zstack version upgrade

Keywords: Database MySQL ssh Apache


Today, I saw the installation image of zstack on the official website, and found that it was released on March 24, 2018. Because the local environment is a test environment, and I haven't tried to upgrade zstack, I plan to upgrade zstack

Things to know before upgrading

First of all, zstack supports two upgrade methods on the official website, one is incremental upgrade and the other is offline upgrade, which is convenient for incremental upgrade. Although I don't know what the difference between the two methods is, I chose incremental upgrade, which may be that the software source is online, and the other is to directly use the local iso. Before upgrading, I need to make a backup of the database. Also know that you only need to upgrade your management node, and the computing node will be upgraded automatically

Backup database

ssh in the management node, enter the following command dump out of the database zstack-ctl dump_mysql

[root@MiWiFi-R1CM-srv ~]# zstack-ctl dump_mysql 
Backup mysql successfully! You can check the file at /var/lib/zstack/mysql-backup/zstack-backup-db-2018-03-26_14-22-38.gz


Next, install the package under wget wget http://cdn.zstack.io/product_downloads/zstack-enterprise/enterprise2.3/ZStack-installer- After downloading, enter the following command to upgrade directly bash ZStack-installer- -u Remember to connect to the Internet in the whole process, or you can use offline upgrade. The whole upgrade process is very smooth and fast. Maybe it's because there is little change between versions

[root@MiWiFi-R1CM-srv ~]# bash ZStack-installer- -u
 _________ _____  _    ____ _  __
|__  / ___|_   _|/ \  / ___| |/ /
  / /\___ \ | | / _ \| |   | ' / 
 / /_ ___) || |/ ___ \ |___| . \ 
/____|____/ |_/_/   \_\____|_|\_\
         ____    _____  ___  _  _   ___  ____  
__   __ |___ \  |___ / / _ \| || | / _ \| ___| 
\ \ / /   __) |   |_ \| | | | || || (_) |___ \ 
 \ V /   / __/ _ ___) | |_| |__   _\__, |___) |
  \_/   |_____(_)____(_)___(_) |_|   /_/|____/ 
 ___ _   _ ____ _____  _    _     _        _  _____ ___ ___  _   _ 
|_ _| \ | / ___|_   _|/ \  | |   | |      / \|_   _|_ _/ _ \| \ | |
 | ||  \| \___ \ | | / _ \ | |   | |     / _ \ | |  | | | | |  \| |
 | || |\  |___) || |/ ___ \| |___| |___ / ___ \| |  | | |_| | |\  |
|___|_| \_|____/ |_/_/   \_\_____|_____/_/   \_\_| |___\___/|_| \_|

 1. Check Repo Version:
    Check local repo version: ... PASS

 2. Check System:
    Pre-Checking: ... PASS
    Check System: ... PASS
    Update Package Repository: ... PASS

 3. Get ZStack:
    Download ZStack package: ... PASS
    Unpack ZStack package: ... PASS

 4. Upgrade ZStack:
    Upgrade apache-tomcat: ... PASS
    Upgrade zstack-ctl: ... PASS
    Install General Libraries (takes a couple of minutes): ... PASS
    Stop ZStack: ... PASS
    Upgrade ZStack: ... PASS
    Add cronjob to clean logs: ... PASS
    Enable ZStack bootstrap service: ... PASS
    Enable NTP: ... PASS
    Config zstack.properties: ... PASS
    Append iptables: ... PASS
    Install ZStack Web UI (takes a couple of minutes): ... PASS
    Start ZStack management node (takes a couple of minutes): ... PASS
    Start ZStack Web UI: ... PASS

ZStack in /usr/local/zstack has been successfully upgraded to version:

 Management node has been started up again. You can use `zstack-ctl status` to check its status.

 zstack-ui has been upgraded.

 zstack-ui has been started up again.

 Your old zstack was saved in /usr/local/zstack/upgrade/2018-03-26-14-28-22

And when I upgrade, I still have some virtual machines on, and there are no exceptions

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Posted by onlyican on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 18:00:03 -0700