end. This is to show whether the above figure is very similar to the function of Nginx, good. The most basic function of gateway is reverse proxy.

Basic architecture design of zuul

The core module of zuul is zuul-core. Spring-cloud integrates the jar implemented by zuul as spring-cloud-netflix-zuul.


  1. filter
  2. FilterRegistry
  3. FilterLoader
  4. FilterProcessor
  5. ZuulRunner

When a request comes, this is the call chain of the class.


filter is the core execution process of zuul, and IZuulFilter is the interface, which mainly implements the run method. ZuulFilter has two abstract methods, filterType and filterOrder. Look carefully at the runFilter method of ZuulFilter, which mainly implements the run method and processes the execution behavior of the run.

public interface IZuulFilter {

    boolean shouldFilter();

    Object run() throws ZuulException;


public abstract class ZuulFilter implements IZuulFilter, Comparable<ZuulFilter> {

    private final AtomicReference<DynamicBooleanProperty> filterDisabledRef = new AtomicReference<>();

    abstract public String filterType();

    abstract public int filterOrder();

    public boolean isStaticFilter() {
        return true;
    public String disablePropertyName() {
        return "zuul." + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + filterType() + ".disable";

    public boolean isFilterDisabled() {
        filterDisabledRef.compareAndSet(null, DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getBooleanProperty(disablePropertyName(), false));
        return filterDisabledRef.get().get();

    public ZuulFilterResult runFilter() {
        ZuulFilterResult zr = new ZuulFilterResult();
        if (!isFilterDisabled()) {
            if (shouldFilter()) {
                Tracer t = TracerFactory.instance().startMicroTracer("ZUUL::" + this.getClass().getSimpleName());
                try {
                    Object res = run();
                    zr = new ZuulFilterResult(res, ExecutionStatus.SUCCESS);
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    t.setName("ZUUL::" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " failed");
                    zr = new ZuulFilterResult(ExecutionStatus.FAILED);
                } finally {
            } else {
                zr = new ZuulFilterResult(ExecutionStatus.SKIPPED);
        return zr;

public class FilterConstants {
	public static final String ERROR_TYPE = "error";

	public static final String POST_TYPE = "post";

	public static final String PRE_TYPE = "pre";

	public static final String ROUTE_TYPE = "route";

The filter Registry is the registered object of the filter, which is very simple. Just notice the static member variable INSTANCE. Note: INSTANCE may be deleted after zuul 2.0

public class FilterRegistry{
    private static final FilterRegistry INSTANCE = new FilterRegistry();

    public static final FilterRegistry instance() {
        return INSTANCE;

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ZuulFilter> filters = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ZuulFilter>();

    public ZuulFilter remove(String key) {
        return this.filters.remove(key);

    public ZuulFilter get(String key) {
        return this.filters.get(key);

    public void put(String key, ZuulFilter filter) {
        this.filters.putIfAbsent(key, filter);

    public int size() {
        return this.filters.size();

    public Collection<ZuulFilter> getAllFilters() {
        return this.filters.values();

The filter Loader is responsible for dynamically loading the filter. The loading methods are className, File object, Groovy language source code. If a large company like Netflix has a management system, it will be very bad for FilterLoader.

public class FilterLoader {
    final static FilterLoader INSTANCE = new FilterLoader();

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FilterLoader.class);

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> filterClassLastModified = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>();
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> filterClassCode = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> filterCheck = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<ZuulFilter>> hashFiltersByType = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<ZuulFilter>>();

    private FilterRegistry filterRegistry = FilterRegistry.instance();

    static DynamicCodeCompiler COMPILER;
    static FilterFactory FILTER_FACTORY = new DefaultFilterFactory();

    public void setCompiler(DynamicCodeCompiler compiler) {
        COMPILER = compiler;

    public void setFilterRegistry(FilterRegistry r) {
        this.filterRegistry = r;

    public void setFilterFactory(FilterFactory factory) {
        FILTER_FACTORY = factory;
    public static FilterLoader getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

    public ZuulFilter getFilter(String sCode, String sName) throws Exception {

        if (filterCheck.get(sName) == null) {
            filterCheck.putIfAbsent(sName, sName);
            if (!sCode.equals(filterClassCode.get(sName))) {
                LOG.info("reloading code " + sName);
        ZuulFilter filter = filterRegistry.get(sName);
        if (filter == null) {
            Class clazz = COMPILER.compile(sCode, sName);
            if (!Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers())) {
                filter = (ZuulFilter) FILTER_FACTORY.newInstance(clazz);
        return filter;


    public int filterInstanceMapSize() {
        return filterRegistry.size();

