1. Data binding
Simple data binding
Write in the weekly.js file
Page({ /** * Initial data of the page */ data: { thisWeekMovie:{ name:"A Star Is Born", comment:"SUGA's Recommended, absolutely perfect", imagePath:"/images/star.jpg" }, count:123, score:9.9, },
Then write in weekly.wxml
<text>Views:{{count}}</text> <text>Score:{{score}} {{(score>=6.0)?"excellent":"difference"}}</text>
Finished products:
Overall binding
In the weekly.js file
Page({ /** * Initial data of the page */ data: { thisWeekMovie:{ name:"A Star Is Born", comment:"SUGA's Recommended, absolutely perfect", imagePath:"/images/star.jpg" }, score:9.9, },
In weekly.wxml
<!-- weekly.wxml --> <view class='main'> <text>Recommended this week</text> <image src='{{thisWeekMovie.imagePath}}'></image> <text>{{thisWeekMovie.name}}</text> <text>Comment:{{thisWeekMovie.comment}}</text> <text>Score:{{score}} {{(score>=6.0)?"excellent":"difference"}}</text> </view>
Finished product results:
Data can be modified directly in APPdata:
2. Conditional rendering
Using wx:if
In the weekly.js file
In the weekly.wxml file:
The difference between conditional rendering and hidden attribute
In the weekly.js file
In the weekly.wxml file
When visibility needs frequent switching, it is recommended to use hidden instead of conditional rendering.
3. List rendering
Duplicate render build components
weekly.js file
data: { weeklyMovieList:[ { name:"A Star Is Born", comment:"SUGA's Recommended, absolutely perfect", imagePath:"/images/star.jpg", isHighlyRecommended:false }, { name: "Titanic", comment: "JIMIN and JIN's Recommended, absolutely perfect", imagePath: "/images/tai.jpg", isHighlyRecommended: true }, { name: "The Avengers", comment: "RM's Recommended, absolutely perfect", imagePath: "/images/fu.jpg", isHighlyRecommended: false } ], },
weekly.xwml file
<!-- weekly.wxml --> <view class=''> <view class='movie' wx:for='{{weeklyMovieList}}'> <image class='movie-image' src='{{item.imagePath}}'></image> <view class='movie-details'> <text>The first{{index+1}}week:{{item.name}}</text> <text>Comment:{{item.comment}}</text> <text wx:if='{{item.isHighlyRecommended}}' style='font-size:16px;color:red;'>Strongly recommend</text> </view> </view> </view>
weekly.wxss file
image{ width: 80px; height: 120px; } .movie{ display: flex; } .movie-details{ display:flex; flex-direction: column; width: 550rpx; }