VirtualBox CentOS 7+Django+uwsgi+nginx

Keywords: Nginx Django CentOS yum

Django Architecture
CentOS 7 system is compatible with Python 2 and Python 3. This project is based on Python 3 environment.
Install Django
CentOS 7 System Installation django

pip3 install django

Create the Django project dataPlatform under Windows and add the following code to

#In the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES settings list,'django. contrib. sessions. middleware. Session Middleware', add the following:
#Make admin pages Chinese
#Add the last line
# Get admin static file
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')

Then run under the CMD window

E:\dataPlatform>python collectstatic

This instruction generates static folders, mainly storing CSS, JS files, etc.
The final Django directory structure is as follows:

You can see that there are more folders static, and finally upload the project to the VirtualBox CentOS 7 system using FileZilla Client, as shown in the figure:

uwsgi architecture
CentOS 7 System Installation uwsgi

pip3 install uwsgi

Test whether uWSGi works properly:

uwsgi --http :8080 --chdir /dataPlatform -w dataPlatform.wsgi

Operation results:

Enter the IP address and uWSGi port of CentOS7 on Windows browser

Browsers can normally access the Django project of CentOS 7 system

UWSGi runs normally, then terminates by pressing Ctrl+z and enters instructions to view the process of uWSGi

lsof -i

If lsof is not installed on the system, it can be installed through yum install lsof
Then end the process of uWSGi: kill-9 1693 1693 is the process ID

After the uWSGi test is completed, the configuration uWSGi file is written and the new file myweb_uwsgi.ini is created under the Django project. The file code is as follows.

# myweb_uwsgi.ini file

# Django-related settings

socket= :8080

# the base directory (full path)

# Django s wsgi file

# process-related settings
# master

# maximum number of worker processes

# ... with appropriate permissions - may be needed
# chmod-socket    = 664
# clear environment on exit

socket specifies the port number for project execution.
chdir specifies the directory of the project.
module=dataPlatform.wsgi is for the myweb_uwsgi.ini file, which has a data Platform directory at its level, and a file under this directory.
The project catalogue is shown as follows:

Run the uwsgi configuration file on CentOS 7, as shown in the figure:

Input in Django path

uwsgi --ini myweb_uwsgi.ini

The results of the operation are shown in the figure above.

Install Nginx
Since the yum installation of CentOS 7 does not have Nginx, we add Nginx to yum

rpm -ivh

After adding, install nginx using yum

yum install nginx

After installation, start nginx

service nginx start

Then enter the IP address of CentOS 7 in windows browser

Modify the nginx.conf configuration file. Open the / etc/nginx/nginx.conf file and add the following:

    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
    # Additional Contents
    server {
    listen         8099;
    charset UTF-8;
    access_log      /var/log/nginx/myweb_access.log;
    error_log       /var/log/nginx/myweb_error.log;

    client_max_body_size 75M;

    location / {
        include uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_read_timeout 2;
    location /static {
        expires 30d;
        autoindex on;
        add_header Cache-Control private;
        alias /dataPlatform/static/;

The entire document reads as follows:

listen specifies the port number of the nginx agent uwsgi external.
Most of the information on server_name network is a web site (example,, which takes IP address as an example.
How does nginx relate to uwsgi? Probably the most important is the configuration of these two lines.

  include uwsgi_params;


include must be specified as uwsgi_params; and uwsgi_pass refers to the port number of the native IP that must be consistent with the file in the myweb_uwsgi.ini configuration.

Finally, restart Nginx and run the following instructions on the Nginx path

Then run the myweb_uwsgi.ini file (if the server restarts, start nginx first, then uwsgi)

Access on browsers

Posted by jesus_hairdo on Mon, 31 Dec 2018 15:36:09 -0800