"ZJOI2014" Galaxy Survey
The core of this topic is to quickly find the linear hypothesis repulsion of XPs.
The square of the distance from point ((x1,y1)) to line (y=kx+b) is ( displaystyle {(kx1+b-y1)^2}\over {k^2+1}.
Then the relative exclusion of XPs is ( displaystyle sum {i points on the path} {(kx_i + b-y_i) ^ 2} over {k ^ 2 + 1} .
Separate the formula: ( displaystyle sum {i in path point} {{{x_i} ^ 2K ^ 2 + 2x_i K b-2x_i y_i k-2y_ik + B ^ 2 + {y_i} ^ 2} \ over {k ^ 2 + 1}\
It can be found that the coefficients of each item are easily obtained (path summation).
Then the problem is to find the minimum value of ( displaystyle {a1 K ^ 2 + B1 K B + C1 B ^ 2 + D1 B + E1 K + f1} over {k ^ 2 + 1}.
Put forward the items related to (b).
{c1 *({b+ {(b1*k+d1) \over 2*c1 }})^2 - {(b1*k+d1)^2 \over 4*c1} + a1 k^2 + e1 k+ f1}\over {k^2+1}
Obviously ( displaystyle ({b+ {(b1 * k + d1) over 2 * C1}) ^ 2 = 0\) is the best.
Then, the ( displaystyle {(b1 * k + d1)^ 2 over 4 * c1}\ is disassembled to get a new \(a1,e1,f1\).
Simplify it to ( displaystyle a1+ {e1 k+f1-a1 \over {k^2+1}}}\, so that (f1=f1-a1\).
If (e1=0), the answer is (a1+min(f1,0).
If (e1!=0), ( displaystyle {e1 k+f1-a1\ over {k^ 2+1}= { displaye1 \ displaystyle\ over \ displaystyle {k^ 2+1\ over (k + {f1\ over e1})}\ then \
Make (f1= {f1\over e1}\).
Then the next one is removed directly and ( displaystyle K - F1 + {(f1 * F1 + 1) over (k + f1)} is calculated by means of mean inequality.
Of course, there are also positive and negative points to discuss: ( displaystyle min ({e1 over (2* sqrt {1+f1*f1}-2*f1)}, {e1\ over (-2*\ sqrt {1+f1*f1}-2*f1)})\\
Then it's all right.
If it is a tree, then direct path summation, if it is a base ring tree, then there are two classes when walking a ring, and three classes when not walking a ring.
Next is the basic operation.
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(q,a,b) for(int q=a,q##_end_=b;q<=q##_end_;++q) #define dep(q,a,b) for(int q=a,q##_end_=b;q>=q##_end_;--q) #define mem(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof a ) #define debug(a) cerr<<#a<<' '<<a<<"___"<<endl using namespace std; void in(int &r) { static char c; r=0; while(c=getchar(),c<48); do r=(r<<1)+(r<<3)+(c^48); while(c=getchar(),c>47); } #define double long double bool cur1; const int mn=100005; int head[mn],ne[mn<<1],to[mn<<1],cnt1; #define link(a,b) link_edge(a,b),link_edge(b,a) #define