[zhirentang learning notes] bank card and phone number verification (js)

Keywords: Mobile PHP

Bank card verification

Luhn formula is a widely used system to verify the identification number. It doubles the value of every other number according to the original identification number. Then add the values of individual numbers together (if the doubled value is 2 numbers, add the two numbers separately). If the sum can be divided by 10, then the ID number is legal.

replace(/\s/g, ") means to replace a string of a specified number with another string

//Luhn verification algorithm of bank card number
//luhn verification rule: 16 digit bank card number (19 digit universal): 
//1. Number the 15 (or 18) digit card number without check digit from right to 15 (18), and multiply the number on odd digit number by 2.
//2. Add all ten bits of odd bit product, and then add all numbers on even bit.
//3. The addition and the check bit can be divided by 10.

//bankno is the bank card number
 function luhnCheck(bankno){
     var lastNum=bankno.substr(bankno.length-1,1);//Take out the last bit (compare with luhn)

     var first15Num=bankno.substr(0,bankno.length-1);//Top 15 or 18
     var newArr=new Array();
     for(var i=first15Num.length-1;i>-1;i--){    //The first 15 or 18 bits are stored in the array in reverse order
     var arrJiShu=new Array();  //Product of odd number * 2 < 9
     var arrJiShu2=new Array(); //Product of odd number * 2 > 9

     var arrOuShu=new Array();  //Even digit group
     for(var j=0;j<newArr.length;j++){
         if((j+1)%2==1){//Odd digit
         else //Even digit

     var jishu_child1=new Array();//Odd number * 2 > 9
     var jishu_child2=new Array();//Odd number * 2 > 9 divided array tens
     for(var h=0;h<arrJiShu2.length;h++){

     var sumJiShu=0; //Sum of arrays with odd number * 2 < 9
     var sumOuShu=0; //Sum of even digit groups
     var sumJiShuChild1=0; //The sum of the number of odd digits *2 >9
     var sumJiShuChild2=0; //Sum of ten digits of the divided array with odd digit * 2 > 9
     var sumTotal=0;
     for(var m=0;m<arrJiShu.length;m++){

     for(var n=0;n<arrOuShu.length;n++){

     for(var p=0;p<jishu_child1.length;p++){
     //Sum of computation

     //Calculate luhn value
     var k= parseInt(sumTotal)%10==0?10:parseInt(sumTotal)%10;        
     var luhn= 10-k;

        console.log("Verifying and passing");
         return true;
        layer.msg("Bank card number must conform to luhn check");
         return false;
 //Using the layui declaration
 layui.use('layer', function(){
            var layer = layui.layer;

 //Check bank card number
 function CheckBankNo(bankno) {
     var bankno = bankno.replace(/\s/g,'');
     if(bankno == "") {
         layer.msg("Please fill in the bank card number");
         return false;
     if(bankno.length < 16 || bankno.length > 19) {
         layer.msg("The bank card number must be between 16 and 19 in length");
         return false;
     var num = /^\d*$/;//all-digital
     if(!num.exec(bankno)) {
         layer.msg("Bank card number must be all numbers");
         return false;
     //The first 6 bits
     var strBin = "10,18,30,35,37,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,58,60,62,65,68,69,84,87,88,94,95,98,99";
     if(strBin.indexOf(bankno.substring(0, 2)) == -1) {
         layer.msg("The first 6 digits of the bank card number do not conform to the specification");
         return false;
     //Luhn check
         return false;
     return true;

Phone number verification

Regular expression: / ^ 1[34578]\d{9}$/
^1 means: start with 1
 [34578] means that any one of the formula brackets can be matched
 \d{9} means that 9 digits can be matched, and each digit can be any digit from 0 to 9
 $means: end
//Verify phone number
 function checkPhone(){
    var phoneNum = $("#phoneNum").val();
    if(phoneNum == "" ){ 
        layer.msg("Mobile number is empty, please fill in!");
    }else if(!(/^1[34578]\d{9}$/.test(phoneNum))){ 
        layer.msg("Wrong mobile number, please fill in again!");  


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Posted by ahmed17 on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 06:42:43 -0700