[Xiaobai forced] Android voice recording and playback processing -- Audio

Keywords: Android MediaPlayer network Maven


Android voice recording and playback processing, based on mediaplayer and MediaRecorder

Realization function

1. Realize Android voice recording function (currently, the package only supports AMR format);

2. Realize Android voice playback function (handset and speaker playback);

3. Realize the caching of network voice in voice playing;

4. Provide methods to get cache size and clean cache;

Usage method

1. Import dependency

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

    dependencies {
            compile 'com.github.lewis-v:AudioH:1.0.0'

2. recording

 RecoderBuilder builder = new DefaultRecoderBuilder()
                .setMAX_LENGTH(60*1000)//Maximum recording time 60 seconds
                .setMIN_LENGTH(500)//Recording 0.5 seconds minimum
                .setSAMPLEING_RATE(200)//Recording and monitoring callback interval, 200ms callback once
        AudioRecoderManager.getInstance()//Get single case
                .setAudioRecoderData(builder.create())//Set the custom configuration. There is a default configuration, which can be ignored
                .setAudioRecoderListener(new AudioRecoderListener() {//Set up monitoring
                    public void onStart() {//Start playing


                    public void onStop(AudioRecoderData audioRecoderData) {//Stop / end playback

                    public void onFail(Exception e, String msg) {//Errors in recording

                    public void onCancel() {//recording canceling


                    public void onSoundSize(int level) {//Callback of sound size during recording, decibels

  AudioRecoderManager.getInstance().start(this);//Start recording
  AudioRecoderManager.getInstance().stop(this);//End recording

3. play

AudioPlayManager.getInstance().init(this)//Initialize playback
                .setPlayListener(new AudioPlayListener() {//Set playback monitor
            public void onPlay(String audioPath) {//Start playing


            public void onProgress(int progress, int maxSize) {//Playback progress (not implemented)


            public void onPause() {//Playback pause (not implemented)


            public void onStop() {//stop playing


            public void onFail(Exception e, String msg) {//Error playing


                                ,this, AudioPlayMode.MEGAPHONE);//Play the audio, rest assured that this audio is my friend's voice.. Hee hee

4. Cache acquisition and cleaning

The cache cleaning method is a synchronous method without thread processing, and requires developers to open sub thread calls themselves

 Log.e(TAG, String.valueOf(AudioPlayManager.getInstance().getCacheSize(this)));//Get cache size
 Log.e(TAG, String.valueOf(AudioPlayManager.getInstance().clearCache(this)));//Clears the cache and returns the size of the purge

Posted by vboctor on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 01:46:09 -0700