    public boolean putFilter(File file) throws Exception {
        String sName = file.getAbsolutePath() + file.getName();
        if (filterClassLastModified.get(sName) != null && (file.lastModified() != filterClassLastModified.get(sName))) {
            LOG.debug("reloading filter " + sName);
        ZuulFilter filter = filterRegistry.get(sName);
        if (filter == null) {
            Class clazz = COMPILER.compile(file);
            if (!Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers())) {
                filter = (ZuulFilter) FILTER_FACTORY.newInstance(clazz);
                List<ZuulFilter> list = hashFiltersByType.get(filter.filterType());
                if (list != null) {
                    hashFiltersByType.remove(filter.filterType()); //rebuild this list
                filterRegistry.put(file.getAbsolutePath() + file.getName(), filter);
                filterClassLastModified.put(sName, file.lastModified());
                return true;

        return false;

    public List<ZuulFilter> getFiltersByType(String filterType) {

        List<ZuulFilter> list = hashFiltersByType.get(filterType);
        if (list != null) return list;

        list = new ArrayList<ZuulFilter>();

        Collection<ZuulFilter> filters = filterRegistry.getAllFilters();
        for (Iterator<ZuulFilter> iterator = filters.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            ZuulFilter filter = iterator.next();
            if (filter.filterType().equals(filterType)) {
        Collections.sort(list); // sort by priority

        hashFiltersByType.putIfAbsent(filterType, list);
        return list;

Basic call chain postRoute, error, route, preRoute - > runFilters - > processZuulFilter [key method]. How to get Filter: run Filters - > FilterLoader. getInstance (). getFiltersByType (sType)

public class FilterProcessor {

    static FilterProcessor INSTANCE = new FilterProcessor();
    protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FilterProcessor.class);

    private FilterUsageNotifier usageNotifier;

    public void postRoute() throws ZuulException {
        try {
        } catch (ZuulException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw new ZuulException(e, 500, "UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_IN_POST_FILTER_" + e.getClass().getName());

    public void error() {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

    public void route() throws ZuulException {
        try {
        } catch (ZuulException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw new ZuulException(e, 500, "UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_IN_ROUTE_FILTER_" + e.getClass().getName());

    public void preRoute() throws ZuulException {
        try {
        } catch (ZuulException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw new ZuulException(e, 500, "UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_IN_PRE_FILTER_" + e.getClass().getName());

    public Object runFilters(String sType) throws Throwable {
        if (RequestContext.getCurrentContext().debugRouting()) {
            Debug.addRoutingDebug("Invoking {" + sType + "} type filters");
        boolean bResult = false;
        List<ZuulFilter> list = FilterLoader.getInstance().getFiltersByType(sType);
        if (list != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                ZuulFilter zuulFilter = list.get(i);
                Object result = processZuulFilter(zuulFilter);
                if (result != null && result instanceof Boolean) {
                    bResult |= ((Boolean) result);
        return bResult;

    public Object processZuulFilter(ZuulFilter filter) throws ZuulException {

        RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
        boolean bDebug = ctx.debugRouting();
        final String metricPrefix = "zuul.filter-";
        long execTime = 0;
        String filterName = "";
        try {
            long ltime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            filterName = filter.getClass().getSimpleName();
            RequestContext copy = null;
            Object o = null;
            Throwable t = null;

            if (bDebug) {
                Debug.addRoutingDebug("Filter " + filter.filterType() + " " + filter.filterOrder() + " " + filterName);
                copy = ctx.copy();
            ZuulFilterResult result = filter.runFilter();
            ExecutionStatus s = result.getStatus();
            execTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - ltime;

            switch (s) {
                case FAILED:
                    t = result.getException();
                    ctx.addFilterExecutionSummary(filterName, ExecutionStatus.FAILED.name(), execTime);
                case SUCCESS:
                    o = result.getResult();
                    ctx.addFilterExecutionSummary(filterName, ExecutionStatus.SUCCESS.name(), execTime);
                    if (bDebug) {
                        Debug.addRoutingDebug("Filter {" + filterName + " TYPE:" + filter.filterType() + " ORDER:" + filter.filterOrder() + "} Execution time = " + execTime + "ms");
                        Debug.compareContextState(filterName, copy);
            if (t != null) throw t;

            usageNotifier.notify(filter, s);
            return o;

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            if (bDebug) {
                Debug.addRoutingDebug("Running Filter failed " + filterName + " type:" + filter.filterType() + " order:" + filter.filterOrder() + " " + e.getMessage());
            usageNotifier.notify(filter, ExecutionStatus.FAILED);
            if (e instanceof ZuulException) {
                throw (ZuulException) e;
            } else {
                ZuulException ex = new ZuulException(e, "Filter threw Exception", 500, filter.filterType() + ":" + filterName);
                ctx.addFilterExecutionSummary(filterName, ExecutionStatus.FAILED.name(), execTime);
                throw ex;


Each filter execution completes or exceptions fail. Will call the filteruseagenetifier.notify method. This allows monitoring of execution results.

