Replace the contents of all documents in the folder. Documents that need to be replaced cannot be opened. Use macro to replace them in batches. The test is word2016
Adapted from the author of the short book UTM ﹣ campaign = maleskin & UTM ﹣ content = note & UTM ﹣ medium = SEO ﹣ notes & UTM ﹣ source = recommendation
Step 1: create a new Word and open it, click toolbar view - macro (inverted triangle at the bottom) - view macro
Step 2: fill in a file name and click Create
Step 3: copy the following code, replace the newly created macro code (don't delete the previous macro by mistake), pay attention to the code format, and save
Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Turn off screen flash Dim myFile$, myPath$, i%, myDoc As Object, myAPP As Object, txt$, Re_txt$ Set myAPP = New Word.Application With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) 'Allow users to select a folder .Title = "Select destination folder" If .Show = -1 Then myPath = .SelectedItems(1) 'Read the selected file path Else Exit Sub End If End With myPath = myPath & "" myFile = Dir(myPath & "\*.docx") txt = InputBox("Text to replace:") Re_txt = InputBox("Replace it with:") myAPP.Visible = True 'Show open documents or not Do While myFile <> "" 'File is not empty Set myDoc = myAPP.Documents.Open(myPath & "\" & myFile) If myDoc.ProtectionType = wdNoProtection Then 'Protected or not With myDoc.Content.Find .Text = txt .Replacement.Text = Re_txt .Forward = True .Wrap = 2 .Format = False .MatchCase = False .MatchWholeWord = False .MatchByte = True .MatchWildcards = False .MatchSoundsLike = False .MatchAllWordForms = False .Execute Replace:=2 End With End If myDoc.Save myDoc.Close myFile = Dir Loop myAPP.Quit 'Turn off the temporary process Application.ScreenUpdating = True MsgBox ("All replaced!") End Sub
Step 4: go back to the Word document, click View - macro, and run the macro
Step 5: pop up window, select the folder to replace the document (the file name will not be displayed under the folder)
Step 6: text to replace
Step 7: replace with
Step 8: it needs to wait for a while, and the display shows that the replacement is complete