link_edge(a,b) to[++cnt1]=b,ne[cnt1]=head[a],head[a]=cnt1 #define travel(x) for(int q(head[x]);q;q=ne[q]) int _x[mn],_y[mn],n,m; double get_the_val(double a1,double b1,double c1,double d1,double e1,double f1){ //a1 k^2 + b1 kb +c1 b^2 + d1 b + e1 k+ f1 //c1 (b+(b1*k+d1)/(2*c1))^2 - (b1*k+d1)^2 / (4*c1) a1+=-b1*b1/(4*c1); f1+=-d1*d1/(4*c1); e1+=-b1*d1/(2*c1); b1=0; c1=0; d1=0; f1-=a1; if(!e1)return a1+min(f1,(double)0); //(a1 k^2 + e1 k+ f1) /over (k^2+1) //a1 + {(e1 k + f1)\over (k^2+1)} //e1 * 1/ ((k^2+1) /(k + f1/e1 )) f1/=e1; // k - f1 + (f1*f1+1)/(k+f1) // 2* sqrt(f1*f1+1) -2*f return a1+min(e1/(2*sqrt(1+f1*f1)-2*f1),e1/(-2*sqrt(1+f1*f1)-2*f1)); } int si[mn],fa[mn],H[mn],son[mn],top[mn],high; int LCA(int a,int b){ while(top[a]!=top[b])H[top[a]]>H[top[b]]?a=fa[top[a]]:b=fa[top[b]]; return H[a]<H[b]?a:b; } int sum_mul_x[mn],sum_x_y[mn],sum_y[mn],sum_x[mn],sum_mul_y[mn]; bool mark_in_loop[mn]; int in_which_node[mn],rt; void dfs(int f,int x){ sum_mul_x[x]=_x[x]*_x[x]+sum_mul_x[f]; sum_mul_y[x]=_y[x]*_y[x]+sum_mul_y[f]; sum_x_y[x]=_x[x]*_y[x]+sum_x_y[f]; sum_y[x]=_y[x]+sum_y[f]; sum_x[x]=_x[x]+sum_x[f]; in_which_node[x]=rt; H[x]=++high; si[x]=1,fa[x]=f; travel(x)if(to[q]!=f&&!mark_in_loop[to[q]]){ dfs(x,to[q]); si[x]+=si[to[q]]; if(si[to[q]]>si[son[x]])son[x]=to[q]; } --high; } void redfs(int f,int x,int tp){ top[x]=tp; if(son[x])redfs(x,son[x],tp); travel(x)if(!mark_in_loop[to[q]]&&to[q]!=f&&to[q]!=son[x])redfs(x,to[q],to[q]); } namespace part_1{ void solve(){ dfs(0,1); redfs(0,1,1); int Q,a,b; in(Q); while(Q--){ in(a),in(b); int lca=LCA(a,b); int f_lca=fa[lca]; //a1 k^2 + b1 kb +c1 b^2 + d1 b + e1 k+ f1 //y^2 + b^2 -2 by - 2 yx k +2 x kb +x^2 k^2 double a1=sum_mul_x[a]+sum_mul_x[b]-sum_mul_x[lca]-sum_mul_x[f_lca]; double b1=(sum_x[a]+sum_x[b]-sum_x[lca]-sum_x[f_lca])<<1; double c1=H[a]+H[b]-H[lca]-H[f_lca]; double d1=-(sum_y[a]+sum_y[b]-sum_y[lca]-sum_y[f_lca])*2; double e1=-(sum_x_y[a]+sum_x_y[b]-sum_x_y[lca]-sum_x_y[f_lca])*2; double f1=sum_mul_y[a]+sum_mul_y[b]-sum_mul_y[lca]-sum_mul_y[f_lca]; printf("%.5Lf\n",get_the_val(a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1)); } } } namespace part_2{ int loop[mn],loop_len; int loop_sum_mul_x[mn],loop_sum_x_y[mn],loop_sum_y[mn],loop_sum_x[mn],loop_sum_mul_y[mn]; int last,mark[mn]; void find_loop(int f,int x){ if(mark[x]){ last=x; return; } mark[x]=1; travel(x)if(to[q]!=f){ find_loop(x,to[q]); if(last!=-1){ loop[++loop_len]=x; if(x==last)last=-1; return; } } } int LCA(int a,int b){ while(top[a]!