Vue.js Learning Notes-Directory Structure

Keywords: Vue JSON

Articles Catalogue

1. Overview

  ├──                       // Project Description Document
  ├── index.html                      // Page entry
  ├── package.json                    // Project Dependency Profile
  ├── build                           // Compile Configuration File Storage Directory
  ├── config                          // Project Basic Profile Storage Directory
  |     ├── dev.env.js                        // development environment
  |     ├── index.js                          // Master Profile
  |     └── prod.env.js                       // production environment
  ├── node_modules                    // Project Dependent Package Storage Directory
  ├── src                             // Source Storage Path
  |     ├── App.vue                           // App Entry
  |     ├── main.js                           // Project Profile
  |     ├── api                               // Interface
  |     |      ├── cnode.js
  |     ├── components                        // Custom Components
  |     |      ├── header.vue
  |     |      └── footer.vue
  |     ├── config                            // To configure
  |     ├── page                              // page
  |     |      ├── index.vue
  |     |      └── content.vue
  |     ├── router                            // Route
  |     ├── frame                             // Subrouting
  |     ├── style                             // scss style
  |     └── utils                             // Common tools
  └── static                          // Resource Storage Directory
        ├── js                                // Script
        ├── css                               // style
        ├── font                              // Typeface
        ├── image                             // picture
        └── plugins                           // Third-party plug-ins

2. *.vue file

* vue is a custom file type that describes a vue component in HTML-like syntax. Each. vue file contains three types of top-level language blocks < template >, < script > and < style >, representing html, js and css respectively.

Among them, < template > and < style > support precompiled languages. For example, SCSS precompiled language uses <style lang="scss"> annotation.

Components / and pages both store *. vue files. For the need of project management, they have their own functions. component / focuses on components, and js controls the display or hiding of components; pages focus on pages, which often require routing and jumping.

In <template>, an html container must be placed to wrap all the code, usually using <div>.


Revised Records:

date Version number author Revision Remarks
2019-8-5 1.0 moonspirit create documents

Posted by clintonium on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 08:52:46 -0700