Wechat applet to realize multi-level expansion function

Keywords: Mobile

1, Wechat applet page display is data-driven

It's relatively troublesome to realize multi-level display. Take three levels as an example to display multi-level list

Data processing in the background is also required to be multi-level

wxml Code:

<view class='myTeam'>
  <view class='title'>My team</view>
  <view class='level'>
    <view wx:for="{{list}}" wx:for-index="index1">
      <view class='classA' bindtap='open' data-value='{{item.isOpen}}' data-key='list.[{{index1}}]'>
        <view class='img'>
          <image src='{{item.photo}}'></image>
        <view class='name'>{{item.realName}}</view>
        <view class='people'>
          <view class='grade'>Class A</view>
          <view class='push'>Direct push:</view>
          <view class='figure'>{{item.recCount}}</view>
          <view class='push'>people</view>
          <view class='clear'></view>
        <view class='clear'></view>
      <view style='display:{{item.isOpen?"block":"none"}};'>
        <view wx:for="{{item.children}}" wx:for-index="index2">
          <view class='classB' bindtap='open' data-value='{{item.isOpen}}' data-key='list.[{{index1}}].children[{{index2}}]'>
            <view class='img'>
              <image src='{{item.photo}}'></image>
            <view class='name'>{{item.realName}}</view>
            <view class='people'>
              <view class='grade'>second level</view>
              <view class='push'>Direct push:</view>
              <view class='figure'>{{item.recCount}}</view>
              <view class='push'>people</view>
              <view class='clear'></view>
            <view class='clear'></view>

          <view style='display:{{item.isOpen?"block":"none"}};'>
            <view wx:for="{{item.children}}">
              <view class='classC' data-value='2'>
                <view class='img'>
                  <image src='{{item.photo}}'></image>
                <view class='name'>{{item.realName}}</view>
                <view class='people'>
                  <view class='grade'>Level three</view>
                  <view class='push'>Direct push:</view>
                  <view class='figure'>{{item.recCount}}</view>
                  <view class='push'>people</view>
                  <view class='clear'></view>
                <view class='clear'></view>

    <view class='clear'></view>

Style Codes: ignoring

js click event code processing:

  //Click events
  open: function (e) {
    var key = e.currentTarget.dataset.key;
    var val=e.currentTarget.dataset.value;
    key = key + '.isOpen';
      [key]: !val


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Posted by nielskg on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 15:15:10 -0800