=top[b])H[top[a]]>H[top[b]]?a=fa[top[a]]:b=fa[top[b]]; return H[a]<H[b]?a:b; } int loop_mp_id[mn]; void solve(){ last=-1,find_loop(0,1); rep(w,1,loop_len){ mark_in_loop[loop[w]]=1; loop_mp_id[loop[w]]=w; } rep(q,1,n)if(mark_in_loop[q])rt=q,dfs(0,q),redfs(0,q,q); int v1=0,v2=0,v3=0,v4=0,v5=0; rep(w,1,loop_len){ int x=loop[w]; v1+=_x[x]*_x[x]; v2+=_x[x]*_y[x]; v3+=_y[x]; v4+=_x[x]; v5+=_y[x]*_y[x]; loop_sum_mul_x[w]=v1; loop_sum_x_y[w]=v2; loop_sum_y[w]=v3; loop_sum_x[w]=v4; loop_sum_mul_y[w]=v5; } int Q,a,b; int a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1; int l,r; in(Q); while(Q--){ in(a),in(b); if(in_which_node[a]==in_which_node[b]){ int lca=LCA(a,b); int f_lca=fa[lca]; a1=sum_mul_x[a]+sum_mul_x[b]-sum_mul_x[lca]-sum_mul_x[f_lca]; b1=(sum_x[a]+sum_x[b]-sum_x[lca]-sum_x[f_lca])<<1; c1=H[a]+H[b]-H[lca]-H[f_lca]; d1=-(sum_y[a]+sum_y[b]-sum_y[lca]-sum_y[f_lca])*2; e1=-(sum_x_y[a]+sum_x_y[b]-sum_x_y[lca]-sum_x_y[f_lca])*2; f1=sum_mul_y[a]+sum_mul_y[b]-sum_mul_y[lca]-sum_mul_y[f_lca]; printf("%.5Lf\n",get_the_val(a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1)); }else{ double ans=1e18; l=loop_mp_id[in_which_node[a]],r=loop_mp_id[in_which_node[b]]; if(l>r)swap(l,r),swap(a,b); ++l,--r; a2=sum_mul_x[a]+sum_mul_x[b]; b2=(sum_x[a]+sum_x[b])<<1; c2=H[a]+H[b]; d2=-(sum_y[a]+sum_y[b])<<1; e2=-(sum_x_y[a]+sum_x_y[b])<<1; f2=sum_mul_y[a]+sum_mul_y[b]; a1=loop_sum_mul_x[r]-loop_sum_mul_x[l-1]; b1=(loop_sum_x[r]-loop_sum_x[l-1])<<1; c1=r-l+1; d1=-(loop_sum_y[r]-loop_sum_y[l-1])<<1; e1=-(loop_sum_x_y[r]-loop_sum_x_y[l-1])<<1; f1=loop_sum_mul_y[r]-loop_sum_mul_y[l-1]; ans=min(ans,get_the_val(a1+a2,b1+b2,c1+c2,d1+d2,e1+e2,f1+f2)); a1=loop_sum_mul_x[loop_len]-loop_sum_mul_x[r+1]+loop_sum_mul_x[l-2]; b1=(loop_sum_x[loop_len]-loop_sum_x[r+1]+loop_sum_x[l-2])<<1; c1=loop_len-(r+1)+l-2; d1=-(loop_sum_y[loop_len]-loop_sum_y[r+1]+loop_sum_y[l-2])<<1; e1=-(loop_sum_x_y[loop_len]-loop_sum_x_y[r+1]+loop_sum_x_y[l-2])<<1; f1=loop_sum_mul_y[loop_len]-loop_sum_mul_y[r+1]+loop_sum_mul_y[l-2]; ans=min(ans,get_the_val(a1+a2,b1+b2,c1+c2,d1+d2,e1+e2,f1+f2)); printf("%.5Lf\n",ans); } } } } bool cur2; int main(){ // cerr<<(&cur2-&cur1)/1024.0/1024.0<<endl; freopen("inv.in","r",stdin); freopen("inv.out","w",stdout); int a,b; in(n),in(m); rep(q,1,n)in(_x[q]),in(_y[q]); rep(q,1,m)in(a),in(b),link(a,b); if(m==n-1)part_1::solve(); else part_2::solve(); return 0; }