vue reads the local excel file and displays it on the web page

Keywords: Javascript axios github Vue Excel

I want to read a local xlsx file (task list. Xlsx) and display it on the web page. At first, I choose to build an express server by sending an axios request, but I think it's too complicated to make a server just to read a local file. At last, I read the local file through the "xlsx" module + axios, without the back-end. The steps are as follows:

1. Create a new project through Vue cli:

2. Write script to analyze excel workbook

const XLSX = require('xlsx')

//Convert rows and columns
function transformSheets(sheets) {
  var content  = []
  var content1 = []
  var tmplist = []
  for (let key in sheets){
    //The read workbook data is difficult to read, and it is converted to json format. Please refer to × utility functions
  var maxLength = Math.max.apply(Math, tmplist)
  //Perform row and column conversion
  for (let y in [...Array(maxLength)]){
    for (let x in [...Array(tmplist.length)]) {
      try {
        for (let z in content1[x][y]){
      } catch (error) {
        content[y].push(' ')
  for (let key in sheets){
  return content


export {transformSheets as default}

3. Create a new component

  <div class="task-list">
    <p v-if="err!==''">{{err}}</p>  <!-- Used to display errors -->
    <table style="margin:0 auto;" v-if="content!==''">  <!-- Set center,Do not display if no content is obtained -->
      <tr><th v-for="h in content[0]" :key="">{{h}}</th></tr>  <!-- Cycle read data and display -->
      <tr v-for="row in content.slice(1,)">
        <td v-for="item in row">{{item}}</td>

import axios from 'axios'
import XLSX from 'xlsx'
import transformSheets from '../scripts/read_xlsx'    //Import conversion function

export default {
  name: 'TaskList',
  data: function () {
    return {
      content: '',    //Initialization data
      err: ''
  created() {
    var url = "/task_list.xlsx"  //Files placed in the public directory can be accessed directly
    //Read binary excel file, refer to × utility functions
    axios.get(url, {responseType:'arraybuffer'})
    .then((res) => {
        var data = new Uint8Array(
    var wb =, {type:"array"}, '-j')
    var sheets = wb.Sheets
    this.content = transformSheets(sheets)
    }).catch( err =>{
      this.err = err

It's done. Compile it and deploy it to the server

npm run build

Do not elaborate on the deployment, just drop the dist directory on the server

The effect is like this, programming novice, on this thing off and on for nearly a week

github address
I hope it can help. Give star what you like

Posted by MrLister on Sun, 03 Nov 2019 10:44:28 -0800