Wechat applet docking to display Alibaba cloud database data

Keywords: Mobile JSON SSL Programming Database

Realistic demand

In the project, sometimes the field equipment fails, which needs to be known by the remote personnel. In addition to the way of email, the way of wechat applet is also very good. Try it today and make a demo version.

1. Wechat applet application production front end

1.1 lists file (use template and data binding to display data circularly)


<view class="warp">
  <!--List template-->
  <template name="lists">
    <navigator url="../../pages/detail/detail?id={{id}}" hover-class="navigator-hover">
      <view class="imgs">
        <image src="/images/1.png" class="in-img" background-size="cover" modal="scaleToFill"></image>
      <view class="infos">
        <view class="title">{{mingcheng}}</view>
        <view class="neirong">{{neirong}}</view>
        <view class="date">{{DateTimee}}</view>
  <!--End of list template-->
  <!--Cycle output list-->
  <view wx:for="{{newsList}}" wx:for-item="news" class="list">
    <template is="lists" data="{{...news}}" />


Note: URL: 'https: / / *. Top / default. ASPX? Method = GetData', the background link must be https, which is sent to the wechat front end through json.

const app = getApp()

  data: {
    newsList: [
  //Event handler
  bindViewTap: function () {
      url: '../logs/logs'
  onLoad: function () {
    var that = this
      url: 'https://***. top/default.aspx?method=getdata ', / / only an example, not a real interface address
      header: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
      success(res) {
          newsList: res.data


2. Alibaba cloud domain name and space application


With regard to domain name application, there is no need to discuss with space, which is relatively simple. Main note: because I applied for a cheap shared host, I could not use alicloud free SSL certificate. Therefore, I applied for CDN service for the host, and the curve realized HTTPS (HTTPS must be used in wechat background).

For this, please refer to this blog:

Wechat applet development (data collection, who hasn't been hit yet? Hope to help you around some pits)

3. Write background docking wechat applet

Wechat applets use JSON data to transfer data from front to back. Use c ා for background programming and pass JSON to the front end.

4. Result test

Basically passed the test. After the ifix voice alarm, the data will be uploaded to the alicloud database through ODBC, and then displayed in the wechat applet.

Insufficient: when the new alarm cannot be realized, it will be automatically pushed to the user, to be solved.

Posted by Hamish on Thu, 12 Dec 2019 08:45:13 -0800