    public static class BasicFilterUsageNotifier implements FilterUsageNotifier {
        private static final String METRIC_PREFIX = "zuul.filter-";

        public void notify(ZuulFilter filter, ExecutionStatus status) {
            DynamicCounter.increment(METRIC_PREFIX + filter.getClass().getSimpleName(), "status", status.name(), "filtertype", filter.filterType());
  1. Zuul Runner represents FilterProcessor
  2. zuulRunner.init is the core method of the whole system. It is responsible for putting servlet Request in the context of RequestContext.getCurrentContext. In the current thread, HttpServletResponse can be obtained, and the object can be operated on. Other parameters can also be passed. Look confidently at Ribbon Routing Filter.
public class ZuulRunner {

    private boolean bufferRequests;

    public ZuulRunner() {
        this.bufferRequests = true;

    public ZuulRunner(boolean bufferRequests) {
        this.bufferRequests = bufferRequests;

    public void init(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse) {

        RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
        if (bufferRequests) {
            ctx.setRequest(new HttpServletRequestWrapper(servletRequest));
        } else {

        ctx.setResponse(new HttpServletResponseWrapper(servletResponse));

    public void postRoute() throws ZuulException {

    public void route() throws ZuulException {

    public void preRoute() throws ZuulException {

    public void error() {


spring-cloud-zuul is mainly composed of two classes, Zuul Server AutoConfiguration and Zuul Proxy AutoConfiguration. Many filter s and other management objects are injected into the spring container, respectively.

The filters injected are as follows
  1. ServletDetectionFilter
  2. FormBodyWrapperFilter
  3. DebugFilter
  4. Servlet30WrapperFilter
  5. SendResponseFilter
  6. SendErrorFilter
  7. SendForwardFilter
  8. PreDecorationFilter
  9. RibbonRoutingFilter
  10. SimpleHostRoutingFilter

routeLocator is the zuul route management system. SimpleRouteLocator is the simplest implementation. How do you need to maintain your own routing and inject your own implementation into the spring container?

routeLocator is the zuul route management system. SimpleRouteLocator is the simplest implementation. How do you need to maintain your own routing and inject your own implementation into the spring container?

routeLocator is the zuul route management system. SimpleRouteLocator is the simplest implementation. How do you need to maintain your own routing and inject your own implementation into the spring container?

Integration with Eureka

The DiscoveryClientRouteLocator class is responsible for integrating with eureka. Discovery Client RouteLocator gets services from the Eureka server and checks in to SimpleRouteLocator


ZuulController is responsible for injecting ZuulServlet objects into spring containers


ZuulFilter Configuration is the core link of spring-cloud-zuul. ZuulFilter Initializer links FilterLoader, FilterRegistry, CounterFactory and TracerFactory together. So the most basic component of zuul system is completed

protected static class ZuulFilterConfiguration {

		private Map<String, ZuulFilter> filters;

		public ZuulFilterInitializer zuulFilterInitializer(
				CounterFactory counterFactory, TracerFactory tracerFactory) {
			FilterLoader filterLoader = FilterLoader.getInstance();
			FilterRegistry filterRegistry = FilterRegistry.instance();
			return new ZuulFilterInitializer(this.filters, counterFactory, tracerFactory, filterLoader, filterRegistry);

public class ZuulFilterInitializer {

	private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ZuulFilterInitializer.class);

	private final Map<String, ZuulFilter> filters;
	private final CounterFactory counterFactory;
	private final TracerFactory tracerFactory;
	private final FilterLoader filterLoader;
	private final FilterRegistry filterRegistry;

	public ZuulFilterInitializer(Map<String, ZuulFilter> filters,CounterFactory counterFactory,TracerFactory tracerFactory, FilterLoader filterLoader,FilterRegistry filterRegistry) {
		this.filters = filters;
		this.counterFactory = counterFactory;
		this.tracerFactory = tracerFactory;
		this.filterLoader = filterLoader;
		this.filterRegistry = filterRegistry;

	public void contextInitialized() {
		log.info("Starting filter initializer");


		for (Map.Entry<String, ZuulFilter> entry : this.filters.entrySet()) {
			filterRegistry.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

	public void contextDestroyed() {
		log.info("Stopping filter initializer");
		for (Map.Entry<String, ZuulFilter> entry : this.filters.entrySet()) {


	private void clearLoaderCache() {
		Field field = ReflectionUtils.findField(FilterLoader.class, "hashFiltersByType");
		Map cache = (Map) ReflectionUtils.getField(field, filterLoader);


Zuul servlet is responsible for intercepting all requests and executing preRoute, route, postRoute, error behavior.

    public void service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest servletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse servletResponse) throws ServletException, IOException {
        try {
            init((HttpServletRequest) servletRequest, (HttpServletResponse) servletResponse);
            RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();

            try {
            } catch (ZuulException e) {
            try {
            } catch (ZuulException e) {
            try {
            } catch (ZuulException e) {

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            error(new ZuulException(e, 500, "UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_" + e.getClass().getName()));
        } finally {

Posted by nalleyp23 on Sun, 06 Oct 2019 18:55:49 -0700