Violent recursion and dynamic planning

#Violent recursion and dynamic planning

Result of n

  1. Train of thought: n! , first find (n-1)! ,n*(n-1)! That is n! The result. Requirement (n-1)! , first······
  2. Code
    public class Factorial {
        public static int factorial(int num) {
            if (num == 1) {
                return 1;
            return factorial(num - 1) * num;
        public static void main(String[] args) {

Hanoi Tower problem

  1. Title: printing the whole process of the n-story Hanoi tower moving from the leftmost to the rightmost
  2. Thinking: three steps
  • First, move layer 1-n-1 from the left to the middle
  • Move layer n from left to right
  • Finally, move the 1~n-1 layer from the middle to the far right
  1. Code
     * Hanoi Tower problem
    public class Hanoi {
        public static void hanoi(int N, String from, String to, String help) {
            if (N == 1) {
                System.out.println("move 1 from" + from + "to" + to);
            } else {
                System.out.println("move"+ N +"from"+from+"to"+to);
        public static void main(String[] args) {

Print all subsequences of a string, including empty strings

  1. Idea: starting from the first position of the string, each time you traverse to a certain position, there are two values for the position, one is to take the character of the position, the other is to take the empty.
  2. Code:
    public class PrintAllSubsquences {
         * Print all subsequences of a string, including empty strings
         * @param str
        public static void printAllSubsquences(String str) {
            char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
        public static void process(char[] chars,int i,String res) {
            if (i == chars.length) {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String test = "abc";

Every year, a cow is born to a cow, and a new cow can also be born to a cow every year after three years of growth, assuming that it will not die. Ask for the number of cows after N years.

  1. Idea: when the number of the year is greater than 3 years, the number of cattle in a certain year = the number of cattle 3 years ago + the number of cattle 1 year ago, because newborn calves can only have calves 3 years later.
  2. Code
     * A cow gives birth to a cow every year, and a new cow can give birth to a cow every year after three years of growth
     * Cow, if not dead. Ask for the number of cows after N years.
    public class Cow {
        public static int cowNum(int year) {
            if (year < 0) {
                return 0;
            if (year == 1 || year == 2 || year == 3) {
                return year;
            } else {
                return  cowNum(year - 1) + cowNum(year - 3);
        public static void main(String[] args) {

Here's an array, AR, and an integer, aim. If you can select any number in the arr, can you accumulate it to get aim and return true or false

  1. Idea: similar to the problem of finding all subsequences.
  2. Code
    public class IsSum {
        public static boolean isSum(int[] arr,int sum, int aim,int i) {
            if (i==arr.length) {
                return sum==aim;
            return isSum(arr, sum, aim, i + 1) || isSum(arr,sum+arr[i],aim,i+1);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            int[] arr = { 1, 4, 8 };
            int aim = 5;
            System.out.println(isSum(arr, 0,aim,0));

Posted by mwkdesign on Fri, 08 Nov 2019 08:22:31 -0800