web Front-end Getting Started to Practice: javaScript Data Types

Keywords: ECMAScript Attribute Programming

ECMAScript variables contain values of two different data types: base type values and reference type values. Basic data types refer to simple data segments, while reference data types refer to pairs that may have multiple values.

Basic type (value type)

  • Undefined is undefined when var is used to declare variables but not initialize them, or when an undeclared variable is used, or when an object attribute does not exist.
  • Logically, null values represent an empty object pointer, unique.
  • Boolean true,false
  • Number NaN, that is, Not a Number, is a special value that is used to represent a case where the operand that is supposed to return the value does not return the value (so that no errors are thrown).
  • String strings can be represented by''or'. Strings in ES are immutable, that is, once strings are created, their values cannot be changed. To change the string saved by a variable, first destroy the original string, and then fill the variable with another string containing a new value.

These five basic data types are accessed by value because the actual values stored in variables can be manipulated.

Complex Types (Reference Types)

Object objects are actually a collection of data and functions. Objects can be created by following the new operator with the name of the object type to be created. By creating an instance of Object and adding attributes and methods to it, you can customize the object.

    1. Object type
    2. Array type
    3. Date type
    4. RegExp type
    5. Function type

The value of the reference type is the object stored in memory. Unlike other languages, js does not allow direct access to the location in memory, that is, it cannot directly manipulate the memory space of the object. When manipulating an object, it is actually manipulating the reference of the object rather than the actual object. (This statement is not very rigorous. When adding attributes to an object, it operates on the actual object).

The difference between value type and reference type

  • Basic types occupy a fixed size of space in memory and are therefore stored in stack memory
  • Duplicate a basic type of value from one variable to another, duplicating a copy of the value
  • The value of the reference type is the object stored in heap memory
  • A variable containing a reference type value actually contains not the object itself, but a pointer to the object.
  • When the value of a reference type is copied from one variable to another, the copy is a reference pointer, so both variables eventually point to the same object.

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Judging data type

Using typeof

The best choice for detecting basic data types is to use typeof

var bool = true
var num = 1
var str = 'abc'
var und = undefined
var nul = null
var arr = [1,2,3]
var obj = {}
var fun = function(){}
var reg = new RegExp()

console.log(typeof bool); //boolean
console.log(typeof num); //number
console.log(typeof str); //string
console.log(typeof und); //undefined
console.log(typeof nul); //object
console.log(typeof arr); //object
console.log(typeof obj); //object
console.log(typeof reg); //object
console.log(typeof fun); //function

From the results, we can see that, in addition to returning object when null is detected and returning function when function is detected. Returns all objects for reference types

Use instanceof

The best choice for detecting reference data types is instanceof

console.log(reg instanceof Object); //true
console.log(reg instanceof RegExp); //True returns true because the values of the reference types used are all instances of Object as specified.

console.log(bool instanceof Boolean);  //false 
var bool2 = new Boolean();
console.log(bool2 instanceof Boolean); //The main difference between the true reference type and the basic wrapper type is the lifetime of the object. Instances of reference types created using the new operator are kept in memory until the execution stream leaves the current scope. Objects of the basic wrapper type created automatically exist only at the moment of execution of a line of code and are immediately destroyed.
console.log(und instanceof Object); // false
console.log(nul instanceof Object); // False undefined and null do not have contructor attributes

instanceof detects not only the constructor for constructing an object, but also the prototype chain. So it can detect inherited attributes.

Using constructor

console.log(bool.constructor === Boolean);// true
console.log(num.constructor === Number);// true
console.log(str.constructor === String);// true
console.log(arr.constructor === Array);// true
console.log(obj.constructor === Object);// true
console.log(fun.constructor === Function);// true
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undefined and null do not have contructor attributes

constructor can't judge undefined and null, and it's not safe to use it, because the direction of the container can be changed // Details please understand the characteristics of js objects

Use Object.prototype.toString.call

console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(bool));//[object Boolean]
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(num));//[object Number]
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(str));//[object String]
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(und));//[object Undefined]
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(nul));//[object Null]
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(arr));//[object Array]
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(obj));//[object Object]
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(fun));//[object Function]

Posted by axon on Tue, 10 Sep 2019 01:15:32 -0700