vue+openlayer display heat map

Keywords: Vue npm

Description: in recent projects, openlayer is needed to implement the heat map. Since I just contacted opnelayer, I don't know what the loading format is. If I look at the official website, I don't give the loading data format. Later, after many attempts, it finally shows up. Record here, don't like to spray!!! Don't talk much, just go to the code.

Design sketch:
There are not many data and the effect is not very obvious. One disadvantage is that the count value in the data is not displayed when the mouse moves to the heat map point.

Using openlayer, vue can import js files or install globally. NPM install ol is used here.

vue file:

           <div id="map"></div>

  import Map from 'ol/Map.js'
  import View from 'ol/View.js'
  import KML from 'ol/format/KML.js'
  import { Heatmap as HeatmapLayer } from 'ol/layer.js'
  import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector.js'
  import { transform } from 'ol/proj'
  import GeoJSON from 'ol/format/GeoJSON'
  export default {
        name: 'heatmap',
        data () {
          return {
            map: null,
            center: [121.05212688446045, 30.600614547729492],
            // False data of thermodynamic diagram
            heatData: {
              type: 'FeatureCollection',
              features: [
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 104.40, 31.19 ], count: 100 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 113.30, 30.60 ], count: 19 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 123.30, 30.60 ], count: 419 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 105.30, 30.60 ], count: 319 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 106.30, 30.60 ], count: 719 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 109.30, 31.60 ], count: 519 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 109.30, 30.60 ], count: 319 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 108.30, 32.60 ], count: 139 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 118.30, 31.60 ], count: 129 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 108.30, 33.60 ], count: 190 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 108.30, 32.60 ], count: 189 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 100.30, 30.60 ], count: 1 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 109.30, 30.60 ], count: 119 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 108.30, 31.60 ], count: 200 },
                { type: 'Point', 'coordinates': [ 118.30, 30.60 ], count: 300 }
      methods: {
          initMap () {
          // Create a thermal layer
            let vector = new HeatmapLayer({
            // Vector data source
              source: new VectorSource({
                features: (new GeoJSON()).readFeatures(this.heatData, {
                dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
                featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'
              blur: 20, // Fuzzy size
              radius: 20 // Hot spot radius

   = new Map({
              target: 'map',
              // Add the layer you need in layers. Don't add it here, just add the thermal layer
              layers: [
              view: new View({
              // Initial center of map
                center: transform(, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
                zoom: 5
      mounted () {

<style scoped>
  font-size: 20px;

Posted by slyte33 on Tue, 03 Dec 2019 09:28:19 -0800